“有一天在课堂上,教授给我看中国明代山水画,那些嶙峋奇特的山石,它们的造型狭长而不规则,既奇怪又美,不像现实中的风景。教授告诉我,这些山水确实是真实存在的风景。”那是20世纪80年代的事,Lois Conner还是耶鲁大学的研究生,她当时选修了中国明代山水画。
Lois Conner became curious about China when attending an art appreciation course. It was in the early 1980s and she was a student at Yale University. After learning from her professor that the rivers and mountains in the landscape paintings by ancient Chinese artists really existed, she knew she had to visit China and take a look.
There were only eight students in the course. The other seven could read and speak Chinese and had knowledge of Chinese culture. Lois Conner was a beginner. She was scared by the daunting course and asked timidly if she could back out. The professor encouraged her to stick to the bitter-sweet end: “You are an artist and you can gain a different perspective from this course.” She stayed. She studied artworks from the Chinese dynasties. After lunch she spent an hour studying Chinese. She looked at the original paintings at a museum at least three times per week. She hugged herself that she had stumbled into a treasure.
These ancient Chinese landscapes grew on her. After graduation she took a job at the United Nations. It was working at the UN that she submitted a detailed plan for taking a tour to China and photographing Chinas landscape to Guggenheim Foundation. She received a scholarship.
In 1984, she arrived in Guilin via Hong Kong. Guilin in Chinese refers to a sweet osmanthus forest. After stepping off the plane, she detected flower fragrance. She looked around to determine where the flowers were. It was an amazing experience. It was the second time in Guilin that she came face to face with mountains and rivers that looked exactly like what she had seen in paintings created by artists of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
Since then she has been photographing China for 35 years and going on. She uses a 7x 17-inch full frame camera, which weighs 70 pounds.
When Lois Conner tells me this story, she and I are sipping coffee at a terrace outside a coffee house on Nanshan Road in Hangzhou. At 68, she is now taking a special course at China Academy of Art. She uses Chinese now and t hen in telling her story. She speaks Chinese better than the last time I met her in New York. She says she forgets how to speak Chinese when she is in America. “I am now 68 and I am healthy.” She shows me her arms. She doesnt look like a woman of that age.
In the 1980s, a foreigner ran into a lot of difficulties traveling in China. It was hard to find a hotel. Even in 1997, she would have much trouble in finding a hotel for foreigners in the region along the Yangtze River.
“It was on the campus of Peking University in 1988 that I tried to photograph lotus flowers. In 1995, lotus flowers totally fascinated me,” recalls Lois Conner.
In 1995, she came to Hangzhou. She planned to stay for a month and take a series of lotus flower photos on the West Lake. The weather was lousy. It rained almost every day. There was no contrast of light and shade. She couldnt figure out where the lotus stem began and where it ended. She waited for a few days, studying lotuses. Then she noticed the reflection of lotus flowers. She was inspired by the reflections. Without bright sunlight, the lotus leaves and flowers looked like Chinese calligraphy. She thought it was a gift from heaven. The photographs she took that summer opened her eyes to the beauty of lotus flowers she had never thought she would see. Her mother passed away in August 2018. She came to photograph lotuses in Hangzhou and Beijing. One day she sat watching these lotuses and saw her mother in the flowers and the sky in the water. She was very sad. She missed her mother. “I dont want to think about end. I have too many things to do, but life isnt long enough,” she says.
Since 1995, she has visited the West Lake in Hangzhou many times. She has lost the count. Lotus flowers on the lake in the summer flourish furiously. She likes the capricious beauty of lotus flowers.
In the eye of Lois Conner, China has changed over the past 35 years. She has photographed the tremendous transformation. Some photos she took in Beijing show buildings under construction, buildings in refurbishment, and buildings that were coming down. She becomes sentimental when she talks about these changes though she says she understands cities keep changing all the time.
Lois Conner has many Chinese friends. In some old time photos she keeps at her studio in New York, these Chinese friends look young. These photos are more than a record of friendship. These young faces indicate time and change and life.
Whenever she comes back to China, she meets her old friends and has dinner with them. “My Chinese friends love food. So do I. China has abundant good food. I find that regional cuisines are different and sometimes the cuisine in one town is different from the cuisine in the next town.”
Lois Conner comments that Guilin is part of her life and that Hangzhou is part of her soul. She has a to-do list. She says she is going to photo what happens in the streets of New York when the general election comes around in 2020. She has lived in New York since 1971. And she has been taking photographs of New York since then. Another priority on her list is a series of portraits of artists she knows personally. She will continue to photograph lotus flowers. “This is my lifelong passion,” she says.