

初中生·考试 2019年2期



We sailed ahead of the wind, the island moving past quickly. After my success, I was less sorry about deserting1 the stockade2. There was only one thing that worried me. It was the way Israel Hands watched me at my work, a cold little smile on his face.

We could not put the ship on the beach when we reached North Inlet because the sea was too high. We had to wait, sitting in silence over another meal.

“ Cap n,” Hands said to me, still with that smile on his face, “my old mate, OBrien, is dead. Can you throw him overboard?”

“ I m not strong enough,” I said.

There was a pause3, then he said, “Well now, would you be very kind and go down to the cabin4 and fetch me a bottle of wine, Jim? This rums too strong for my head.”

I listened to his words but didn t believe them. He wanted me to leave the deck5, that was clear, but why?

“ Wine?” I said. “Will you have white or red?”

“I dont mind,” he said, “ as long as it s strong and theres plenty of it.”

“I ll have to search for it, ”I told him.

I went below, then took off my shoes and went quietly up the other stairs to watch him. He was on his hands and knees and, although his leg hurt him, he moved quickly across the deck and took a long knife from among some ropes. I could see the blood on it. Then he hid it under his coat and went back to his place.

This was all I needed to know. Israel Hands could move about and now had a weapon6, and he was going to try to kill me. But I knew that he wouldn t use the knife until the ship was safely on the beach. I went back to the cabin, put my shoes on again, and picked up a bottle of wine. Then I went back up on deck.

He took a long drink from the bottle of wine, saying, “Heres luck!”

Afterwards, we sailed into North Inlet and I forgot to watch Hands carefully. We were nearly on the beach and I was looking over the side of the ship. Perhaps I heard a sound or saw his shadow moving, I dont know. But when I looked round, there he was, half-way towards me with the knife in his right hand!

He threw himself at me and I jumped to one side, leaving him to fall on the deck. Quickly, I took a pistol7 from my pocket and aimed it at him—but the powder8 was wet and the pistol didn t fire! He got up and came at me with surprising speed, but suddenly the Hispaniola hit the sand and went over on one side. We were both thrown down and began to roll across the deck, but I was on my feet first and climbed up into the sails, hand over hand. When I was in a safe place, I loaded my pistols, this time with dry powder.

Hands was pulling himself up among the sails now, the knife between his teeth.

“One more step,” I said, “and Ill kill you!”

“Jim,” he said. He took the knife from his mouth to speak, and looked beaten9. “Well have to make peace, you and I. Youre too sharp and quick for an old sailor like me...”

But then, with a sudden movement, his hand went back and something went speeding through the air. I felt a sharp pain, and I was pinned10 to the mast by my shoulder. In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment, both my pistols went off and fell from my hands.

They did not fall alone. With a cry, Hands fell into the water. He came up, the water around him red from his blood, then he went down again, forever.

I felt sick and frightened. I climbed down through the sails, then went below to tie up my wound. Next, I went up on deck. It was now evening and a light wind was blowing, so I lowered the sails before climbing down a rope and into the sea.





















Tip for learning

Cap n:Captain的缩写形式。在西方文学作品中,“船”的形象总是多了一层浪漫主义色彩。在惊涛骇浪中探索航行,往往象征着英雄主义行为。而captain“船长”一词更蕴含了无限荣耀。美国诗人惠特曼就曾在其“Oh Captain!My Captain” 一诗中,将林肯总统亲切称呼为“船长”,把维护国家统一和废奴斗争比作一段艰险的航程。

“在暗蓝色的海上,海水在欢快地泼溅。/我们的心是自由的,我们的思想无边,/迢遥的,尽风能吹到、海波起沫的地方,/量一量我们的版图,看一看我们的家乡!”英国浪漫主义诗人拜伦的一首《海盗生涯》道出了多少西方人内心深处的“海盗情结”:抛去世俗,不畏艰险,在波澜壮阔的大海闯荡寻宝。骷髅海盗旗、航海罗盘、藏宝地图、独眼罩,甚至船长肩头的鹦鹉,都成为了全球风靡的“海盗符号”,也使其成为冒险与梦想的代名词。《金银岛》 (Treasure Island)正是这样一本引人入胜的海盗探险小说。

作者罗伯特·史蒂文森(Robert Stevenson)乃英国19世纪末新浪漫主义的代表人物。他常常四处旅行,写过不少游记、散文、诗歌与小说。1883年发表的《金银岛》是其众多文学作品中最为脍炙人口的一部。小说背景设定在18世纪,以小主人公吉姆·霍金斯(Jim Hawkins)的口吻叙述。一天,“刀疤脸”比尔(Bill)来到吉姆家的旅店投宿。不久,比尔收到海盗团伙的最后通牒——“黑券”(black spot),惊骇万分,中风而死。吉姆从他遗留的皮箱中获得一张“金银岛”藏宝图,上面标注了前著名海盗头目弗林特(Flint)在岛上埋藏的宝藏地址。慌乱又兴奋的吉姆将此图交给了乡绅屈利劳尼(Squire Trelawney)和医生李甫西(Dr. Livesey),众人决定带着吉姆前往荒岛寻宝。招募的船员中有个温文尔雅的独腿厨子,在快到金银岛时,吉姆无意中发现此人竟然是臭名昭著的恶棍海盗约翰·西尔弗(John Silver)。原来,船上大部分水手都是西尔弗为阴谋夺取宝藏而招募的海盗。经过一路殊死搏斗,吉姆等人终于成功取得宝藏,顺利而归。


在吉姆经受的数次考验中,最惊心动魄的一次是其只身返回船上,与剽悍狡猾的水手伊斯莱尔·汉兹(Israel Hands)展开殊死搏斗,并最终成功夺回船只,挽救了众人的性命。本期节选的正是这一段精彩内容。

