Reporter:We just heard a few arguments there in favor of cursive writing. Heres another one you may hear, that learning cursive helps young brains grow more than basic printing does. So we thought wed take a few minutes to look inside the brain.
(soundbite from an educational video)
Man A: It is the swift and easy movement of impulses throughout the cerebrum that enables us to think. But this must be established through learning and reinforced through practice.
Reporter: Thats an old filmstrip from the 1950s and that bit about learning and practice, well, motor neuroscientists say its true of cursive writing.
Amy Bastian: From my perspective, from a motor neuroscientists perspective.
Reporter: Professor Amy Bastian works at the Kennedy Krieger Institute on the campus of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Shes dedicated her career to studying how the brain talks to the body.
Amy: I feel like the more variety of things you do in the fine motor domain, the more variety of hand movements you make, will improve your dexterity. Reporter: Which sounded to me like the way a motor neuroscientist would say: Handwriting is awesome. But when I asked is cursive better for a childs development than printing…
Amy: Ill tell you honestly, I dont know.
Steve Graham: It really doesnt matter if its manuscript or cursive.
Reporter: Thats Steve Graham. Hes a professor of education at Arizona State University and he studies childrens writing.
Steve: It is kind of silly in a way that you have state legislatures getting all tied up in this.
Reporter: Other researchers agreed, that cursive is good but theres no hard evidence that its better than printing. As long as children are writing in school, it doesnt really matter if the letters curl and connect. So problem solved. Or is it?
(soundbite from a promotional video)
Man B: Imagine a world without handwriting. Its not as far-fetched as it sounds.
Reporter: This is a promo for a conference a few years back of researchers and educators, called “Handwriting in the 21st Century?” —theres a question mark there at the end.
(soundbite from a promotional video)
Man B: Handwriting instruction is in danger of becoming increasingly marginalized. What would be lost if handwriting was no longer taught at our schools? Plenty.
Reporter: It turns out, the real fear among those who—like Steve Graham—study kids and handwriting is not that our schools will stop teaching cursive.
Steve: We dont see much writing going on at all across the school day.
Reporter: So what are kids doing if theyre not writing?
Steve: Filling in blanks on worksheets, one sentence responses to questions, maybe in a short response summarizing information.
Reporter: In other words, not enough essays and too much this, that or all of the above. Now, some of the people who are fighting to keep cursive in schools argue that computers are the enemy. Instead of writing, kids are typing on the keyboard. But there are two problems with that argument. One: the researchers I spoke with all said that learning to type is actually a good thing for kids. And problem two… Virginia Berninger: Schools are not teaching keyboarding.
Reporter: Virginia Berninger, a professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, is a big champion of handwriting and typing. And shes worried that both have been nudged to the side by crowded state standards. If new standards are going to change that, teachers have to be allowed to make time.
Scott Beers teaches education at Seattle Pacific University.
Scott Beers: If we expect kids to develop mastery in anything and develop fluency in anything, they have to be doing it on a regular basis.
Reporter: Experts say focus on handwriting early and often—print or cursive or both. And then, as kids brains develop, gently lay the groundwork for typing. Its not either/or. Its all of the above. The good kind.