【摘 要】随着经济社会的不断发展,我国水利工程的数量与日俱增。然而水利工程建设过程中会存在施工质量问题,这引起了国家以及相关部门的重视。要想保证施工质量,既需要每个施工管理人员高度重视、整体配合,也需要每一个施工建设人员积极参与其中。论文对水利工程施工中的常见质量问题展开了具体研究与探讨。
【Abstract】With the continuous development of economy and society, the number of water conservancy projects in China is increasing day by day. However, there will be construction quality problems in the construction process of water conservancy projects, which has attracted the attention of the state and relevant departments. In order to ensure the construction quality, it is necessary for each construction management personnel to attach great importance to and overall cooperation, and it is also necessary for each construction personnel to actively participate in it. This paper studies and discusses the common quality problems in the construction of water conservancy projects.
【Keywords】water conservancy projects; quality; research of problems
【中图分类号】TV512 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1673-1069(2019)11-0124-02
1 引言
2 存在的问题
2.1 施工人员业务能力不强