业主和建筑客户何时开始用ISO 19650系列?


土木建筑工程信息技术 2019年4期

保罗·希尔科克1 曹春莉(译)

(1.英国先锋培训咨询有限公司,莱奇沃思,英国 SG6 1GJ;2.英国绿鹤咨询有限公司,沃特福德,英国 WD24 78G)

1 引言 Introduction

The UK 1192 series was developed to define BIM Level 2 in the UK.Since its publication,the series has been widely adopted around the world by asset owners and construction clients seeking to reduce risk,increase predictability and achieve better business outcomes.This success led to the international community requesting that the UK 1192 series be elevated to international level.

英国1192系列是为在英国定义BIM 2级而开发的。该系列自出版以来,已被世界各地的业主和建筑客户广泛采用,用以降低风险、提高可预测性并取得更好的业绩。这一成功导致国际上要求将英国1192系列提升到国际应用。

In response,an international working group was set up in 2014 tasked with the development of the new ISO 19650 series.In December 2018,the first two documents within the new series were published.These cover the concepts and principles for the management of information across the asset lifecycle and the management of information during the delivery phase of assets.Both documents have subsequently been adopted by the British Standards Institution(BSI)and published as British standards,which has led to the withdrawal of BS 1192 and PAS 1192-2.

作为回应, 2014年成立了一个国际工作组,负责开发新的ISO 19650系列。2018年12月,新系列的前两个文件发布。这两个文件涵盖了在资产生命周期中管理信息以及在资产交付阶段管理信息的概念和原则。这两个文件随后被英国标准协会(BSI)采用,并作为英国标准出版,这导致了BS 1192和PAS 1192-2的撤销。

Currently under development are the next two documents,Part 3 and Part 5.Both documents are due to published early 2020.These will cover the management of information during the operational phase of assets and the adoption of a security minded approach to the management of information relating to sensitive assets.


2 业主和建筑客户何时开始使用ISO 19650系列? When should asset owners and construction clients start to use ISO 19650 series?

People in construction industry have asked this question many times,and there are 5 reasons to switch and help organizations make their decision.


2.1 ISO 19650系列是真正的国际标准 The ISO 19650 series is a truly international standard

The ISO 19650 series uses the UK 1192 series as its basis,but they are not UK standards.The elevation of the UK 1192 series has been overseen by an international working group.With each member representing the interests of their respective national standards body.The process of gaining an international consensus took over four and half years.During this time,the documents have also been issued globally for public consultation.Hundreds of comments have been submitted,with each one considered by the international working group.This means that the ISO 19650 series is truly an international standard.

ISO 19650系列使用英国1192系列作为基础,但它们不是英国标准。提升英国1192系列由一个国际工作组监督。各成员代表各自国家标准机构的利益。取得国际共识的过程历时四年半。在此期间,这些文件也在全球范围内发布,供公众查阅。国际工作组提交了数百条评论,每一条都得到了审议。这意味着ISO 19650系列是真正的国际标准。

2.2 ISO 19650系列包括英国1192系列的最佳实践 The ISO 19650 series includes the best practice from the UK 1192 series

BS 1192 was published twelve years ago and PAS 1192-2 was published six years later in 2013.Since that time,many lessons have been learnt.This has resulted in the emergence of best practice for key activities such as establishing requirements for information,preparing an invitation to tender and information delivery planning.This best practice was intended to be incorporated into a major revision of the UK 1192 series during 2018.However,due to its imminent release,the lessons learnt and best practice was included within the ISO 19650 series instead.

BS 1192于12年前出版,而PAS1192-2于6年后在2013年出版。从那以后,我们学到了很多经验。这导致出现了关键活动的最佳实践,如建立信息要求、编制招标邀请函和信息交付计划。该最佳实践计划在2018年纳入英国1192系列的主要修订版。由于是最新发布的,所吸取的教训和最佳实践也被纳入了ISO 19650系列中。

2.3 向ISO 19650系列的过渡很简单 The transition to ISO 19650 series is simple

Asset owners and construction clients who have already adopted the UK 1192 series should find the transition to the ISO 19650 series relatively straight forward.This is because the fundamental concepts and principle of the UK 1192 series remain,plus in the main,the activities within the information management process are unchanged.The information management process within the ISO 19650 series has also been simplified,which also helps organizations who are yet to adopt any standards.This is largely due to the introduction of the information management function,which is made up of the different parties and teams involved in the project.Within the ISO 19650 series,the responsibility for each activity is assigned to one of the parties.The party responsible can choose to undertake the activity themselves,employ a third-party to undertake it on their behalf,or discharge their responsibility to another party.Annex A within ISO 19650-2 also provides an information management responsibility assignment matrix template,which can be used to assign responsibility at the start of a project.

已经采用英国1192系列的业主和建筑客户应该发现,向ISO 19650系列的过渡相对直接。这是因为英国1192系列的基本概念和原则仍然存在,而且基本上,信息管理过程中的活动是不变的。ISO 19650系列中的信息管理过程也被简化,这也有助于尚未采用任何标准的组织。这主要是由于引入了信息管理功能,该功能由参与项目的不同各方和团队组成。在ISO 19650系列中,每项活动的责任都分配给其中一方。责任方可以选择自己开展活动,雇佣第三方代表其开展活动,或向另一方履行责任。ISO 19650-2中的附录A还提供了一个信息管理责任分配矩阵模板,可用于在项目开始时分配职责。

2.4 ISO 19650系列是灵活的 The ISO 19650 series is flexible

During the development process,it became apparent that were regional variances as to how some of the requirements within ISO 19650 series were to be met.Typically,this would relate to established information standards or production methods and procedures within a country or region.This led to the introduction of a national annex.A national annex does not add any addional requirements but enables each standards body to provide clarification on the information standards or production methods and procedures to be adopted when implementing the ISO 19650 series in that country or region.To date,only the UK have published their national annex,but work is under way in many countries to develop and publish their own national standard.

在开发过程中,很明显,在如何满足ISO 19650系列中的某些要求方面存在区域差异。通常,这与一个国家或地区内的既定信息标准或生产方法和程序有关。这导致引入了一个国家附件。国家附录不增加任何附加要求,但使每个标准机构能够澄清在该国家或地区实施ISO 19650系列时要采用的信息标准或生产方法和程序。迄今为止,只有英国出版了其国家标准附件,但许多国家正在努力制定和出版自己的国家标准。

2.5 ISO 19650系列代表了最新的行业标准和最佳实践 The ISO 19650 series represents the latest industry standards and best practice

The ISO 19650 series represents the latest industry standards and best practice and provide a unified approach that enables delivery teams to collaborate around an internationally agreed set of standards.As such,delivery teams are already aligning their business processes to the new series in anticipation of the standards being adopted by asset owners and construction clients.In particular,multinational teams are also establishing the capability and capacity to manage and produce information in accordance with the ISO 19650 series to enable distributed teams to work effectively on the same project.

ISO 19650系列代表了最新的行业标准和最佳实践,并提供了一种统一的方法,使交付团队能够围绕一组国际公认的标准进行协作。因此,交付团队已经将其业务流程与新系列相协调,以预期满足业主和建筑客户即将采用的标准。特别是,多国团队也正在建立根据ISO 19650系列管理和生成信息的能力,以使在不同地方的团队能够有效地在同一项目上工作。

To conclude,in my view,asset owners and construction clients are recommended to switch from the UK 1192 series sooner,rather than later.

综上所述,建议业主和建筑客户应尽早从英国1192系列转向ISO 19650。

