Analysis of Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Enterprise Performance Management


中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Wang Qingwei(Zhengzhou Electric Power College,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000)

Abstract:Performance management is an important part of modern enterprise human resource management,the core of the work is encouraging the employees,conveying the enterprise’s development goals and strengthening the core competitiveness of the enterprise based on the enterprise culture,it can be said that performance management is the main basis for the implementation of enterprise human resource management policy,and is also an important embodiment of the intrinsic value of the enterprise.Based on this,this paper studies the existing problems and countermeasures of enterprise performance management for reference.

Keywords:enterprise;performance management;problems;countermeasures

Performance appraisal is an important link in enterprise management.It evaluates the production mode and staff task completion status of the enterprise under the support of enterprise goals and performance standards,and realizes the improvement of enterprise production capacity and obtainment of benefits on the basis of evaluation results feedback,which plays a significant role in enterprise development.

I.TheMainFunctionofPerformance Management to Enterprises

In modern enterprise management,performance management is one of the key links.No matter it is a listed enterprise or a small and medium-sized enterprise,effective performance management can have a favorable impact on the future growth of enterprises,conform to the strategy of enterprises,enhance the creativity of enterprises,and enable them to achieve their goals.Firstly,performance management can audit employees with a fair attitude,and use rigorous and scientific management rules and governance system to measure employees'skill level and all behaviors.In addition,it has its own rules,which can instruct employees,stipulate what can be done and what can't be done,and make employees clear about their responsibilities,thus providing a just playing field and a positive atmosphere.Secondly,performance management can play a positive role when enterprises realize their strategies.Because it can pay attention to the current actual situation of the enterprise,and form an effective and rigorous enter-prise layout,such as some aspects of employees,for example,salary,welfare and employee cultivation,etc.In addition,it can also attract more talents for enterprises and build excellent teams,so that enterprises can achieve their goals,at the same time,rigorous attitude is also conducive to the discover their own shortcomings,timely introspect to ensure the long-term operation of the enterprise.

II.Problems Existing in Enterprise Performance Management

(i) Philosophy Environment of Business Operation

In the operation of enterprises,its management philosophy is a pillar,which affects the production and operation of enterprises.From a fundamental point of view,performance appraisal is the most commonly used management method,and business philosophy will have a significant impact on enterprise management.Usually,every enterprise has its own corporate culture,and the business philosophy is one of them,including the core value of the enterprise,the management method of the enterprise,the management rules of the enterprise and so on.However,due to the influence of internal and external environment,enterprise culture is often defective to some extent.As a result,senior staff do not attach importance to performance appraisal and do not pay attention to performance appraisal,which makes performance appraisal ineffective[1].

(ii) The Management Mechanism is Not Perfect

Nowadays,the government decides who the CEO of a company is.Generally,the individual has more power,and the head of a state-owned enterprise has more power.One person takes on more positions,which will make the company not adapt to the market.On the other hand,due to complicated personnel relations,the relationship between the parties is complex and disorganized,the boundaries and responsibilities are not clear.

(iii) Indicators of Performance are Difficult to Determine

For performance appraisal,the formulation of appraisal index scheme is the key.In practical operation,it is necessary to fully record the opinions of senior executives and employees at all levels and establish key performance indicators from the bottom up.At the same time,in order to make performance indicators have a certain limiting effect on employees,it is necessary to set some goals to better implement performance management.Some department executives did not attach importance to performance management from the bottom of their hearts.They simply implemented the appraisal according to the plan,only paying attention to the form,but did not actually implement it.At the same time,since it is personnel who conduct assessment and evaluation,some people will be evaluated by their own subjective consciousness inevitably,which will lead to prejudice.The evaluation is not based on facts and lacks impartiality.In addition,some managers are not good enough to cultivate their subordinates,which leads to low management efficiency and poor results.

III.Countermeasures to Solve the Performance Management Problems of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

(i) Strengthen the Foundation of Enterprise Performance Management Implementation

For the smooth progress and development of enterprise performance management,we should at-tach importance to enterprise management.Firstly,it is necessary to improve the knowledge level,development ability and management level of senior management.Because many managers have low educational background and level,they only have a vague concept on enterprise management performance,in view of this situation,the senior management should pay more attention to the performance,have a more profound plan for themselves,and conduct rigorous performance appraisal.Secondly,bottom tier employees are the direct stakeholders of performance.If employees don't understand this,they will have dissatisfaction and complain,resulting in performance failure.Therefore,it is very important to attach importance to employees.Employees should have a sense of responsibility,create a good evaluation environment and an aspirant working environment,contribute to the enterprise’s development and develop the enterprise culture[2].

(ii) Making Experiments on Market- Oriented Talent Selection, Explore Contractual Management

In terms of management,a new management mode can get twice the result with half the effort.Contractual management,which is to make an agreement in writing,enumerate the responsibilities and obligations of both parties and the rights of all parties,and sign a contract according to the relevant legal requirements and enterprise regulations.This new model is innovative and changes the traditional way,changing the administrative order to be processed in accordance with the rules,making the control right separate from the business right.In the process of actual implementation,some important aspects can be selected for testing,and contract details,such as objectives and business methods,can be specified for assessment,reward for completing the task,and punishment for failing to complete the task.In addition,after the key performance indicators are determined,they cannot be changed in general circumstances except for special reasons[3].

(iii) Establishing Correct Understanding

Everyone has different levels,abilities,backgrounds,etc.,so it is impossible to have the same management on everyone,however,comparatively speaking,we are all in the same environment and have the same pursuit,so we can forge ahead together.In performance management,everyone is useful and contributes to the team.Everyone should give full play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.Human management is the essence of human resources,good management of human is conducive to the development of enterprises,in a modern environment,and success cannot be achieved by one person alone.In such an environment of performance appraisal,efforts should be made to develop its role,form a good competitive environment,motivate employees,and promote the improvement of personal ability at the same time to improve company performance.

(iv) Designing the Performance Appraisal Index System Scientifically

The selection of key performance indicators should be based on the actual situation,such as different positions and different people,and different indicators,such as financial indicators,non-financial indicators,should be applied in the performance assessment.After the detailed classification of work,different assessment methods should be adopted for different positions,and assign the overall objectives to the lower level,adopt the smart principle to explain the meaning of different indicators.In addition,these key performance indicators must be quantifiable,such as scoring with a balanced scorecard.Finally,according to the actual implementation of indicators,the performance indicator system should be avoided from being influenced by the subjective factors of senior executives[4].

(v) Ensuring the Improvement of Business Management Concept and Environment

In order to ensure that the performance appraisal of enterprises plays its role,we need to up-date the concept of performance management,and pay attention to the surrounding environment,which can play a role and have a powerful driving effect.In the actual process,the middle and senior personnel of the enterprise should first change their ideas,follow the national policies,and put people first.People are the core of management,and those who win the hearts of the people win the world.Moreover,it is necessary to understand the personality characteristics,advantages,disadvantages and ability levels of each employee.Only after all these are known,can we better match people in their proper positions,give full play to their strengths and maximize the overall benefits.In terms of the internal environment of the enterprise,it is necessary to attach importance to the career planning of employees,maximize their own value,motivate employees'enthusiasm,make them more active in work,and contribute more to the increase of enterprise interests.At the same time,formulate strategic goals for enterprises’future development,and pay attention to the performance appraisal system meeting the current needs of enterprise development and to the construction of the enterprises’culture,promote the stable development of the enterprise through advanced management concept.Therefore,through effective performance management strategy strengthen internal and external management measures so as to better promote the realization of enterprise economic benefits into maximization,and be in an invincible position in the fierce market competition[5].


Peter F.Drucker,the founder of management once said:“It's more important to do the right thing than to do it right.”Therefore,it is undoubtedly very important to re-examine the performance management of enterprises and find out the real reasons restricting the improvement of performance,so as to treat the disease.