

农业工程学报 2018年24期

杨 溢,卢 杰,杨志全,丁 一


杨 溢,卢 杰,杨志全※,丁 一

(昆明理工大学公共安全与应急管理学院,昆明 650093)

注浆技术可用来加固松散碎石土层,以提高其防渗与承载能力。该文以渗透注浆工作原理与注浆花管技术为基础,开展了加固松散碎石土层注浆试验研究;并依据数值分析方法与Minitab 16软件,探讨了注浆加固松散碎石土层注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度等效果参数预测模型;同时设计试验进行了验证。研究结果表明:1)相邻注浆孔流出的浆液在松散碎石土层中相容,且侧边与底部注浆孔流出的水泥浆液在松散碎石土层渗透扩散时产生了明显的群效应,从而形成一个整体近似呈圆柱形的注浆结石体;2)由这些模型计算得到的注浆量实测值大于预测值,而扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度的实测值都小于预测值,但均相差不大,其相对误差分别在9%、7%、6%与6%左右变动。因此,该文构建模型可作为采用注浆技术加固松散碎石土层的注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度等效果参数的设计基础。研究成果可为碎石土地质灾害的防灾减灾提供一定的理论参考。


0 引 言

碎石土是由残坡积、风化卸荷及冲洪积等形成的第四纪土与石块的二重介质非均质土石混合体,是一种特殊的地质体[1-2]。在中国,碎石土地层在每个省份均有分布,尤其在西南及西北山区更为广泛[2],目前较多的自然灾害在碎石土地层中诱发,如滑坡、崩塌与泥石流等;尤其在地震与人为活动作用下更易发生,不仅损毁大量的农田,而且造成非常惨痛的事故,严重影响着人民群众的生命财产安全。如2010年8月8日甘肃舟曲诱发的泥石流灾害造成了300余间碎石土地基房屋倒塌、1 824人受伤、208人失踪及1 557人遇难的惨剧[3-5]。


当前,注浆技术,尤其是花管注浆技术,在国内外众多的注浆工程实践中具有较广泛的应用,已遍及边坡、地铁、矿山、建筑、公路、隧道、铁路及水电等较多工程领域[1,29-31]。然而,在采用花管注浆技术加固岩土体的理论研究方面目前还处于探索阶段,导致其理论滞后于工程应用,难以满足注浆实践的需要。为此,本文以渗透注浆工作原理与花管注浆技术为基础开展加固松散碎石土层注浆试验研究;并依据数值分析方法与Minitab 16软件探讨注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度等效果参数与注浆压力、水灰比、注浆花管侧边注浆孔间平均孔距、注浆时间与碎石土孔隙率等影响因素间的相互关系,以期为松散碎石土灾害的防治减灾提供一定的理论支撑。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料



表1 注浆试验采用的松散碎石土粒径特征与基本性质

1.2 试验设备与工作原理

1.2.1 试验设备


1.氮气减压器与注浆控制开关 2.试验箱 3.供压装置 4.储浆容器 5.注浆花管 6.电子称

在图1中,试验箱的三维尺寸为600 mm×600 mm× 600 mm,由有机玻璃板与钢支架构成,用来放置松散碎石土层;供压装置装有的氮气可为注浆试验提供所需的注浆压力,联合氮气减压器与注浆控制开关可实现对每组试验所设计的注浆压力值与注浆时间的精确定量控制;储浆容器用来盛注浆流体,由电子称、密闭钢制圆筒及圆形铁架组成,电子称可对试验过程注入的浆液量较精确地测量与控制;密闭钢制圆筒设计能承受的最大压力为2.5 MPa,高与底面直径分别为40、15 cm;底部与顶部分别开口,开展注浆试验时,有压氮气由顶部开口进入储浆容器,对注浆浆液提供所需的压力,在注浆压力的推动下,浆液由底部开口注入放置在试验箱的松散砾石土层中。











1.供压设备 2.储浆容器 3.试验箱 4.氮气减压器(装有压力表)与注浆控制开关 5.注浆流体(本文采用水泥浆液) 6.电子称 7.注浆导管 8.注浆花管 9.松散碎石土层

1.3 试验设计


表2 注浆试验设计方案


Note: Experiments numbered S1-S9 are designed to adopt respectively loose gravel soil-layer represented by number G1-G9 in the table 1 as injected materials.

图3 注浆花管上的注浆孔与浆液注入孔分布示意图

2 试验结果与分析

2.1 试验结果



2)相邻注浆孔流出的浆液在松散碎石土层中相容, 侧边与底部注浆孔流出的水泥浆液在松散碎石土层渗透扩散时产生了明显的群效应,进而形成一个整体近似呈圆柱形的注浆结石体。


表3 注浆效果参数

Table 3 Parameters of grouting effect

图4 水泥浆液在松散碎石土层中的扩散形态与形成的结石体

2.2 抗压强度增长分析

由表3和表1可知,加固松散碎石土层形成的注浆结石体抗压强度较未加固的松散碎石土层抗压强度具有明显地提升,其提升幅度为1 030%~1 342%。这表明采用花管注浆技术加固松散碎石土层具有较好的效果。

2.3 效果参数与影响因素间的相互关系分析



采用Minitab 16软件分别对注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度cu等效果参数与注浆压力、水灰比、注浆花管侧边注浆孔间平均孔距、注浆时间及碎石土孔隙率等影响因素间的试验结果(表3)进行数值分析,可得到它们间分别符合式(3)~(6)的相互变化关系,拟合方差分析结果见表4。

表4 注浆加固松散碎石土层效果参数与影响因素间的拟合方差分析结果


Note:represents standard deviation distance between experimental data and regression line, mm.

由表4可知,各参数拟合相关系数2与调整的2(adj) 均大于84.30%,则表明拟合得到的式(3)~(6)与试验结果间的回归分析效果较好;同时,在方差分析结果中,值都小于0.05,表明回归拟合式(3)~(6)在0.05水平下具有显著的统计意义。因此,式(3)~(6)可分别作为注浆加固松散碎石土层注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度cu等效果参数预测模型。

3 效果参数预测模型试验验证


3.1 验证试验设计

采用的试验设备与工作原理分别见图1~2。本部分拟设计4组验证试验,其分别选用粒径范围为1~3、3~5、5~8与8~10 mm的松散碎石土层,对应的平均粒径分别为1.96、4.03、6.62与8.74 mm;比重、含水量、密度、孔隙率、渗透系数与抗压强度等指标的获取方法同上文。设计的验证试验方案如表5所示。

表5 注浆验证试验设计方案

3.2 结果与分析



表6 松散碎石土层注浆加固效果参数预测值与实测值及差异分析

4 结 论

以渗透注浆工作原理与注浆花管技术为基础,开展了加固松散碎石土层注浆试验研究,依据数值分析方法与Minitab 16软件,构建了注浆加固松散碎石土层注浆量、扩散半径、扩散高度及结石体抗压强度等效果参数预测模型,并对其进行了验证,得到以下结论:




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Experiments and effect parameters prediction model of reinforcement loose gravel soil-layers by flower pipe grouting

Yang Yi, Lu Jie, Yang Zhiquan※, Ding Yi


Grouting technology with very strong practicality and wide application can be used to reinforce loose gravel soil layers and improve its anti-seepage and carrying capacity. In China, loose gravel soil layers are distributed in every province, especially in the southwest and northwest mountainous areas. At present, due to their typical dual medium heterogeneity, lots of natural disasters are easily induced in loose gravel soil layers under the actions of rainfall, earthquake and human activities, such as debris flows, dammed lakes, collapses and landslides, which not only destroy a large amount of farmland, but also cause very painful accidents, and then seriously affect safety of people's lives and property. Firstly, based on penetration grouting operational principle and grouting flower pipe technologies in this research, some grouting experiments of reinforcing loose gravel soil layers had been carried out by analyzing and selecting four important influencing factors (grouting pressure, water cement ratio of cement grouting, mean hole distance of side grouting holes in grouting flower pipe and porosity of loose gravel soil layers). After that, according to numerical analysis method and Minitab 16 software, interrelations among grouting reinforcement effect parameters (such as grouting amount, diffusion radius, diffusion height, compressive strength of grouting stone body, et al) of loose gravel soil layers and influencing factors were researched, and then corresponding prediction models of these effect parameters which contains grouting pressure, water cement ratio of cement grouting, mean hole distance of side grouting holes in grouting flower pipe and porosity of loose gravel soil layers also were discussed. What is more, these prediction models were validated by means of designing indoor grouting experiments. Research results show that: 1) cement grouting injected into grouting flower pipe from top injection hole flows into in turn loose gravel soil layers from top to bottom through side grouting holes, while a small amount of it finally flows out from bottom grouting hole; A whole grouting stone body with approximately cylindrical shape is formed as cement grouting from adjacent grouting holes is compatible in loose gravel soil layer. 2) Predicted values of grouting amount calculated by grouting amount prediction models are less than actual measured values from grouting verification experiments, while predicted values of diffusion radius, diffusion height and compressive strength of grouting stone body are all more than corresponding actual measured values. And then these predicted values of grouting reinforcement effect parameters calculated by prediction models have within 10% relative error with the actual measurement values by grouting verification experiments, but these differences values are admitted. Thus, these prediction models of grouting reinforcement effect parameters constructed in this paper may take grouting amount, diffusion radius, diffusion height and compressive strength of stone body of reinforced loose gravel soil-layers by grouting technologies as design basis. Therefore, these research achievements obtained in this research may not only provide theoretical reference for disaster prevention, reduction and mitigation of debris flow, dammed lake, landslide and collapse induced in the loose gravel soil layers, but also can provide technical support for actual grouting engineering of controlled loose gravel soil layers by grouting technology.

cements; compressive strength; models; loose gravel soil-layers; flower pipe grouting technologies; effect parameters; prediction model

杨 溢,卢 杰,杨志全,丁 一. 花管注浆加固松散碎石土层试验与效果参数预测模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):151-157. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.018

Yang Yi, Lu Jie, Yang Zhiquan, Ding Yi. Experiments and effect parameters prediction model of reinforcement loose gravel soil-layers by flower pipe grouting[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 151-157. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.018




杨 溢,教授,博士,主要从事灾害起动机理与水土保持方面研究。



TU 443




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土层 沙与土 上