

农业工程学报 2019年4期

谢建华,唐 炜,张学军,张凤贤,杨豫新,段威林


谢建华,唐 炜,张学军,张凤贤,杨豫新,段威林

(新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)

针对现有的杆齿式残膜回收机存在拾膜弹齿轴易卡顿、卸膜不可靠等问题,改进设计了摆杆驱动式残膜回收机。在原杆齿式残膜回收机的基础之上增加了起膜装置,改变了拾膜齿轴与支撑盘的连接方式,利用四杆机构将卸膜机构的回转运动转变为摆动往复运动。为确定机具作业时的最优参数组合,优化整机结构,以拾膜齿入土深度、土槽台车前进速度、拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比(速比)为主要因素,拾膜率、卸膜率为评价指标,对拾膜机构和卸膜机构进行三因素三水平响应面试验。通过Design-Expert数据分析软件,建立各因素与拾膜率、卸膜率的二次回归模型,分析了各因素对拾膜率、卸膜率的显著性,结果表明各因素影响拾膜、卸膜率的大小顺序为:土槽台车前进速度、拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比、拾膜齿入土深度。并对试验参数进行优化,确定了最佳工作参数组合为拾膜齿入土深度为65 mm,土槽台车前进速度为1.2 m/s,速比为1.0。根据优化结果进行验证试验,结果表明拾膜率为85.6%,卸膜率为86.7%,预测模型与试验结果相差较小,优化后的模型可靠。


0 引 言

地膜覆盖栽培技术给农业生产带来极大发展的同时,残留在田间的地膜也严重污染了土壤[1-5]。由于塑料地膜在自然条件下很难降解,残留在土壤中不仅阻碍作物根系的生长,还会阻止土壤中水分的渗透,使土壤含水率下降,作物吸水困难,并最终导致作物减产[6-9]。国外农业种植使用的地膜通常较厚,由于其强度高、耐风化的特点,一般采用结构简单、制造成本低的收卷式残膜回收装置回收残膜[10]。国内大部分地区使用厚度不超过0.01 mm的薄地膜,薄地膜力学性能差,残膜回收难度大。目前新疆等大面积覆膜种植区域主要采用机械化方式回收残膜[11-13]。残膜回收机根据农时的不同可分为苗期残膜回收机、播前残膜回收机和秋后残膜回收机[14-15]。王科杰等[16]设计了一种单组仿形功能的耙齿式残膜回收机,拾膜率达到86.5%,该机具只能将残膜收集堆卸在田间或地头,由后续液压打包机打包运出田间。王吉奎等[17]针对秋后棉田残膜回收,研制出结合棉杆粉碎的SMS-1500 型残膜回收机,该机拾膜率大于90%,但存在卸膜机构容易与残膜缠绕的问题。王旭峰等[18]设计了一种带自卸膜装置的抛膜链齿输送残膜回收机,但其结构复杂,机具可靠性不高。严伟等[19]针对铲筛式残膜回收机进行了优化试验,其清土效果好,残膜回收率高,但输膜性能较差。


1 机具的结构及工作原理



1.机架 2.地轮 3.集膜箱 4.输膜辊 5.卸膜轴总成 6.起膜装置 7.拾膜机构 8.边膜铲 9.卸膜驱动装置

2 主要部件的设计与分析

2.1 拾膜机构



1.主轴 2.左支撑盘 3.单耳带座轴承 4.拾膜齿 5.拾膜齿轴 6.右支撑盘 7.滚子 8.滑道 9.曲柄 10.防护罩

拾膜齿在拾膜齿轴上的排列间距的大小对拾膜效果有直接影响。排列间距小,可以提高机具的拾膜率,但易造成田间杂物壅堵,影响机具正常工作;排列间距过大,单个拾膜齿负责回收的区域增大,容易造成残膜漏捡,或在捡拾运送的过程中脱落。根据新疆一膜四行机采棉种植模式和前期的性能试验,拾膜齿轴上相邻两拾膜齿的中心距设置为165 mm。






当拾膜齿末端线速度=1.2 m/s、拾膜齿挑膜半径=350 mm,可确定拾膜机构转速为=60/2π,约为33 r/min。

2.2 起膜装置

起膜装置如图4所示,主要由安装板、起膜齿轴、起膜齿组成。起膜齿固定在起膜齿轴上,安装板将起膜装置安装在机架上。起膜齿在起膜齿轴上排列时应当尽可能的避免与根茬触碰,为了避开棉花根茬,相邻两起膜齿的距离设置为110 mm。起膜齿的入土角不但影响起膜效果,而且与机具的工作阻力直接相关。根据起膜装置的部件试验,确定起膜齿入土角1为22°。

1.安装板 2.起膜齿轴 3.起膜齿

1.Assembling panel 2.Lifting film shaft 3.Lifting film tooth


Note:1is the penetration angle of film nail tooth, (°).

图4 起膜装置结构示意图

Fig.4 Structure diagram of lifting film device

2.3 摆杆驱动式卸膜机构


1.机架 2.摆杆 3.卸膜轴总成 4.导杆 5.曲柄 6.曲柄转动轴


如图6所示,已知卸膜驱动机构的机架的长度l为710 mm,摆杆的长度l为190 mm,以点为圆心、l为半径做圆弧12,使摆角为110º,设导杆、曲柄的长度分别为ll,则由曲柄存在条件

若导杆的长度l为680 mm,通过式(3)可得l=160 mm。


Note: lis the length of crank, mm;lis the length of guide rod, mm;lis the length of swing rod, mm;lis the length of frame, mm;is the swing angle of swing rod, (°);1and2are the moving end point of unloading film tooth.

图6 卸膜驱动机构结构参数分析

Fig.6 Analysis of structural parameters of film driving mechanism

3 试验条件及方法


3.1 台架试验条件


1.变频器 2.电动机 3.拾膜、卸膜机构 4.牵引式土槽台车 5.控制箱

试验时选用厚度为0.01 mm、覆膜天数约为180 d的旧地膜,按照(660+100) mm的机采棉种植模式铺膜,两边覆土厚度为35~45 mm,土壤含水率为10%~20%。由于该机具作业对象为棉杆已经被粉碎的棉田,因此,在残膜上插入露出土壤表面高度为50~70 mm的棉花根茬。试验过程中动力由路阳红404型拖拉机提供,选用天马FA1004型电子天秤测量残膜质量。

3.2 试验指标



3.3 试验设计

选取拾膜齿入土深度1、土槽台车前进速度2、拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比33个因素,并根据机具的结构以及设计参数确定拾膜齿入土深度分别取30、60、90 mm,土槽台车前进速度分别取慢Ⅲ档(0.6 m/s)、慢Ⅳ档(0.9 m/s)、快Ⅰ档(1.2 m/s),拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比分别取0.8、1.0和1.2。


表1 试验因素水平编码Table 1 Horizontal coding of test factors


Note: Speed ratio is the ratio of linear speed of the picking-up tooth to forward speed of soil bin trolley.

4 试验结果及分析

4.1 试验回归分析

表2 试验方案及结果

表3 回归模型方差分析


Note:<0.05(significant,*);<0.01(highly significant, **)

4.2 试验因素对拾膜率、卸膜率的影响分析




由图8a可以看出,当土槽台车前进速度在零水平,拾膜齿入土深度固定在低水平(30 mm)时,拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比从0.8增加至1.0,拾膜率先增加,但增加到一定程度时,速比对拾膜率的影响趋于稳定,主要是因为当拾膜齿入土挑膜并将残膜向卸膜机构输送时,速比较低,拾膜机构转速低,挑起的残膜由于自身重力的原因,从拾膜齿上滑落,速比增大,拾膜机构转速增大,减小了残膜从拾膜齿上滑落的可能。

由图8b可以看出,拾膜齿入土深度在零水平,速比保持在低水平(0.8)时,土槽台车前进速度从0.6 m/s增加至1.2 m/s,拾膜率呈现增大的趋势,从总体来看,当土槽台车前进速度和速比同时增加时,拾膜率呈现先增大后减小的趋势,主要因为土槽台车前进速度和速比都增大时,拾膜机构转速也增大,但转速过快时,拾膜齿向卸膜位置输送残膜时会将残膜拉断,影响收膜时的连续性。


4.3 参数优化与验证试验

借助拾膜率、卸膜率的回归方程模型式(6)和(7),以增大拾膜率和卸膜率为优化目标,应用Design-Expert软件中的优化模块,对拾膜、卸膜率的回归方程模型进行优化求解,得到最优工作参数为:拾膜齿入土深度为65 mm,土槽台车前进速度为1.2 m/s,速比为1.0,此时拾膜率为87.8%,卸膜率为87.9%。

为了验证优化后模型的可行性,按照优化后得到的参数进行验证试验,设定拾膜齿入土深度为65 mm,土槽台车前进速度为1.2 m/s,速比为1.0,试验共进行3次并对得到的数值求平均值,试验结果为拾膜率为85.6%,与预测值相差2.2%,与原杆齿式残膜回收机相比提升4.71%;卸膜率为86.7%,与预测值相差1.2%,与原杆齿式残膜回收机相比提升3.42%。试验值与理论优化值的相对误差均小于3%,优化模型可靠,优化后机构的性能得到改善。

5 结 论



3)利用Design-Expert软件的数据优化功能,以提高拾膜率、卸膜率为优化目标,确定最佳工作参数为:拾膜齿入土深度为65 mm,土槽台车前进速度为1.2 m/s,拾膜齿线速度与土槽台车前进速度比为1.0。对优化后的各因素进行验证试验,试验结果表明,拾膜率为85.6%,卸膜率为86.7%,优化后的参数可作为机具作业的最佳依据。

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Design and parameter optimization of swing rod driven residual plastic film collector

Xie Jianhua, Tang Wei, Zhang Xuejun, Zhang Fengxian, Yang Yuxin, Duan Weilin


Although plastic sheet-covered cultivation technology has brought great development to agricultural production, the plastic film residual in the field has also seriously polluted the soil. Because plastic film is difficult to degrade under natural conditions, its residue in the soil will not only hinder the growth of crop roots, and make it difficult for crops to absorb water, but also prevent the infiltration of water in the soil, making the soil moisture content decline, and ultimately leading to crop yield reduction. The traditional pole-tooth residual plastic film collector mainly uses elastic tooth to recover the surface plastic film residue. The structure of the machine is simple, but it is difficult to unload the plastic film, and the working parts are easy to be wrapped by the film, which ultimately leads to the low recovery rate of the plastic film residue. According to the typical mulching planting situation in Xinjiang cotton field and the structural characteristics of the pole-tooth residual plastic film collector, the swing rod driven residual plastic film collector was improved and designed. In particular, the technology improvement of the spring-tooth picking device and the scraper discharging device was carried out, which solved the problems of easy jamming of the elastic tooth shaft and unreliable film unloading. Compared with the traditional pole-tooth residual plastic film collector, the swing rod driven residual plastic film collector mainly improved in the following aspects: the lifting film device was increased, and the effect of picking-up film was improved; the connection mode between the picking-up tooth shaft and the supporting plate was changed, and the operation of the picking-up residual plastic film mechanism was improved; four-bar linkage was used to change the gyratory motion of unloading film mechanism into swing reciprocating motion, so as to reduce residual film winding. In order to verify the performance of the mechanism, determine the optimal combination of parameters, and optimize the structure of the whole machine, the picking-up film mechanism and the unloading film mechanism were tested. Taking the penetration depth of the picking-up teeth, the forward speed of the trolley, the linear speed of the picking-up teeth and the forward speed ratio (the ratio of linear speed of the picking-up tooth to forward speed of soil bin trolley) of the trolley as the main factors, and the picking-up rate and the unloading rate as the testing indexes, the three-factor and three-level response tests of the picking-up mechanism and the unloading mechanism were carried out. The quadratic regression model between each factor and the picking-up film rate and unloading film rate were established by the software of Design-Expert. The significant influence of each factor on the picking-up film rate and unloading film rate were analyzed, and the test parameters were optimized. The results showed that the order of influencing factors on the picking-up film rate and the unloading film rate was as follows: the forward speed of soil bin trolley, the speed ratio, and the depth of picking-up teeth into soil. The optimum working parameters were determined as follows: the penetration depth of the picking teeth of 65 mm, 1.2 m/s of the forward speed of the soil bin trolley, and the speed ratio of 1.0. According to the optimization results, the validation test was carried out. The result showed that the picking-up film rate was 85.6%, the unloading film rate was 86.7%, which were less different from the prediction model, and the optimized model was reliable.

mechanization; optimization; design; plastic film residue-collecting; swing rod driven; response surface experiments

谢建华,唐 炜,张学军,张凤贤,杨豫新,段威林. 摆杆驱动式残膜回收机的设计与参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(4):56-63. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.04.007

Xie Jianhua, Tang Wei, Zhang Xuejun, Zhang Fengxian, Yang Yuxin, Duan Weilin. Design and parameter optimization of swing rod driven residual plastic film collector[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(4): 56-63. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.04.007









