张 杰,周金龙,乃尉华,曾妍妍,陈云飞,魏 兴
张 杰1,2,周金龙1,2※,乃尉华3,曾妍妍1,2,陈云飞1,2,魏 兴1,2
(1. 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052; 2.新疆水文水资源工程技术研究中心,乌鲁木齐 830052;3. 新疆地矿局第二水文地质工程地质大队,昌吉 831100)
为了解新疆叶尔羌河流域平原区地下水咸化特征及成因,该文运用多元统计、地统计等方法并结合遥感技术和地球化学方法对浅层地下水(井深≤100 m)水质演化进行分析。结果表明,研究区地下水呈中性或弱碱性,水化学类型以HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg、SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca、SO4·Cl-Na·Ca(Mg)和Cl·SO4-Na型为主。咸化系数计算结果表明,单一结构潜水咸化程度较高,承压水区潜水咸化程度相对较低,浅层承压水咸化程度最高。潜水和浅层承压水Cl-、SO42-、溶解性总固体(TDS)半变异函数分析表明,各指标的空间相关性较强;沿地下水流向,潜水Cl-、SO42-、TDS浓度总体呈现升高的趋势,浅层承压水则呈现高低值相间分布的特征。因子分析和聚类分析表明,地下水咸化的影响因素可分为水文地质条件控制(GW1)、地下水化学环境影响(GW2)和人为活动影响(GW3)3类。GW1类地下水分布范围较广,离子浓度主要受蒸发岩矿物的溶解控制;GW2类地下水分布于草地,地下水化学环境对地下水咸化影响相对较大;GW3类地下水主要分布于耕地和建设用地,地下水咸化受人为活动的影响显著,潜水受到农业灌溉、生活污水和工业污水影响较大,浅层承压水受污染程度相对较低。
0 引 言
1 研究区概况
叶尔羌河流域位于新疆塔里木盆地的西南边缘,地处喀什地区东部,由叶尔羌河、提孜那甫河、柯克亚河和乌鲁克河4条主要河流组成[19]。流域地貌可分为南部山区和北部平原区2大单元。本区年均气温为11.9 ℃,降水稀少,时空分布不均,年降水量52.7 mm,年蒸发量2 454 mm[20]。平原区以农业生产为主,是新疆最大的灌区之一,灌溉面积约50万hm2。随着人口的增长以及灌区面积的增大,导致地区生态环境恶化,进而影响地区水资源。
注:地下水富水性为降深5 m时的单井涌水量,m3·d-1。
山前平原区主要分布于叶城县北部至莎车县,为单一结构潜水区,含水层岩性由南向北为中粗砂、中细砂和细砂,之间夹有薄层粉质粘土,厚度较大[21];该区域含水层汛期接受冰雪融水补给,较为富水,水交替条件良好。下游为冲湖积平原,分布多层结构的潜水-承压水,弱透水层位于地下15~20 m,其上为潜水,以下为承压水;冲湖积平原含水层介质颗粒较细,主要以粉细砂、粉砂、亚砂土和亚粘土组成,其渗透性和导水性较差,水力坡降平缓,地下水径流不畅,矿化度较高[22]。
2 材料与方法
2.1 地下水采样与测试
2014年6-7月在叶尔羌河流域平原区采集浅层地下水水样72组(采样点见图2),井深≤100 m。其中潜水水样39组(单一结构潜水17组,承压水区潜水22组),浅层承压水水样33组。现场测定地下水的pH值、水温、溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位(Eh)、电导率(EC),pH值、Eh由哈纳(HANNA)HI98121笔式测定仪测定。取样前,用所取水样润洗聚乙烯塑料瓶3次,用0.45m的醋酸纤维滤膜过滤,阳离子分析的水样加硝酸酸化至pH值<2,贴好标签密封保存。
指标测试在中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所矿泉水检测中心完成。K+和Na+采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定,Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、CO32-和总硬度(TH,以CaCO3计)采用乙二胺四乙酸二钠滴定法,Cl-为硝酸银容量法,SO42-为硫酸钡比浊法测定,检测下限均为0.05 mg/L;NO3-采用紫外分光光度法进行测定,检测下限为0.02 mg/L;溶解性总固体(total dissolved solids, TDS)使用电子天平MP8-1测定,检出限为0.10 mg/L。水样严格按照《地下水环境监测技术规范》(HJ/T164-2004)进行采集、保存、测试。所有水样阴阳离子平衡误差绝对值小于5%,均可用于分析。
图2 地下水取样点分布图
2.2 遥感数据来源
2.3 数据处理方法
通过计算咸化系数(salinization coefficient, SC)确定地下水咸化的程度[4],其值越大表示地下水咸化程度越高,公式如下
运用SPSS软件进行数据统计分析、因子分析和聚类分析。因子分析前,对水化学指标的相关性程度进行KMO(kaiser-meyer-olkin)检验和Bartlett球形检验(bartlett test of sphericity),采用主成分分析法提取特征值,选取特征值大于1的因子作为主因子[13]。采用回归法(技术简单、应用方便[26])计算地下水样品的主因子得分,对因子得分进行K-means聚类分析(具有预先确定集群的数量的优势[13]),结合遥感解译图分析地下水咸化的主要控制因素。
基于地球化学理论,运用PHREEQC软件计算矿物饱和指数(saturation index,SI),判断矿物沉淀溶解作用。当SI<0时,表示该矿物处于不饱和状态;SI>0,表示该矿物处于饱和状态;SI=0,表示水溶液与矿物正好处于平衡状态[27-28]。SI计算如下
式中SI为矿物饱和指数;IAP(ion activity product)为矿物溶解反应中相关离子的活度积;为矿物溶解反应的平衡常数。
钠吸附比(sodium adsorption ration,,SAR)可以反映地下水中Na+与含水介质中Ca2+、Mg2+发生离子交换作用,其值越大,则阳离子交换作用越明显。计算如下[29]
3 结果与分析
3.1 地下水化学特征
叶尔羌河流域平原区地下水化学特征如表1。地下水pH值为6.91~8.07,呈中性或弱碱性。单一结构潜水TDS范围为366.70~2 688.00 mg/L,均值为1 252.42 mg/L;承压水区潜水TDS范围633.40~6 384.00 mg/L,均值为3 132.60 mg/L;浅层承压水TDS范围为522.60~8 910.00 mg/L,均值为3 014.98 mg/L。不同含水层地下水化学类型存在差异,单一结构潜水以HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg和SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca型为主;承压水区潜水则以SO4·Cl-Na·Ca和SO4·Cl-Na·Mg型为主;浅层承压水水化学类型主要有Cl·SO4-Na、SO4·Cl-Na·Ca以及HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型。
表1 叶尔羌河流域平原区地下水化学指标统计表
注:为水样数;TDS、TH、DO、EC、Eh分别为溶解性总固体、总硬度、溶解氧、电导率、氧化还原电位;pH为无量纲,EC和 Eh单位分别为mS·cm-1和mv,其余指标单位为mg·L-1。
Note:is groundwater sample number; TDS, TH, DO, EC, Eh, are total dissolved solids, total hardness, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductance, and the electrochemical potential relative to the standard H electrode, respectively; pH is dimensionless; the units of EC and Eh are mS·cm-1and mv, respectively; units of other parameter are mg·L-1.
3.2 地下水咸化程度
表2 地下水咸化系数
3.3 地下水咸化空间分布特征
3.3.1 地下水Cl-、SO42-、TDS的空间变异性
表3 潜水和浅层承压水Cl-、SO42-、TDS的半变异函数模型及相关参数
3.3.2 地下水Cl-、SO42-、TDS空间分布特征
ArcGIS10.2克里金插值交叉验证参数的均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)越趋于0,标准均方根误差(root mean square standardized error,RMSSE)越接近1时,插值精度越高[15]。潜水和浅层承压水Cl-、SO42-、TDS插值精度的检验参数RMSE和RMSSE分别介于−0.073~−0.032和0.931~0.999,RMSE均接近0,RMSSE均接近于1,表明插值结果精度较高,可反映指标的空间分布状况。
叶尔羌河流域平原区潜水Cl-、SO42-、TDS空间分布较为相似(图3a),总体呈现南低北高的趋势,即沿地下水径流方向,Cl-、SO42-、TDS逐渐增加;泽普县地下水Cl-、SO42-、TDS分别小于100、500、1 000 mg/L,同属于单一结构潜水区的叶城县北部则相对较高,这可能与径流相对较大的叶尔羌河对泽普县附近地下水补给较大有关。承压水区潜水受地表水补给有限,地下水径流不畅,蒸发浓缩作用等导致Cl-、SO42-、TDS相对南部单一结构潜水较高;此外,研究区中部的巴楚县西南和麦盖提县西部地下水的Cl-、SO42-、TDS相对较高,可能是受到农业灌溉等人类活动的影响。
浅层承压水Cl-、SO42-、TDS呈现高低值相间分布的特征(图3b)。浅层承压水Cl-、SO42-、TDS整体上较承压水区潜水高,由于承压水处于一个较封闭的环境中,水岩作用时间长,含水介质中的矿物溶解使得地下水离子浓度升高。承压水区南部的Cl-、SO42-、TDS相对较低,这与单一结构潜水对其补给有关;巴楚县南部也有1个低值区,这可能是深层承压淡水(喀什地区深层承压水TDS<1 000 mg/L[4])越流补给所致;巴楚县西部和麦盖提县城附近出现高值区,这可能与人类活动有关。
图3 潜水和浅层承压水CI-、SO42-、TDS空间分布图
3.4 地下水咸化成因分析
3.4.1 因子分析
表4 地下水水化学指标的旋转因子载荷矩阵
3.4.2 聚类分析
图5 地下水矿物饱和指数与TDS关系
图6 地下水中Na+-Cl-和SAR-TDS关系图
研究区地下水NO3-浓度为0.20~35.48 mg/L,根据《地下水质量标准》(GB /T14848-2017)分类,Ⅰ类(≤2.00 mg/L,39组)、Ⅱ类(>2.00~5.00 mg/L,14组)、Ⅲ类(>5.00~20.00 mg/L,14组)、Ⅳ类(>20.00~30.00 mg/L,3组)、Ⅴ类(>30.00 mg/L,2组)地下水分别占总水样的54.17%、19.44%、19.44%、4.17%和2.78%,Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类地下水为6.95%,说明地下水受到人类活动影响。由表1可以看出,潜水中NO3-浓度极大值较浅层承压水高,表明潜水受人为污染程度较浅层承压水大。因潜水与地表联系密切,直接受人为污染影响较大,农业施用化肥随灌溉水下渗对地下水形成污染,生活污水与工业废水未经处理排入河流沿地下水通道入渗污染地下水,导致地下水咸化[18]。由于隔水顶板的存在,浅层承压水受人为污染影响较小,但一些成井工艺不规范和劣质井的使用,使得隔水层遭到破坏,受污染的高矿化度地下水沿井壁下渗,导致部分浅层承压水受污染[3,29]。
4 结 论
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Spatial distribution and cause of salinization of shallow groundwater in plain terrain of the Yarkant River Basin, Xinjiang
Zhang Jie1,2, Zhou Jinlong1,2※, Nai Weihua3, Zeng Yanyan1,2, Chen Yunfei1,2, Wei Xing1,2
(1.,830052; 2.,830052,; 3..2,831100,)
In order to understand the characteristics and causes of groundwater salinization in the plain area of Yarkant River Basin, the water quality evolution of the shallow groundwater (buried depth ≤100 m) was analyzed by means of multivariate statistics, geostatistics, remote sensing technology and geochemical methods. The groundwater pH value ranged from 6.91 to 8.07, which mainly occurred under neutral to alkaline environment in the study area. Groundwater types in single structure unconfined groundwater were mainly HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg, SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca, and unconfined groundwater in confined area were SO4·Cl-Na·Ca and SO4·Cl-Na·Mg, while Cl·SO4-Na, SO4·Cl-Na·Ca and HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg were dominant in shallow confined groundwater. The calculation results of salinization coefficient(SC) showed that the proportion of SC≤1, between >1 and 2, >2 in the water samples with single structure unconfined groundwater (17 groups of groundwater samples) were 47.06%, 29.41% and 23.53%, respectively, and the degree of salinization was high. The proportion of SC≤1 in unconfined groundwater of confined area (22 groups of groundwater samples) was 50.00%. The proportion of Sc between >1 and 2 was 36.36%, the proportion of SC>2 was 13.64%, and the degree of salinization was low. The SC≤1, >1-2 and > 2 of shallow confined groundwater (33 groups groundwater samples) was 42.43%, 15.14% and 42.43% respectively, which the salinization degree was the highest. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were carried out on Cl-, SO42-, TDS of unconfined and shallow confined groundwater, and the results obeyed normal distribution. To examine the degree of spatial correlation, the ratio of nugget to sill was advised generally. The nugget/sill≤0.25, > 0.25-0.75, and > 0.75 were the conditions in which spatial structures were supposed to be strong, moderate, and weak, respectively. In this study, the ratio of nugget to sill for all parameters of Cl-, SO42-, TDS of unconfined and shallow confined groundwater were < 0.25, suggested the strong spatial correlation for the studied regionalized variable. The trend of Cl-, SO42-, TDS in unconfined groundwater was generally low in the South and high in the North, while that of shallow confined groundwater was characterized by the distribution of high and low values. Factor analysis was carried out on 14 hydrochemical indices of 72 groups of groundwater samples. The results showed that the contribution rates of main factors F1, F2 and F3 were 49.383%, 19.528% and 13.520% respectively, and the contribution rate of cumulative variance was 82.431%. Cluster analysis showed that GW1 (controlled by hydrogeological conditions) groundwater accounted for 58.33% of the all groundwater samples, which was widely distributed and mainly affected by natural processes. The saturation indices (SI) of carbonate minerals tended to be saturated, while the SI of evaporite minerals was unsaturated. The ion concentration was mainly controlled by the dissolution of evaporite minerals. GW2 (affected by groundwater chemical environment) groundwater accounted for 15.28%, mainly distributed in grassland, and hydrochemical environment had a relatively large impact on groundwater salinization. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) was positively correlated with total dissolved solids (TDS) (2=0.770), which showed that Na+in groundwater had obvious ion exchange with Ca2+and Mg2+in aquifer medium. 26.39% of the all groundwater samples belong to GW3 (affected by human activities), mainly distributed in cultivated land and construction land, and groundwater salinization was significantly affected by human activities. Unconfined groundwater was greatly affected by agricultural irrigation, domestic sewage and industrial sewage, however, the pollution degree of shallow confined groundwater was relatively low.
factor analysis; cluster analysis; geostatistics; groundwater salinization; Yarkant River basin
张 杰,周金龙,乃尉华,曾妍妍,陈云飞,魏 兴. 新疆叶尔羌河流域平原区浅层地下水咸化空间分布及成因[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(23):126-134.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.23.016 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Jie, Zhou Jinlong, Nai Weihua, Zeng Yanyan, Chen Yunfei, Wei Xing. Spatial distribution and cause of salinization of shallow groundwater in plain terrain of the Yarkant River Basin, Xinjiang[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(23): 126-134. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.23.016 http://www.tcsae.org
张 杰,博士生,主要从事地下水资源与环境方面的研究。Email:zj4537@126.com