宋 伟,刘远周,郑湍峰,刘晓秀
宋 伟,刘远周,郑湍峰,刘晓秀
(北方工业大学土木工程学院,北京 100144)
针对填砾抽灌同井流贯通、热贯通及温度锋面运移研究的不足,该文在已验证的数值模型中建立监测点、线、面和体对以上问题进行量化分析,并将热源井回水经过回填砾石直接流入抽水管的流量占总回水流量的百分比定义为流贯通强度。研究结果表明,填砾抽灌同井回水进入含水层后的流速可以用某一方向的分速度代替;该模型中的流贯通强度为1.2%,热贯通发生与完全形成的时间分别为模型运行2.5和12 min,抽水温度变化较剧烈的时刻与热贯通形成发展的时刻基本一致。在地下水渗流速度大于1×10-3m/s的区域,速度锋面运移较温度锋面运移快;反之,温度锋面运移快于速度锋面运移。通过对填砾抽灌同井流贯通、热贯通及温度锋面运移的量化分析,为进一步探索填砾抽灌同井最优运行策略和更高换热效率提供了理论基础。
0 引 言
1 模型建立
1.1 几何模型建立
根据砂箱试验台的几何参数,利用SolidWorks软件1:1建模,图1为几何模型与监测单元的位置及分区。图1a给出了砂箱几何模型及监测点、线、面的位置,在面上,选取过热源井轴心的截面A(=0)上的监测点P1(62, 685, 0)和监测线L1(=235 mm),来研究含水层中点、线、面上速度的大小和方向;建立监测线L2(= 62 mm)和L3(=300 mm)探究含水层温度随时间的变化规律。热贯通初始时间,即抽水管内温度发生变化的时间,为此在热源井内,选取位于抽水管上顶板的监测面S1来观测填砾抽灌同井热贯通形成发展的时间。在含水层内选取正对回水管中心的监测线L4(=685 mm),通过建立监测点获得其温度与速度,以分析含水层温度锋面和速度锋面的运移特性。
如图1b所示,建立包含抽水管的监测体V1(=113 mm)和包含回水管的监测体V2(=113 mm),定量研究各方向汇集到抽水管和从回水管向各方向发散的流量,流过V1和V2的流量总和均与抽/回水流量相等。V1上、下底面为监测面S3、S2,V2上、下底面为监测面S5、S4,空间上分别对应抽/回水管上下壁面。对以上4个监测面进行区域划分,如图1c所示,并假设地下水流出热源井为正,流入热源井为负,向上流动为正,向下流动为负。
注:P1为监测点; L1~L4为监测线; S1~S5为监测面; V1, V2为监测体.
1.2 网格划分及模拟参数设置
表1 模拟参数设置
2 主导速度与流贯通强度
2.1 监测点/线的主导速度
2.2 监测面的速度分布
2.3 流贯通强度
图4为监测体V1、V2上的监测面及热源井的流量分配情况。图4a显示了不同监测面上各监测区域流量的百分比。通过监测面S2的各区域向抽水管汇集的流量2占抽水流量的39.4%,流过监测面S3向抽水管汇集的总流量3占抽水流量的43.9%。通过V1上下监测面向抽水管汇集的流量占抽水流量的83.3%,从监测体侧面流入抽水管的流量仅占16.7%,可见抽水流量主要来自抽水管上下壁面(=113 mm)以内。V2的各监测面的流量分布与V1相同,回水通过回水管上下壁面(=113 mm)向外发散的流量为83.3%。
注: 监测面上的数据为流过该区域的流量占监测体流量百分比。
从图4a还可以看出,在同一监测体上,隔断区近侧监测面(S3、S4)所占流量百分比较远侧监测面(S2、S5)大,即3>2,4>5。所有监测面中流过S4的流量最大,通过模拟监测得出流经监测面S4各区域(从内到外)单位面积流量依次为28.2、10.2、4.7、3.2 m³/h。由于回灌过程中回水流速较大,回水迅速到达回水管底部,但不能及时流出,只能向上运动通过S5向外渗流,导致2>5。这种向上流动的过程中出现水头损失,而流过S2的地下水没有这部分水头损失,所以导致流过S5的流量小,两者差值为0.032 94 m³/h。
从图4b热源井内不同井深处的流量占总流量的百分比可以看出,在热源井内,回水流向井中心位置的过程中,热源井内的流量逐渐减小,回水逐渐向含水层流出。从井中心位置到抽水管的过程中,热源井内的流量逐渐增加,说明含水层内的地下水逐渐向热源井内汇集,最终进入抽水管。回水经过热源井回填砾石区直接流入抽水管的流量即为热源井内井中心位置处的流量,因此定义流贯通强度为热源井回水经过回填砾石区直接流入抽水管的流量占总回水流量的百分比。该模型中流过热源井中心位置的流量为0.006 5 m³/h,流贯通强度为1.2%。
3 热贯通与温度/速度锋面运移
3.1 监测线温度随时间的变化
图5给出了监测线温度随时间的变化情况,从图5a监测线L2的温度随时间的变化关系可知,当模拟运行2 min时,正对回水管处的原水已被低温回水占据,温度降至13.5 ℃,基本与回水温度相等。在模拟运行过程中监测线上的温度以正对回水管处为中心向上/下逐渐降低,可明显看出砂箱上顶板阻碍了温度场向上的发展,限制了热源井换热的区域。
图5 监测线温度随时间的变化
图5b给出了监测线L3的温度随时间的变化情况。当模拟运行5 min时,正对回水管中心位置的温度降低较快;当模拟运行10 min时,L3上温度变化较快的位置同样正对回水管中心,说明在含水层内其他参数相同的情况下,正对回水管中心处温度变化较快。监测线L3上的温度变化幅度在前10 min大于后15 min,这是因为低温回水渗入含水层的速度比较缓慢,前10 min回水与含水层进行热交换的区域较小,致使热交换区域内的温度变化剧烈;10 min后随着热交换区域扩大,含水层温度变化逐渐减缓。
从图5可知,模拟运行25 min之内,砂箱下底板未受到低温回水的影响,受影响的区域仅在距离砂箱下底板200 mm左右的位置。可见,填砾抽灌同井换热的区域主要集中在抽水管以上,因此在实际工程中应适当增大抽/回水管间距以及回水管与隔水顶板之间的距离,从而增加热交换区域,提高填砾抽灌同井承担负荷的能力。
3.2 热贯通与抽水温度的关系
图6为热贯通与抽水温度的变化关系,模拟初始2.5 min监测面S1的温度保持为砂箱的初始温度,2.5 min后S1的温度急剧降低,热贯通开始发生;初始5 min S1的温度从20 ℃降至14 ℃。模拟运行7.5 min后S1的温度下降趋势变缓,并在12 min时稳定在回水温度左右,此时热贯通完全形成。
图6 热贯通与抽水温度的变化关系
监测面S1与抽水口相距310 mm,致使热贯通的发生早于抽水温度降低。但对比抽水温度和S1的温度在整个模拟期间随时间变化关系,可认为两者温度开始下降的时间基本一致;热贯通形成发展的时间段恰好是抽水温度变化相对剧烈的时间。可见热贯通对填砾抽灌同井的抽水温度造成直接影响。
3.3 温度/速度锋面运移
由图7a可知,地下水渗流速度随着远离热源井逐渐降低,且存在数量级差异。距热源井轴心100 mm内的渗流速度变化较快,流速量级为10-3m/s;100到300 mm之间的渗流速度变化较缓,数量级为10-4m/s;300 mm之外,流速量级减小为10-5m/s。拟合得出监测线L4上地下水的渗流速度与的关系,即速度锋面运移到各位置时的速度。
图7 速度和温度锋面的运移
通过温度与速度锋面运移的关系式,计算得出温度与速度锋面运移到各坐标位置所需的时间。由图7可知,距热源井轴心100 mm内,即地下水渗流速度大于1×10-3m/s的区域,速度锋面的运移速度较温度锋面运移速度快;而在100 mm之外,渗流速度小于1×10-3m/s的区域,运移同等距离下温度锋面所需的时间较速度锋面所需的时间短;距热源井轴心越远,地下水的渗流速度越低,运移同等距离,速度锋面所需时间会越长。
4 结 论
2)热贯通发生与完全形成的时间分别为模型运行2.5和12 min。抽水温度变化相对剧烈的时间与热贯通形成发展的时间基本一致,可见热贯通直接影响填砾抽灌同井的抽水温度;
3)在距热源井轴心100 mm之内,即地下水渗流速度大于1×10-3m/s的区域,速度锋面运移较温度锋面运移快;而在距热源井轴心100 mm之外,渗流速度小于1×10-3m/s的区域,温度锋面运移快于速度锋面运移。
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Numerical simulation on flow/thermal transfixion and temperature front migration of thermal well of pumping & recharging well filled with gravel
Song Wei, Liu Yuanzhou, Zheng Tuanfeng, Liu Xiaoxiu
The system of pumping & recharging well filled with gravel (PRWFG) is a specific type of the single thermal well used as ground heat exchanger. The heat efficiency of PRWFG is higher than that of the standing column well (SCW) or the traditional pumping & recharging well (PRW). The inlet water of the PRWFG converges and seeps toward the thermal well both horizontally and longitudinally as combined impacts of the positive recharging pressure, the negative pumping pressure and the gravity. During the procedure of seepage, the heat transfers between the inlet water and the water/solids in the aquifer via conduction, convection and thermal dispersion. The amount of heat transferred directly affects the efficiency and the capacity of the thermal well. Due to the low velocity of underground water, heat conduction occurs between the fluid and the solids, as well as between the solids. The heat transfer coefficient is relatively stable if there are certain hydrogeological conditions. Heat convection and thermal dispersion occur in the pores among the solids and the heat transfer coefficients depend on the flow rate of groundwater. A small amount of inlet water enters the outlet water pipe after heat exchanged with the gravel zone and the wall of the thermal well. Considering the facts that normally the porosity of the gravel zone is larger than that of the aquifer, the pressure difference between inlet and outlet water pipes is high and the distance between them is short, flow transfixion is more commonly happened in the thermal well than in the aquifer. Flow transfixion is a process that the inlet water in the thermal well enters the outlet water pipe through the gravel zone and the zone near the wellbore. The flow transfixion leads to a thermal transfixion by mixing water at different temperatures and mixed flow moves to the outlet water pipe. The formation of flow/thermal transfixion reduces the heat transfer efficiency and load-carrying capacity of thermal well. Currently, the bleeding strategy is usually used for decreasing flow/thermal transfixion. With the rapid development of computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation is widely applied to the field of ground source heat pump. However, lots of researches focus on the aspects such as the thermal response radius of the pumping and recharging wells, the effect of groundwater seepage on the ground heat exchangers, and the characteristic of aquifer thermal energy storage. Considering the fact that there is insufficient research to predict the flow/thermal transfixion and the temperature migration of PRWFG, this paper provides a fundamental study in order to better understand the operation mechanism. The dynamic characteristics of PRWFG are quantitatively studied by establishing observation point, lines, surfaces and volumes based on the validated numerical model. The strength of flow transfixion is defined as the portion of the inlet water flow from the thermal well directly enters the outlet-water pipe through the gravel zone. Results show that the resultant velocity of PRWFG inlet water which flows back to the aquifer can be replaced by the component velocity in a specific direction. In this model, the strength of flow transfixion strength is 1.2 %. The time for the thermal transfixion to start and completely developed is 2.5 and 12 minutes respectively for the model running. It is also observed that during the same period when there are severe variations of the outlet water temperature, the thermal transfixion occurs and develops. In the area within 100 mm from the axis of thermal well, where the seepage velocity of groundwater is higher than 1×10-3m/s, the velocity front migration is faster than the temperature front migration. On the contrary, the temperature front migration is greater than the velocity front migration. The quantitative analysis of flow transfixion, thermal transfixion and temperature front migration of PRWFG will provide a theoretical basis for further exploration of the optimized operation of the PRWFG system with higher efficiency.
well; temperature; velocity; pumping & recharging well filled with gravel; flow transfixion strength; thermal transfixion; temperature front; numerical simulation
宋 伟,刘远周,郑湍峰,刘晓秀. 热源井填砾抽灌同井流/热贯通及温度锋面运移数值模拟[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):210-216. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.025 http://www.tcsae.org
Song Wei, Liu Yuanzhou, Zheng Tuanfeng, Liu Xiaoxiu. Numerical simulation on flow/thermal transfixion and temperature front migration of thermal well of pumping & recharging well filled with gravel[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 210-216. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.025 http://www.tcsae.org
宋 伟,博士,副教授,长期从事浅层地热能领域的研究。Email:stillwater2013@163.com