

中国园林 2019年5期

伴随快速城市化的进程,居住空间的分异与隔离、弱势群体的边缘化、公共空间资源的侵占等诸多社会问题涌现。城市要可持续发展,如何以有限的资源实施“公平的、包容的治理”?党的十八大以来,特别注重公平正义问题,一再强调公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求,促进公平正义、增进人民福祉是社会改革和发展的落脚点。“十三五” 规划提出了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,其中共享主要解决的就是公平正义的问题。2016年,联合国住房和城市可持续发展大会( “人居三” 会议)在《新城市议程》中提出“要确保所有公民机会均等且不受歧视”。2017年,国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)大会则以“景观的力量:为社会公平而设计” 为主题,进一步从景观设计的角度对景观资源分配的公平性问题进行了探讨。景观公平的议题已倍受全社会关注。

城市景观是人类活动对于自然的无限创作,让人们亲近自然、体验自然,提供了观赏、娱乐、休憩、教育和康养等多元价值。然而,当前有关景观资源的评价指标体系往往较为侧重空间的均等性,例如以人均绿地面积、绿地率等指标来指导城市绿地建设,以服务半径、服务面积等指标来考察绿地供需关系,都难以充分顾及不同地区的人群特征和社会需求的差异,引发了对于景观公平性的思考。景观公平性的相关研究紧随20 世纪末的环境正义运动:针对常见的城市绿地分配不均问题,许多城市以增加绿地供给作为应对,尤其对低收入社区采取补偿性公平措施,即为低收入居民提供更多的绿地。如果单纯对低收入社区增加绿地供给,虽然可以提升客观环境品质,促使社区更加健康、更有吸引力,但同时也会带来房产价值和住房成本的增加,使社区逐渐绅士化,从而导致某些低收入人群被迫搬离社区,迁往绿化水平不高的地方居住,使低收入人群仍旧无法平等享受绿地。问题该如何解决?随着城市发展对共享、品质的更高追求,类似的难题将越来越多地涌现。

如何能让公众公平地享有景观?如何能公平地分配景观资源?如何能建立公平的景观规划价值观?由于城市景观的发展变化嵌套在一系列的社会、政治、文化和经济关系中,这一系列的追问促成了本期“景观公平” 主题。景观公平性的内涵丰富,包括可持续发展、公众参与、兼顾不同群体的利益、尊重每一位居民的基本权利、共享性、非人类生物的权利等诸多含义。景观公平性的表现有着多个维度,例如分配的公平性、过程的公平性和互动的公平性等。以城市公园为例,分配公平性是指基于公平的原则,确保所有人都可以进入公园、使用公园;过程公平性是指所有受影响群体公平地纳入公园的规划和决策过程;互动公平性是指人们在公园中进行没有歧视的安全交往。以公平性为导向的景观规划设计,能更好地平衡景观资源与居民需求之间的关系,让景观生态服务能够惠及各类人群,减少公共健康差异,促进环境的可持续发展。

景观公平是一个值得多方长期讨论的议题,需要不断地追问和思辨。本期 “景观公平” 主题共收录了5 篇论文,分别从不同视角探析了景观公平的缘起、理念、议题、国内外研究趋势和不同方面的实践应用等,旨在为推进具有人文关怀的景观规划设计,提升居民幸福感提供进一步讨论思辨的平台。期待着风景园林在应对复杂环境、生态、社会和文化问题时肩负起更多的社会责任!

Along with the process of rapid urbanization,many social problems such as residential segregation,the marginalization of vulnerable groups,and the occupation of public space resources have emerged.How can cities achieve sustainable development and how to implement "fair and inclusive governance" with limited resources? Since the 18thCPC National Congress,special attention has been paid to the issue of fairness and justice.It has been repeatedly emphasized that fairness and justice are the inherent requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Promoting fairness and justice and enhancing people's well-being are the footholds of social reform and development.The "13thFive-Year Plan" proposes the development concept of innovation,coordination,green,openness and sharing.Among them,sharing mainly solves the issue of fairness and justice.In 2016,the United Nations Conference on Housing and Urban Sustainable Development ("Habitat III" Conference) proposed in the "New Urban Agenda" to "ensure that all citizens have equal opportunities and are not discriminated against".In 2017,the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) conference focused on the theme of "The Power of Landscape: Designing for Social Justice".The issue of justice in landscape resources distribution was explored.The issue of landscape justice has received much attention from the whole society.

Urban landscape is the infinite creation of human activities on the nature,allowing people to be close to nature,to experience nature,and to provide multiple values such as viewing,entertainment,rest,education,and well-being.However,the current evaluation index system for landscape resources tends to focus on spatial equality.For example,the per capita green space and green space rate are used to guide urban green space construction,and the service radius and service area are used to examine the supply and demand relationship of green space,difficult to fully take into account the differences in population characteristics and social needs in different regions,which has led to the thinking about the landscape justice.The study of landscape justice follows the environmental justice movement at the end of the 20thcentury: in response to the problem of uneven distribution of common urban green space,many cities responded by increasing the supply of green space,especially the simply compensatory measures for justice to the low-income communities,namely providing more green space for low-income residents.If we simply increase the supply of green space in lowincome communities,although it can improve the objective environmental quality and promote the communities to be healthier and more attractive,it will also bring about an increase in the value of the property and the cost of housing,and gradually become gentler,resulting in some low-income groups are forced to move out of the communities,to a place where the level of greening is not high,and they still could not enjoy the green space equally.How to solve the problem? With the pursuit of sharing and quality in urban development,more and more similar problems will emerge.

How can the public have the fair opportunity to enjoy landscape? How can we distribute landscape resources fairly? How can we establish fair landscape planning values? As the development of urban landscape is nested in a series of social,political,cultural and economic relationships,this series of questions has contributed to the theme of "landscape justice" in this issue.The concept of landscape justice is rich,including sustainable development,public participation,taking into account the interests of different groups,respecting the basic rights of each resident,sharing,and rights of non-human beings.Landscape justice shows multiple dimensions,such as justice of distribution,justice of process and justice of interaction.Taking urban parks as an example,the justice of distribution refers to ensuring that all people can enter parks and use parks based on the principle of justice; the justice of process refers to the fair integration of all affected groups into the planning and decision-making process of the park; the justice of interaction refers to people's safe interaction without discrimination in the park.The justice-oriented landscape planning and design can better balance the relationship between landscape resources and residents' needs,so that landscape ecological services can benefit all kinds of people,reduce public health differences,and promote the sustainable development of environment.

Landscape justice is a topic worthy of long-term discussion and needs constant questioning and speculation.In this issue of "Landscape Justice",five papers were collected,which explored the origins,concepts,issues,research trends at home and abroad,and practical applications from different perspectives,aiming at providing a platform for further discussion and speculation in promoting landscape planning and design with humanistic care and enhancing residents' well-being.We looking forward to landscape architecture shouldering more social responsibilities in dealing with complex environmental,ecological,social and cultural issues!

