丁怡 朱弘扬
摘 要:企业联盟中成员发展的动态不均衡导致企业间合作的稳定性且直接影响合作项目的成功率。对企业联盟中成员间如何正确选择合作模式进行研究, 提出了一种基于物元相关网并结合HMM技术的企业间合作模式选择的判别方法。选取企业的5种客观属性作为模型的特征观测信息,并基于可拓学的综合关联度的计算对观测值预处理操作, 保证了所获得观测序列的客观性;提出一种基于物元相关网方法,综合分析不同隐状态下的特征属性的相关性并推测其概率分布;从合作模式的复杂性以及对联盟稳定带来的不确定性进行分析,预测企业未来的发展状况,并提供有效的联盟合作模式。该种判别方法利用企业本身特征属性对企业的动态变化进行概率推测,得到准确、真实的研究结果,使整体企业联盟获得长期竞争优势。
关键词:隐马尔科夫模型 相关网 企业联盟 合作模式
中图分类号:F272.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2019)10(a)-0156-07
Abstract: The imbalance of member development in enterprise alliance leads to the fluctuation of enterprise cooperation, which directly affects the success rate of cooperation projects and the stability of enterprise alliance. This paper studies how to choose the right cooperation mode among members of enterprise alliance, and then proposes a discriminant method based on Hidden Markov Model and correlation network of matter-element. Five objective attributes of enterprise are selected as characteristic observation information of the model, and the preprocessing operation of observation value is carried out based on the calculation of comprehensive correlation degree of extension theory, which ensured observed sequence obtained objectively. Then, a method based on matter-element correlation network is proposed to analyze the correlation of feature attributes comprehensively, which under different hidden states and predict their probability distribution. This paper analyzes the complexity of cooperation mode and the uncertainty brought by stability of alliance, predicts the future development of enterprise, and provides an effective alliance cooperation mode. This discriminant method uses the enterprise's own characteristic attributes to calculate the probabilistic prediction of enterprise dynamic change, and gets accurate and true research results, which makes the whole enterprise alliance obtain long-term competitive advantage.
Key Words: Hidden markov model; Correlative network; Enterprise alliance; Cooperation mode
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