平行观察 [壹]


世界建筑 2019年2期









This WA issue is the Part I of our investigation into the contemporary architecture of tropical (and some sub-tropical) Asia. Here we focus on Sri Lanka and India.

Comparing the paths of Sri Lankan and Indian architecture with that of China, we might see curves in parallel with quite some similarities. These similarities have good reasons in the background.Actually, almost all countries in Asia (perhaps with the only exception of Japan) has covered a similar road of national independence and economic development since the 1940s.

In Sri Lanka and India, starting from their respective independence, we may see three distinct periods in architecture. The first is the period right after independence, be it "post-colonial" or "decolonising", depending on how you name it. This is a period of claiming national independence and clearly represented by the works of their architecture maestros featuring refreshing regional languages, albeit even the maestros themselves were mostly educated (or even raised) in the countries of their colonisers. The second is the period of early urbanisation and economic growth, a usually "heroic" period for architecture in developing countries. In this period architecture is taken as the haloed collective cultural symbol, the carrier of national identity, and the monumentality in architecture is explored in full. The third, and the most recent period, is the period of community making. After the turn of the 21st century, with the challenges in economy and urbanisation reaching an unprecedented level, architecture has to retake its fundamental role in human civilisation, which is to bridge living communities and their surroundings. In this period we see more and more local architects of the new generation, mostly from a normal middle class family root and educated with international vision,designing for the normal lives of normal people.

Allow us to make our position clear here: we find the traditional "exoticisation" of Sri Lankan and Indian architecture inappropriate and ofiensive.Those who look at these countries only for the sake of having some exotic alternatives of western stars are extremely narrow-minded people. In fact, what we find most thrilling in Sri Lankan and Indian contemporary architecture is exactly the power of design bringing positive changes to normal community lives, be it in the city or in the countryside.It is by no means quaint objects or abstruse concepts,but sheer lively involvement in normal people's lives. To some degree, this lively involvement may necessarily lead to some compromises to reality, and some tolls on the visual purity of thefinished work.Yet it is rightly this attitude that makes Sri Lankan and Indian architecture able to break the boundary of "experimentation", injecting bold design ideas into the dynamics of communities and daily lives.Chinese architects be alert: you don't see Sri Lankan or Indian architecture only being the destinations of architecture tourism. This is truly something to learn from.

There are five types of projects selected in this number. The first type is social buildings, mostly with an educational or community programme. Again, what interests us most is that different from the situation in China, in Sri Lanka and India, such buildings with true design experiments usually gets seamlessly embedded in day-to-day use. The flexibility of tropical configuration might be a cause. The tolerance of regulations and codes might also be helpful. The second type is tourism buildings. Given the vast tourism industry in these two countries, buildings for such purposes are bound to be good. Comparing the wonderful examples in this edition with boutique tourism hotels in China reveals different priorities: in Sri Lanka and India it is the maximising of user comfort in a given climate,in China it is the maximising of visual attractiveness for media communication. The third type is housing.Unfortunately we are still not seeing convincing public housing projects. We may need to wait for the Part II of this investigation for that. The fourth type is cultural buildings. Call it cliché if you will, the humble yet powerful local architectural language is still an element of strength in Sri Lankan and Indian architecture.The fifth type is office buildings. Not surprisingly the default international subjects, such as energy and automation, are also addressed in the selected cases. We need to state here that benefiting from the economic and technological environment in China now, the richest Chinese cities are also offering some of the best platforms for building tech innovations in this field.

Our sincere thanks to Ms. Hirante Welandawe,who makes this issue possible.□


五彩缤纷的洒红节 印度