



沙夫茨伯里“无利害性”概念探析 韩宇瑄(1)

儒家人性向善论刍议 王 军(8)

苏轼与李公麟交往考评 杨胜宽(14)

六朝陈郡谢氏家族文学生成的三维解析 周昌梅(23)

“无意之意”:迟子建小说侠者形象谱系的自觉建构 欧芳艳(29)

伪翻译的名与实——再论伪翻译 姜 伟(36)

汉语关系从句的情状配置功能研究 鞠志勤(44)

论房地产市场法律规制与政策调控 何 江(50)

不动产买卖型担保合同的法律分析 胡晗敏(57)

上诉与异议:我国刑事缺席审判救济程序之构建 李 菲(63)

县级政府推进生态治理的动力机制研究——以浙江省K县为例 包瑞生(69)

试论会计法规、职业道德与文化的建设 吴君民 夏君钰 李靖雯(77)

文化与创新关系研究的面貌呈现 金 辉 骈骞雅 张光明(84)

基于移动学习的翻转课堂教学实践研究 杜晓明 葛世伦(91)

“思政课程”到“课程思政”转化的关键问题和实现路径探析 潘 青 张 健(97)

共情、社会责任感与大学生志愿服务教育的实证研究 谢 莉 杨海涛(103)


春秋“卿”“大夫”辨正两则 惠翔宇(1)

王闽政权的宗室内争述论 田玉英 姜桂芝(16)

康德的自由之演绎——从实践的自由到先验的自由 张 愉(22)

论《异邦客》凯丽形象的文化身份建构 张 媛 王雪瑶(28)

论屈辞的“南方”空间书写 王亚男(37)

论金圣叹诗歌中的陶渊明 卢 洁(43)

钟嵘《诗品》“清”内涵初探 马 玥(49)

汉字文化基因论 刘 君(56)

课堂研讨话语中学生是非疑问句的认识立场及语用功能研究 夏 秸(66)

中国地方政府债务发展的历史变迁与现实启示 刘飞扬 付志宇(74)

基于省域数据的众创空间运行效率及其空间关联分析 田 剑 尹祥信(82)

商业生态视角下企业合作行为研究——基于网络权力的调节效应 王 利 钱祥超(88)

新形势下创新高校离退休工作的途径思考——以江苏科技大学为例 刘新波(96)

大学校友力的理论阐释及其开发利用研究 林少雄 郭 峰(101)


近代日本国内人口问题及其成因概观——《东方杂志》的近代日本观研究 陶海洋(1)

16世纪中西方火器的特点及《神器谱》对欧洲火器的改良 易弘扬 白鸿叶(10)

元代避讳初探 白居正(18)

略论精神的客体化悖论 张 栋(25)

论石黑一雄作品中的东方叙事 郭德艳(32)

论三国文艺作品的孙夫人形象 刘咏涛(39)

陈琳的幕僚生涯及其幕僚文学 陈 玥(45)

“V不起”构式的语法化研究 彭 懿 张雪莹(53)

国家形象建构视角下中国对外话语传播模式探索——以习近平海外发表署名文章为例 高 彬(58)

人工智能技术在刑事裁判中的应用研究 王晶晶(65)

领导-成员交换与工作-家庭平衡实证影响研究 陈倩倩(71)

乡村振兴战略背景下生鲜电商平台用户再购行为研究 高 恺 孙 婧(79)

西安航空基地中小民企抱团参军模式探索——基于企业联盟视角 陈 烨 杨乃定 王 仑(88)

旅游类APP用户持续使用意愿影响因素分析 闫晓楠 田 剑(95)

基于“一带一路”的江苏科技大学教育国际化发展的机遇、现状与对策 邹佳静 张光明 徐琇佳(103)


论甲午战争中有线电报的困境及其对策 孙洪军(1)

略论西周到春秋聘礼赠贿风气之演变 王 睿(11)

从理想类型到对比研究——韦伯的得与失 何远长(17)

吕译《黄帝内经·素问》“阴”“阳”思想翻译伦理论辩 梅阳春(23)

政务办事人员的模糊限制语分析——以杭州市民中心服务窗口为例 朱晓飞 付 伊(30)

习近平国际演讲话语的架构认知 刘 威 纪 燕(37)

出土文献对神话研究的贡献 尹秋月 陈良武(44)

“佛系青年”的形成机理及引导策略 郑 雨 吴 楠(51)

乡村社会中的面子观与基层协商民主 郑聪杰(57)

论《民法典·物权编(草案)》中居住权设立方式之完善 陈燕玲(66)

我国船舶与海洋工程装备制造业上市公司科技创新能力评价研究 陶永宏 宗婷婷(74)

专利视阈下重点船企、高校的船舶与海洋工程技术分析研究 王亚凤(81)

营商市场环境评价指标与测度——基于江苏13个设区市的比较 苏 甜 黄瑞玲(88)

众包竞赛中信息反馈策略研究述评与展望 郭新敏 田 剑(97)

“双一流”背景下理工类院校新型文科建设路径探讨 卞雅婷(104)




Analysis of Shaftesbury's Concept of "The Unprofitable Aesthetics" HAN Yuxuan(1)

Preliminary Analysis of Confucian Theory of Human Nature Becoming Good WANG Jun(8)

Evaluation of the Interaction Between Su Shi and Li Gonglin YANG Shengkuan(14)

Three-dimensional Analysis of the Prosperity of the Xie Family′s Literature in the Six Dynasties ZHOU Changmei(23)

"Unintentional Meanings": The Conscious Construction of the Image Pedigree of Chivalrous Persons in Chi Zijian's Novels OU Fangyan(29)

Pseudotranslation: Its Name and Nature——A Further Research on Pseudotranslation JIANG Wei(36)

Study of Situation Configuration by Relative Clauses in Chinese JU Zhiqin(44)

On Legal Regulation and Policy Regulation of Real Estate Market HE Jiang(50)

The Legal Analysis of Real Estate Sales Guarantee Contracts HU Hanmin(57)

Appeal and Opposition: Constructing the Chinese Criminal Relief Procedure in Trial in Absentia LI Fei(63)

Research on the Dynamic Mechanism of County Governments Promoting Ecological Governance——Taking K County in Zhejiang Province asanExampleBAO Ruisheng(69)

Study on the Regulations, Professional Ethics and Culture About Accounting WU Junmin XIA Junyu LI Jingwen(77)

The Appearance of Research on the Relationship Between Culture and Innovation JIN Hui PIAN Qianya ZHANG Guangming(84)

Research on Flipped Classroom Teaching Practice Based on Mobile Learning DU Xiaoming GE Shilun(91)

On Key Problems and Ways to Realize the Transformation from "Ideological and Political Course" to "Course Education" PAN Qing ZHANG Jian(97)

Empathy, Social Responsibility and Volunteer Service Education of College Students: An Empirical Study XIE Li YANG Haitao(103)


Harmonious Accordance of Three-dimensional Innovation in the Process of Rural Revitalization Strategies TAN Zheng(1)

Two Distinctions on "Qing" and "Da-fu" in the Spring and Autumn Period XI Xiangyu(9)

On Internal strifes of Wang Min Regime′s Imperial Clan TIAN Yuying JIANG Guizhi(16)

Kant′s Deduction of Freedom——From the Practice of Freedom to Transcendental Freedom ZHANG Yu(22)

On the Cultural Identity Construction of Carie′s Image inTheExileZHANG Yuan WANG Xueyao(28)

A Research on Qu Yuan′s Writing of "the South" WANG Yanan(37)

The Study on Tao Yuanming in Poems of Jin Shengtan LU Jie(43)

On the Connotation of "Qing" in Zhong Rong′sGradesofpoetryMA Yue(49)

Theory on Chinese Character Gene LIU Jun(56)

Epistemic Stance and Pragmatic Functions of Students′ Yes-No Questions in Classroom Academic Discussions XIA Jie(66)

On Historical Changes and Realistic Enlightenment of Local Government Debt Development in China LIU Feiyang FU Zhiyu(74)

The Operational Efficiency of Maker Space and Its Spatial Correlation Analysis Based on Provincial Data in China TIAN Jian YIN Xiangxin(82)

Research on Cooperative Behaviors in the Business Ecosystem——The Moderating Effect of Network Power WANG Li QIAN Xiangchao(88)

Innovation in the Approaches to Retired Staff Management under the New Situation ——Taking Jiangsu University of Science and Technology as an Example LIU Xinbo(96)

Research on Theoretical Interpretation and Its Development and Utilization of College Alumni Groups′ Power LIN Shaoxiong GUO Feng(101)


Overview of the Internal Population Problem of Modern Japan and Its Causes——On the Modern Japanese View ofTheEasternMiscellanyTAO Haiyang(1)

On Features of Chinese and Western Firearms in 16thCentury and Improvements of European Firearms inTheBookofArtifactsYI Hongyang BAI Hongye(10)

A Preliminary Study of Taboos in Yuan Dynasty BAI Juzheng(18)

On the paradox of the Objectification of the Spirit ZHANG Dong(25)

Oriental Narratives in Kazuo Ishiguro′s Fiction GUO Deyan(32)

On Lady Sun′s Image in Literary Works about the Three Kingdoms LIU Yongtao(39)

Chen Lin′s Staff Career and Staff Literature CHEN Yue(45)

A Study on Grammaticalization of the Construction "V bu qi (不起)" PENG Yi ZHANG Xueying(53)

China′s Global Discourse Communication Model from the Perspective of National Image Construction——A Case of Xi Jinping′s Overseas Signed Articles GAO Bin(58)

Research on the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Criminal Adjudication WANG Jingjing(65)

An Empirical Research on Leader-Member Exchange and Work-Family Balance CHEN Qianqian(71)

A Research on Repurchase Behaviors of Fresh Food E-commerce Platform Users under Background of Rural Revitalization Strategies GAO Kai SUN Jing(79)

Military-Civilian Integration: Exploring the Model of Uniting Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises as a Group in Coopecation with Military Enterprises in Xi′an Aviation Base CHEN Ye YANG Naiding WANG Lun(88)

An Analysis of Factors Influencing Tourism APP Users′ Willingness of Continual Use YAN Xiaonan TIAN Jian(95)

On Opportunities,Present Situation and Countermeasures of Higher Education Internationalization of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology under the Context of "The Belt and Road Initiative" ZOU Jiajing ZHANG Guangming XU Xiujia(103)


On Dilemmas and Corresponding Countermeasures of the Wire Telegraph in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 SUN Hongjun(1)

On the Evolution of the Practice of "Pinli" and "Zenghui" from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period WANG Rui(11)

From the Ideal Type to the Comparative Study——Weber′s Dedication and Fault HE Yuanchang(17)

On the Translational Ethics of the Thought of "Yin" and "Yang" in the English Version ofHuangDiNeiJing·SuWenby Henry C. Lv MEI Yangchun(23)

The Analysis of the Hedge of the Administrative Staff——Taking the Service Window of Hangzhou Citizen Center as an Example ZHU Xiaofei FU Yi(30)

The Framing Cognition of Xi Jinping′s International Speeches LIU Wei JI Yan(37)

The Contribution of Excavated Documents to the Study of Mythology YIN Qiuyue CHEN Liangwu(44)

On Formation Mechanism and Guidance Strategies of "Youth with Buddha-like Calm Attitude" ZHENG Yu WU Nan(51)

On Face Perception and Basic-level Consultative Democracy in Rural Society ZHENG Congjie(57)

On the Perfection of the Way of Setting up the Residence Right inTheRealRightsCode(Draft)oftheCivilCodeCHEN Yanling(66)

Study on the Evaluation of Technological Innovation Ability in China′s Listed Companies of shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Equipment Manufacturing Industry TAO Yonghong ZONG Tingting(74)

Analysis of Key Shipbuilding Enterprises and Universities′ Ship and Oceanographic Engineering Technology from the Perspective of Patents WANG Yafeng(81)

Evaluation Index and Measurement of Business Market Environment——Based on the Comparison of 13 Cities in Jiangsu Province SU Tian HUANG Ruiling(88)

Review and Prospect of Information Feedback Strategy Research in Crowdsourcing Contests GUO Xinmin TIAN Jian(97)

Discussion on the Construction Path of New-style Arts in Science and Engineering Colleges under the Background of "Double First Class" BIAN Yating(104)


