阿诺玛·佩里斯/Anoma Pieris
黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing
1国际紧急救援组织儿童村,贾夫纳,斯里兰卡/SOS Children's Village, Jafina, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Sumangala Jayatillaka)
稳健建筑工作室通过酒店类项目探索空间的延续性。他们在山城康提设计的精品酒店(图2,见 28页)并不像一栋孤立建筑,而是城市与山景的一个自然、谦恭的延伸。建筑顺应了陡峭的地形,面朝湖光山色。建筑群盘旋上升,无视形式或材料设计的限制;其轻质钢结构类似于非正式的城市或工业构筑物,与建筑的形式操作浑然一体。建筑时而攀上山坡,时而毫无戒备地敞向街侧——这种方式使人联想到康提的乡土建筑,但绝未流于殖民或文化取向建筑的形式几何学。米琳达·帕蒂拉贾和他的团队抛弃了过去充斥着酒店类建筑的如画风格的僵化历史。
2 精品酒店,康提,斯里兰卡/Boutique Hotel, Kandy, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Kolitha Perera)
3 内隆艺术中心,科伦坡,斯里兰卡/Nelung Arts Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Kesara Rathnavibhushana)
4马内尔住宅,科伦坡,斯里兰卡/Manel Nivasa, Colombo,
Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Eresh Weerasuriya)
Ownership and self-expression of a distinct"Sri Lankan architecture" became possible during the mid to late 20th century when the first generation of foreign trained Sri Lankans returned to the island, and a school of architecture was created. The architecture of decolonisation took many forms, reflecting the tremendous social changes that followed independence from Britain in 1948. Government institutions and public monuments tended to respect the cultural hegemony of Buddhist aesthetics, a tendency which grew alongside archaeological discoveries of ancient historic cities and colonial and national affrmation of their cultural value. European modernism was introduced into the local context, largely in fl uenced by socialist pragmatism in the public arena and an aspiring urban middle class in private. China funded the first international conference hall to host the 1976 Non-Aligned nations' conference,its geometry influenced by Buddhist aesthetics.Pioneering architects combined modernist spaces with climate-sensitive designs.
The emergence of regionalism during the 1980s saw a marked shift in aesthetic orientation as institutional and domestic architecture was decolonised. Indigenous motifs drawn from vernacular architecture began to determine a Sri Lankan aesthetic and largely through the auspices of Aga Khan Program publications, local architects had their work published internationally. This was the heyday of regional decolonisation throughout South and Southeast Asia, with robust conversations on the role of architecture and the development of country-specific design ideologies.
We might periodise the architecture of Sri Lanka into 3 phases based on that legacy. The first period of decolonisation, described above, strengthened both national and cultural themes. The second period,following economic liberalisation in 1977, saw the creation of the new capital and parliament at Sri Jayewardenepura, displacing Colombo (the colonial capital) as the preferred administrative centre for the nation and opening up land for suburban development. Government- led urban rejuvenation and rural social housing became possible with injections of foreign aid. But within five years, the country was wracked by civil war which lasted from 1983 to 2009. Aesthetic talent was increasingly diverted towards hospitality architectures and a split occurred between these and urban commercial programmes. As a consequence of wartime insularity,design culture was increasingly diverted towards elite homes and the tourism industry, which occupied a greater representative space than other more socially sensitive programmes. Outside this tourism bubble, the violence and destitution of the war zone continued. Commercial developments persisted as agglomerations that filled out formerly low scale suburban areas.
Destruction in the war zone was mirrored by increasing fortification of urban dwellings and the multi storey apartments that rose to accommodate war-displaced refugees. Public spaces were barricaded and public life eroded by militancy and militarisation. This climate of ongoing catastrophe was compounded by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that devastated coastal villages and towns. The injection of international aid for Tsunami relief witnessed resurgence in socially oriented settlement projects.
The architects in this issue fall under the third phase in this periodisation with the ending of the civil war in 2009. A flurry of architectural activity followed. Reconstruction of the wardevastated north and east, and resettlement of the predominantly Tamil and Muslim, minority populations remains a major concern. Among these, Sumangala Jayatillaka's design for SOS International's Children's Village in Jaffna (Fig. 1,page 24) is a significant socially-oriented project.It continues a pattern of similar orphanages built in Sri Lanka and other impoverished or emerging economies by an international NGO, one that has developed a highly successful model for social service provision. Jayatillaka who has also built for SOS in other parts of the country, approaches each project with a view to continuing the local vernacular, as required by the INGO, so that the village may be seamlessly emplaced in its host context. In translating this desire into architecture,he has recreated a village setting, evocative of theagrarian settlements familiar to the children, still visible to them through the "natural (planted) fence"around the perimetre, although the houses are more robust than those around them. Given the high numbers of children orphaned at the end of the war,an empathetic architecture that ensures the safety of the family unit within a surrounding community recognises the need for social integration.
RAW, Robust Architecture Workshop, explores spatial continuity through the hospitality brief. A boutique hotel in the hill town of Kandy (Fig. 2, page 28) appears not as a stand-alone construction but as a natural, suppliant, extension of both city and hillscape. The complex accedes to its steep topography and scenic views of lake and mountain that orient it. Ignoring formal and material design constraints,the buildings twist and soar; their light- weight steel constructions akin to informal urban or industrial structures; integral to the acts of architecture that shape them. At times they clamber up the hill side or open to the street, disarmingly, in a manner reminiscent of the Kandy vernacular, but at no point do they bow to the formal geometries of colonial or cultural buildings. Milinda Pathiraja and his team have set aside the staid legacy of the picturesque that stultified hospitality architecture in the past.
Two projects by Hirante Welendawe, both in the commercial capital, Colombo, occupy tight urban sites.Nelung Arts Centre (Fig. 3, page 34), a teaching and performing arts facility, maintains the desire for social integration, described above, by inserting recreational and public gathering spaces in a congested urban area.The four storey building is designed in an L-shaped formation flanking these open areas with multilevel, vertical timber trusses shielding balconies that overlook them. The building form clearly expresses the forces needed to make room for public engagement;it is inspired by the way in which performances are traditionally staged in open air spaces, attracting a larger public audience, and designed to enable similar interactions in the city.
At Manel Nivasa (Fig. 4, page 38), the home of a self-made businessman rooted to his Sinhala-Buddhist and rural origins the same architect is inspired by Maduwa (paddy storage/barn)architecture, familiar to villagers, reworking them as modernist forms. The flexibility of these large rectangular volumes, and containment of few service spaces create a very different reading of vernacular architecture to the traditional courtyard structures reintroduced into the city by pioneering architects.The client is closer to those vernacular roots than most urban elites, and adjustment to these flexible spaces is not artificial. The building does not occupy the site perimetre like contiguous urban architecture but sits easily on the site.
The end of the war accelerated commercial development creating new opportunities for architects in every dimension of building, but it also blurred the clarity of that original indigenous script.Today, as an emergent economy, aspiring to middle income status, Sri Lanka's inspirations appear regional. Countries like Singapore and Malaysia to which Lankans have easy access offer acclimatised precedents for both commercial development and urban planning. "Beverley Street", in Rajagiriya(Fig. 5, page 42) a lakeside shopping complex in the vicinity of the Sri Lankan parliament caters to the growing ambitions and desires of cosmopolitan suburban consumers. The project is bold, given the neglect of aesthetic precedents for commercial architecture in the previous decades, and the inward orientation and consequent segregation of this building typology. Softening the superfluity of consumer driven agendas through place-making is difficult. Godridge Samuel and his team have used tactile materials and selective visual connections in crafting multiple public and open areas with fleeting views to the surrounding context. They have selected textured surfaces over the synthetic interiors typically found in Western style shopping complexes elsewhere in the city.
Urban architectures like these continue a fortified stealth typology that emerged during the civil war era as a response to external threats.Verticality, volumetric atriums, and roof terraces are its defining features. Despite the relatively low rise surrounds, a defensive inward orientation obviates traffic, dust and the forms of social intrusion that might disrupt middle income consumers. These design choices are symptomatic of a development stage manifest in architectural form.
Palinda Kannangara's studio dwelling in Rajagiriya (Fig. 6, page 48), a sensitive rendering of Brutalism, makes this pattern of fortification explicit. The building's unforgiving exterior preserves its micro climate from noise and dust.The multistorey, single unit, mixed use dwelling responds to land scarcity in urban areas and the need to maximise volumetric spaces on a small footprint. The building is futuristic as it anticipates densification, although at present adjacent open areas offer borrowed views into gardens and fields.Crafted rawfinishes and the play of light upon them are a source of visual delight. As in the commercial project above, formal constraints are artificially imposed in a version of modernist abstraction,but these forms have emerged out of Sri Lanka's troubled past.
High-end projects, such as these, with their exquisite aesthetics stand out against haphazard commercial growth and unplanned development in suburban areas. But as with Asian cities elsewhere,which grow by accretion, eroding public amenities,architects contribute to piecemeal densification.The struggle for Sri Lankan architects has been to design for social engagement following decades of defensive construction shaped by civil strife. With economic empowerment, rising self-confidence and greater aesthetic cross-fertilisation, delivering such opportunities equitably will prove to be the greatest challenge.□
5贝弗利商业街,拉夏吉里雅,斯里兰卡/Beverly Street,Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Eresh Weerasuriya)
6工作室住宅,拉夏吉里雅,斯里兰卡/Studio Dwelling,Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Sebastian Posingis)