Whole Process Management and Effective Measures of Communication Engineering Construction


中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Liu Zusen

(Lishui Branch Office of China Tower Co.,LTD,Zhejiang Lishui 323000)

Abstract:With the development of science and economy,the demand of communication engineering in our country is increasing and the construction scale is expanding constantly.Only by doing the whole process management well can the project obtain the maximum benefit.This paper analyzes the present situation and trend of the development of the communication enterprise,clarifies the characteristics and significance of the project management,and puts forward effective management measures according to the management content to provide some references for the management personnel.

Keywords:communication engineering;management;measures

With the expansion of the scale of communication engineering management in China,the loopholes in any project management will bring huge losses to the economic and social benefits of communication enterprises.In the process of management,we should constantly improve the management ability,optimize the management system,improve the quality of the project,provide quality services for the masses,and finally obtain the common improvement of economic and social benefits.

I.The Present Situation and Future Trend of Communication Enterprise

With the progress of science and technology,the improvement of national economic level and consumption ability,and the wide popularization of intelligent mobile devices and Internet terminals,the construction scale and quantity of Chinese communication engineering has been expanding in order to meet the needs of broad masses of the people,and the communication industry has been developing rapidly.With the continuous optimization of Internet of things,artificial intelligence,big data and other technologies,higher requirements have been put forward to communication,and the construction efficiency of communication facilities has been required to improve.At the same time,the network is more stable,the delay is lower,5G technology comes into being.At the present stage,some countries and regions have started small-scale commercial 5G projects,but China needs more high-quality 5G network base station support because of its vast territory and huge mobile network user group.At the present stage,Chinese 5G industry has been accelerated,and there are numerous experience centers for users to experience 5G technology in advance.

Communication network is the basis for the promotion of information technology,promoting the monitoring and development of communication industry can provide a good foundation for the development of Chinese national economy.The communication industry in China has experienced a process from monopoly to competition,from the integration of government and enterprise to the separation of government and enterprise,in the market competition and seeking for development,Chinese telecommunications industry has been rapid development.In addition to the three traditional operators,China Mobile Communications Corporation,China Unicom and China Telecom,numerous private network operators have emerged,and at the same time,largescale cooperation between Internet enterprises and operators has emerged,such as Tencent King Card,Ali Dabao Card,Mi card and other package cards.In the process of the continuous expansion of the communication enterprise development network,Huawei and other baseband providers are indispensable.

At the present stage,China has entered the ranks of major communication countries.With the continuous development of communication industry and communication engineering,we believe that more and more enterprises will join in the development and construction of communication industry in the future to intensify market competition and promote technology and service upgrading,benign competition will be formed under the government's policies of macro-control,fee reduction and acceleration in the future[1].

II.Characteristics of the Whole Process Management in Communication Engineering Construction

(i) Management is Difficult

Compared with other engineering projects,the construction process of communication engineering is complex,so there are huge differences in construction management among different projects.The construction of communication engineering and the general facilities of the construction site are often around the residential buildings,which will inevitably affect the residents'lives.The construction period of the construction project is long,the amount of single facility is small,but the overall engineering task is large,the process is complex and difficult,which determines the communication engineering construction project management tasks are numerous and complex,project construction management is also very important to the project as a whole.

(ii) Communication Engineering has Many Variables

The above article illustrated the construction of communication engineering is relatively complex.In the communication engineering,there are multiple engineering projects and stages.Variables are easy to appear in the construction process of the communication engineering,because the amount of tasks is large,the overall variables of the project will increase,such as the storage or quality inspection of communication equipment is not in place,and the quality acceptance is not qualified,etc.,which increase the difficulty of construction projects,and also increases the difficulty of construction project management,at the same time,it delays the residents'demand for communication equipment.In the construction link of communication engineering,the change and influence of external factors will increase the difficulty of engineering projects,and even induce safety accidents.

(iii) Management System is Strong

The construction quality of communication engineering projects not only determines the final evaluation of the whole project,but also has different degrees of impact on the quality of life of residents.Therefore,the development of project engineering will attract the attention of the whole society.Under the background of the continuous development of electronic information technology,the development of communication engineering is subject to different forms of supervision,communication engineering management should also widely use electronic information technology to monitor the project,construct a complete system of management system,and improve the professional degree of project management[2].

III.The Significance of the Whole Process Management of Communication Engineering Construction

The whole process management of communication engineering runs through the beginning and end of the whole project,from the early preparation to the final acceptance and settlement,personnel are required to manage.On the one hand,the quality of the project can be fully guaranteed through management;on the other hand,the expenditure of the project in construction can be strictly controlled,so as to reduce the cost and improve the economic benefit of construction.According to the development experience of successful enterprises,the cost and quality management of communication engineering have great significance to the development of enterprises.

The demand of communication engineering for life and production in various industries increasing is a development opportunity as well as a challenge for communication.At the same time of ensuring the quality and safety of the project,we should control the cost expenditure.On the one hand,the company can provide better quality and service than other competitors within the scope of financial support;on the other hand,meet the project acceptance standards in the aspect of the required construction quality,and reduce the procurement cost,labor cost and time expenditure as much as possible to bring greater profits.Combining the two aspects,we should do a good job in the cost management of communication engineering,improve the utilization rate of funds,and reach the highest use value of funds,so as to bring economic benefits and social benefits to communication enterprises,and promote the benign and healthy development of enterprises.With the continuous expansion of communication demand,the advantages of cost management accumulated in the long-term will be gradually reflected.Communication enterprises have more funds to upgrade and build equipment and technology,and the material expenditure cost will be further reduced.Meanwhile,the construction period will also be shortened,the benefits brought by cost management promote the rapid development of enterprises[3].

IV.Effective Measures of the Whole Process Management in Communication Engineering Construction

(i) The Content of the Whole Process Management of Communication Engineering Construction

At present,the content of the whole process of management in communication engineering construction in our country including four aspects,which are the project progress management,project quality management,engineering cost management and project safety management.Most of these management contents run through the whole project,and some contents only involve a certain link of communication engineering,but they are in the first place in the whole project management.

The whole process of communication engineering includes the project start-up and preparation in the early stage,the construction in the middle stage and the acceptance and settlement in the late stage.The project schedule management covers the first,second and third stages of the communication project.It can accelerate the construction under the premise of guaranteeing quality by adopting different means and relevant standards through different periods of acceleration optimization,so as to provide efficient and high-quality network support for the masses and promote the improvement of social benefits.

Engineering quality management covers three stages of communication engineering.Only by ensuring efficiency and quality in each stage of the project can the overall quality be improved.The specific work content can also be subdivided into mate-rial management,installation technology management,acceptance management and maintenance.

The main role of project cost management is to control the project in each link of the cost of expenditure,it is a static management process.In order to achieve the mechanism of cost control,increase enterprise income,it is necessary to do a number of work,such as procurement cost control in the early stage of the project,cost budget and settlement management,personnel and salary expenditure in the construction link,settlement in the later stage of the project and maintenance expenditure,etc.

Safety management generally only appears in the construction link of communication engineering,but any project should put safety in the first place.Most managers believe that safety management will not improve the economic benefits of the project and bring benefits to the enterprise,but will increase additional expenditure,ignoring the interrelation between various management elements,and paying insufficient attention to safety management.In fact,safety management will also affect the overall progress and expenditure of the project.Once a safety accident occurs,the progress of the project will be affected,and even the social harmony and stability will be affected,which is not worth the candle[4].

(ii) Specific Measures of the Whole Process Management in Communication Engineering Construction

1.Quality Control

The key points of quality management are engineering design,material quality,installation skills,and coordination with safety management and project schedule management.

In the design stage,good and accurate design shall be the basis of construction guidance,to ensure the design drawings are accurate and parameters are reasonable.At the present stage,the engineering design industry requires designers to have high professional quality and skills,as well as longterm work accumulation.The lack of unified assessment standards within the industry and high professional requirements in design industry make it difficult to determine the designer's competence when recruiting.Enterprises should do a good job in talent accumulation,enhance the loyalty of design personnel by dividends,care and other forms,so as to make them serve for the enterprise in a long-term.Then designers participate in the recruitment,assessment and designers training.After completing the design,the second review and decision should be made,and the work records should be kept.In the actual work,design optimization should be carried out according to the actual links around the construction to ensure that the installation workers can accurately understand the location,procedures and layout of equipment installation.

Communication engineering should do a good job in the quality control of equipment purchasing.The main equipment of communication engineering is provided by high-level suppliers,so that the quality can be guaranteed.However,basic screws,supports,lightning protection and other equipment are notprovidedinthesupplychain,sothequalitysupervision of these parts should be done well.The project leader and quality supervision personnel shall examine and verify the purchased construction materials,and mainly check the quality and quantity of the construction materials,so as to conduct all-round inspection and screening,avoiding the construction period extension or demolition and reconstruction due to the occurrence of inferior materials or material shortage.At the same time,it is also necessary to do a good job in the inspection of construction equipment to check whether the equipment can work normally,and check the electricity connection and equipment quantityrecordonsite,soastoprovidehardwaresupport for efficient engineering construction.The second inspection shall be conducted after the construction of communication engineering for a period of time.In case of shortage of materials or equipment,thesupplementaryworkshallbedonetimely.

Installation skills focus on the cultivation of the quality of installation personnel.During the daily work and the preparatory stage of the project,personnel training should be done well,relevant operation and installation specifications should be determined,corresponding procedures should be followed during installation to ensure the precision of installation,and do a good job in personnel cooperation to improve the installation efficiency.At the same time,it should coordinate well with the progress management and safety management.When the project progress cannot meet the corresponding requirements,it will inevitably slow down the speed.At this time,the quality will be difficult to guarantee,when the safety are not in the place,the installation will be affected.

2.Cost Management

The overall cost expenditure of the project is diverse,including budget and settlement,material expenditure,personnel expenditure,project settlement,maintenance expenditure and other links.Therefore,it is necessary to clarify the management content and ensure the quality of management personnel,so as to ensure that there will be no omissions in the management.

To control the material purchasing cost,the first thing is to improve the loyalty of employees,and to pay bonuses according to the business ability and income;after the purchasing personnel enters the post,arrange credible management personnel to follow the purchasing,training and guidance,supervise and evaluate the quality of personnel;in the future,we will gradually determine long-term stable and reliable suppliers,and further reduce the purchasing cost after reaching cooperation.

In terms of personnel expenditure cost,the quality of personnel should be highly focused,the purpose of business operation is to make profits and social benefits,not to do public welfare,so we should try to employ high-quality talents when recruiting engineers.From the perspective of economic expenditure,when the talent quality is different,the salary expenditure will be different,but highquality talents can bring“1>1+1”employment effect to enterprises,and is easy to train employees in the later stage[5].

The pre-settlement and final settlement links shall fully collect and sort out the cost expenditures required by the whole stage of the project,including manpower,material resources,energy,equipment,emergency handling,maintenance expenditure,etc.Then comprehensively analyze the economic and social benefits brought by the project,and finally make a summary and data collation.In this link,the expenditure of security cannot be saved,the safety of projects must be fully ensured.


In conclusion,communication engineering managers should fully understand the impact of engineering management on the social and economic benefits of enterprises,improve their management capabilities,optimize management plans,and do a good job in personnel training,apply various means to promote the project quality,ensure customer satisfaction,increase the input of some links,improve the efficiency and form a virtuous circle.