

英语学习(上半月) 2019年6期

∷ 林巍 文 / 译

原 文

[1] 中医萌芽于周朝,以春秋战国时期的《黄帝内经》为标志,已有两千余年历史,治病救人、除疾养生,承担国医使命,但是近代以后受到了西医的冲击。

[2] 西方的科学医学,自19世纪后飞速发展,特别是在化学与微生物领域,确立了独立的科学体系。清朝末期,随着“西学东渐”的潮流,中国迎来了“赛先生”,当然也包括其宠儿——西医。

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[1] Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), originating in the Zhou Dynasty and symbolized by the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor in the Spring and Autumn Period(770—476 BC), has been saving lives and curing diseases as well as preserving people's health as the“national medicine” for the past two thousand years or so. However, it was challenged by Western Medicine (WM) when it entered modern times.

[2] Scientific medicine in the West has developed rapidly since the 19th century, especially in the fi eld of chemistry and microbiology as individual disciplines. At the end of the Qing Dynasty (1636—1912),with the trend of “Western culture emerging in the East,” China received Mr. Sai (the initial syllable of “science” in translated Chinese)and its favorite son—WM.

译 注

[1]中的“萌芽于周朝,以春秋战国时期的《黄帝内经》为标志”在译文中可用动名词originating和过去分词短语symbolized by处理成定语,以求简洁,便于表达。

[2]中“确立了独立的科学体系”,原文是动宾结构,译文里为表述方便,不妨译为介词短语as individual disciplines;关于“西学东渐”,有多种译法,如the eastward transmission of western sciences、western learning introduced into China、eastward spread of western culture等,这里作了些变通。

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[3] 中西医结交的典型事例,是对于天花的防治。天花,作为古老的烈性传染病,死亡率高达90%。在中国,古人发现若一个人得过天花,此生便不会再得,于是根据“以毒攻毒”的原理,发明了人痘接种术,即通过接种人痘来预防“痘疮”。但由于技术不够成熟,这一做法风险很大。

[4] 中国的“接种人痘”西传到欧洲,英国的皇家学会对此作了改进,由英国医生詹纳发明了接种牛痘预防天花的新方法,然后又传回了中国。所以,牛痘接种术的传入,真正显示了西方医疗技术在中国的实力,由此奠定了西医进入中国的基础。

[5] 在19世纪下半叶之前,面对蓬勃而来的西医,应当说中医还是蛮有自信的。如著名中医王清任在1830年出版了《医林改错》,比照西医的解剖图式,纠正了中医里的许多错误。

[6] 英国传教医生本杰明·霍布森来华,于1851年出版了《全体新论》等详细论述医学的著作,有计划地把西医临床医学带入了中国知识界,从而使中医感受到了挑战。

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[3] A typical case in merging TCM and WM was the prevention and treatment of smallpox, a virulent infectious disease with a mortality rate of up to 90%. In ancient China, people found that if a person had had smallpox, he or she wouldn't get it again.Based on the idea of “curing a poisoned patient with poison,” a method of “human variolation” was invented to prevent the disease by vaccination. However, it was very risky due to the immature techniques.

[4] When the Chinese way of preventive variolation was introduced to the West, the Royal Society improved the method and the new vaccination invented by Dr. Jenner was reintroduced to China. In this way, vaccination proved an advantage of WM,laying the groundwork for it to expand in China.

[5] Before the second half of the 19th Century, in the face of vigorous WM, it should be said that TCM was quite confident. A well-known Chinese doctor, Wang Qingren, for example, published a book entitled Corrections to TCM in 1830, rectifying many traditional mistakes according to the anatomical schema of WM.

[6] The British missionary doctor Benjamin Hobson came to China and published his book Treatise on Physiology in 1851,among many others in later years, systematically planting the seed of western clinical medicine into the soil of the Chinese intelligentsia, and posing a serious challenge to TCM.

译 注

[3]中,“中西医结交”不是“中西医结合”,不宜译成 the combination of TCM and WM,而是两种医学第一次在中国相遇、共同治愈一种疾病,故可用in merging… prevention and treatment of…句式。

[4]中的“中国的‘接种人痘’”,因上文已作了明确阐释,在译文里可简化为preventive variolation;“实力”,一般译成strength、power等,此处就其具体疗效可译为an advantage。

[5]中“蓬勃而来”,似可用prosperously/flourishingly/exuberantly developed等,此处作了相应的变通。

[6]“使中医感受到了挑战”是被动语句,译文转换为主动句posing a serious challenge to TCM。

原 文

[7] 起初,中医试图“汇通”西医。如,唐宗海主张撷取西医中有用的部分,掺入中医便可;朱沛文在对比研究中医的经络系统与西医的循环系统之后得出结论:医学中属于“形”的范围,应以西医为准(“从洋”),而属于“理”的范围,应以中医为准(“从华”),显然受到洋务运动中“中学为体、西学为用”思想的指导。之后,又有恽铁樵、张锡纯等人的具体医学实践。

[8] 中医面临真正的危机,是在1895年甲午战败之后。严复发表《论世变之亟》,力言过去那种“增新不变旧”的洋务运动改革不能成功;郑观应出版《盛世危言》,批评传统学术,赞扬西方科技;梁启超发表《变法通议》。这些社会压力终于促使清政府在1905年取消了科举取士制度,象征着传统经学的全面崩溃,也使中医失去了固有国学支撑的优势。

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[7] Initially, TCM tried to incorporate WM. For example,Tang Zonghai advocated infusing the useful part of WM into TCM;Zhu Peiwen, after comparing the meridian system of TCM and the circulatory system of WM, concluded that in treating external diseases one should rely on WM's techniques, while in dealing with internal illnesses, TCM's philosophy ought to prevail, which was clearly inf l uenced by the idea of the Westernization Movement—“Applying Western technologies guided by Chinese philosophy.” Consequently,Yun Tieqiao, Zhang Xichun and others practiced medicine in that way.

[8] The fi rst real crisis TCM encountered was after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894—1895, when Yan Fu published his book entitled An Urgent Transformation of Our Time, pointing out that the failure of the reform simply “added something new to the old” under the name of the Westernization Movement. Zheng Guanying published his Warnings in a Prosperous Time, criticizing traditional Chinese learning and praising Western technologies. Liang Qichao also published his On Reform. Under various social pressures, the Qing government fi nally abolished the Imperial Examination System in 1905, symbolizing the collapse of traditional Confucian studies, which were the backbone of TCM.

译 注

[7]中的“汇通”是文言文的用法,相当于现代汉语的“结合”“融汇”等,可用combine、integrate、blend等,此处用了incorporate,其本义为make into a whole or make part of a whole,笔者以为更恰当。同时,将“‘形’(的范围)”理解为external diseases,将“‘理’(的范围)”译为internal illnesses,不完全对等,是一种意译。“中学为体、西学为用”可有多种翻译,如Chinese learning for the basic conduct of life and the Western knowledge for dealing with practical affairs、Chinese learning as the fundamentals and Western learning as techniques等,这里作了较大的变通。

[8]中的“洋务运动”还可译为Self-Streng thening Movement、Westernization Drive等。“使……失去了……的优势”,一般以否定形式译成making it lose its advantage,但此处顺其意,译为which were the backbone of…。

原 文

[9] 1914年,《中西医学报》发表了《中医救亡刍言》:“自戊戌(1898)新政,新学渐露萌芽,迄至近世,民智勃起,科学昌明,而中西医学之优劣,判若天渊,昭然若揭。于是谋改良者有人,谋会通者有人,兴医报立医会者有人,皇皇汲汲,不可终日”。这颇为形象地概括了当时中医界的状态。

[10] 之后,又有留日归国医生余岩掀起的中西医的论争,力促政府“废旧医,行新医”,认为“旧医一日不除,民众思想一日不变,新医事业一日不向上,卫生行政一日不能进展”,从而给了中医沉重一击。

[11] 自20世纪20年代之后,西医在中国得到了迅速发展,其间得益于西方生理学、病理学、免疫学、遗传学、生物化学等学科的创建与突破。特别是自然科学研究与临床医学相结合,令科学医学发挥出显著的疗效。至上世纪70年代,中国的西医人数终于超过了中医人数。

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[9] An article entitled On Saving TCM appeared in the Academic Journal of TCM-WM in 1914, vividly presenting the situation then:“Since the proposed reform in 1898, new learning from the West has sprouted and people have been enlightened in recent years. With the thriving of science, the advantages and disadvantages of the two medicines have been clearly revealed. People are in a constant state of anxiety now: Some seek reform, some engage in social intercourse, some publish medical journals and set up medical associations…”

[10] This was followed by an overseas returnee, Dr. Yu Yan, stirring up the controversy between TCM and WM. He urged the government to abandon TCM and adopt WM, believing that if TCM was not deserted and people's old ways of thinking remained, the new medical era and health administration would not make any progress. It was a severe blow to TCM.

[11] Since the 1920s, WM has developed rapidly in China,bene fi ting from many emerging breakthroughs in disciplines in the West,such as physiology, pathology, immunology, genetics, biochemistry and so on. The combination of physical scienti fi c research and clinical medicine, in particular, has produced remarkable curative effects. In the 1970s, the number of doctors in WM fi nally surpassed those practicing TCM.

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[10]中,对于“旧医一日不除,民众思想一日不变,新医事业一日不向上,卫生行政一日不能进展”,首先,将直接引语改为间接引语;其次,此处并未逐句译出,而是将其含义综合,如将四个“一日”概括在was not、would not…之中,同时将“新医事业……,……卫生行政”合并在一句中等。

[11]中,这里的“创建”未必总是establish、set up、create等,而是与“突破”相关联,合译为emerging breakthroughs in…;此处的“中医人数”不是简单的 the number of TCM practitioners,而是指the people who practice TCM,故用了those practicing TCM,以更切其意。


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