Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 2a—2e教学设计(二)


黑龙江教育·中学 2019年2期





1. 语言知识:掌握课文中的生词:culture, appear, become, successful等;掌握核心短语:think of, come out, be ready to do, one of the main reasons等。

2. 语言技能:通过阅读文章,正确掌握几种阅读策略的使用方法,并能在上下文语境中体会语言表达的真实含义。通过思维导图,复述课文,储备语言为下一步的写作打好基础。

3. 情感态度:学习米老鼠身上所具有的优秀品质和乐观坚毅的生活态度;提倡大家了解世界优秀文化,做优秀文化的传播者。



能够运用skimming, scanning 以及mind mapping的阅读策略获取文章大意,理解文章传递的基本信息和深层含义。






Step I. Warming-up & Leading-in

T: Hello, everyone. Are you ready? Class begins. Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon.

T: Today so many teachers have come here and joined us. Dont be nervous. First lets relax.

(Play a video of Mickey Mouse.)

T: What kind of movies is it?

Ss: Its a cartoon.

T: Whats the name of it?

Ss: Mickey Mouse.

T: Do you like to watch cartoons?

Ss: Yes.


Step II. Pre-reading

1. Answer the three questions in 2a.

2. Learn new words.

T: In this lesson well learn Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 2a-2e.

T: Do you like Mickey?

T: This is Minnie. She is Mickeys girlfriend (女朋友). He was afraid of losing her. So he was ready to do everything she liked. How lucky Minnie was! Do you think so? They are famous cartoon characters in American culture.

lucky “幸运的” 反义词 unlucky “不幸运的”。

be (always) ready to do sth. (一直)乐于做某事;准备做某事。

cartoon characters 卡通人物。

T: The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He might like Mickey best. He made many films with Mickey. And he became very rich and successful because of Mickey.

might “可能”,情态动词 may 的过去式。

become + adj./n. “变得;成为”。

rich “富有的” 反义词 poor “貧穷的” 。

successful adj. “成功的”

T: Mickey is very popular. They even appear on a lot of common things such as cups, schoolbags…

appear v.“出现”; common“普遍的,常见的”adj.

(Teach new words like this.)

Now lets read the new words and expressions together.


Step III. While-reading

1. Skimming

Task1. Find out the main idea of each paragraph.

T: Now turn to Page 37. Read the passage by yourself and answer the questions.

T: How many paragraphs are there in this passage?

Ss: Three.

T: Now read each paragraph quickly and match the main idea with it.

Para. 1 Mickeys fame (荣誉).

Para. 2 The reasons why Mickey became so popular.

Para. 3 The history of Mickey.

Check the answers together.


2. Careful reading

Task 2. Learn Para.1.

T: Who is the main character of the passage?

Ss: Mickey.

(Show the picture of Mickey.)

T: (Teach reading strategies.)

Now please read Para.1 then answer the questions.

1. Why is Mickey so important?

2.Who created him?

3.What does he look like?

4.What was his first cartoon?

T: Where can we get the answers?

(Let the students read the answers in the books.)

3. Scanning

Task 3. Learn Para.2.

T: Now please read Para. 2 then answer the questions.

1. Is Mickey popular?

2. Why is he so popular?

3. Does he have any problems?

(Check the answers.)

Task 4. Learn Para. 3.

T: Read Para. 3 and answer the question.

Whats his fame?

T: Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to Para.3.

(F)1. Mickey became the second cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (first)

(F)2. Todays cartoons are as simple as little Mickey Mouse. (arent)


T: Now please introduce Mickey according to the information.

Task 5. Draw a mind map about Mickey.

(Try to let the students draw the mind map by themselves.)

T: You can try to introduce Mickey Mouse according to your own mind map.


Step IV. Post-reading

T: Now lets learn the key phrases.


1. 他有很多的爱好 (hobbies) 例如读书。

2. 这部电影在20世纪50年代上映的。

3. 我们应该竭尽全力刻苦学习。

4. 他乐意帮助他的朋友们。

T: Now please work in groups of four. Read the passage again and discuss the questions. Then write down the pinions in your group. Then Ill ask one of you to read the report.


I dont think/think Walt Disney is a smart man, because . Mickey Mouse is a symbol of . People wanted to be like Mickey, because . As for me, I dont want/want to be like Mickey, .

I can think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey, it is . I think .

Who can read your report? Hands up.


Step V. Emotion Teaching

T: What can we learn from Mickey?

S: Mickey is always brave. (He always tried to face any danger.) /He is smart / optimistic. (He was always ready to try his best.) / He is independent. / He has perfect love. (Minnie is his girlfriend. They love each other.)

When we have problems, we should be ready to try our best.


Step VI. Summary

1.New words and expressions.

2. Reading strategies.

Step VII. Homework

1. Finish the exercises in your books.

2. Rectie new words and expressions.

3. Retll the passage according to the mind map.

Step VIII. Blackboard Designing


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Section B 2a-2e



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