

文化交流 2019年12期




浙江美术馆 大展纪念开馆十周年








展览以纸艺术作品为视觉主体,从纸的物质材料属性与文化艺术属性分别进行叙述,旨在诠释当代艺术在中华传统文化传播流转层面上的不懈努力与孜孜探索,反映当代艺术家对中华文明物质遗产的守护与全新解读。展览特别邀请了梁铨、胡伟、陈琦、施慧、Bruno Walpoth()、Ewa Latkowska()、Fabio Lantinori()、Chika Ohgi()、Shin Ho Yoon()等近40位国内外知名艺术家,为观众带来全新作品,既有架上、雕塑作品,也有装置、影像等丰富的新媒介艺术语言创作的作品。


中国丝绸博物馆 行走于传统和时尚之间


时尚范十足的国丝馆推出了酝酿两年的Dior大展,一时间吸引不少年轻潮人前往观看。作为国丝馆首次收费展,“迪奥的迪奥Dior by Dior(1947~1957)”聚焦迪奥先生在任11年内的创作生涯,通过总计100余件高级订制时装、配饰、面料、刺绣小样和设计手稿,配以印刷出版物及影像资料,带领观众领略迪奥先生的时尚美学,重返高级时装的黄金年代。






南宋官窯博物馆 再现杭城70年考古史









In 2019, the museums in Hangzhou have held a series of exhibitions. Zhejiang Museum has held some heavy-weight exhibitions in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the museum. Zhejiang Art Museum, China National Silk Museum, Southern Song Imperial Kiln Museum and other museums in Hangzhou also held series of exhibitions. These exhibitions add up to form a big picture of the provinces history, culture, and tradition.

Zhejiang Art Museum

The year 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010), one of the best known artists of China in modern times. Exhibitions have been held across the country to honor the master, but the exhibition from August 9 to September 8, 2019 in Hangzhou was special. On display were 115 artworks in three sections: Wus oil paintings and colored ink paintings, Wus 48 sketches done on his 1978 trip to Yunnan, and works by Wus friends and students.

In December 2009, Wu Guanzhong donated 56 artworks created by himself and artworks by others in his collection to Zhejiang Museum. In November 2010, three months after Wu passed away, his son Wu Keyu donated the 48 sketches about Yunnan to Zhejiang Museum. “I dont want my father to be remembered as an artist whose artworks are sold at astronomical prices,” emphasized the son at the launching ceremony of the exhibition in 2019. “I hope you can understand what kind of person my father was and what kind of artist my father was after you view the exhibition.”

China National Silk Museum

It is only natural for Hangzhou to have this national museum, for silk originated in Zhejiang as testified by archaeological findings. Zhejiang is a key part of Chinas Silk Road that crossed the nation and reached the other parts of the world for thousands of years. The museum has a huge following on the internet. It is one of the must-visit spots for thousands and thousands of fans. China National Silk Museum is by no means a place where ancient silk products are stored, exhibited and studied. The museum is engaged in many activities that point to a future when silk will continue to play a key part in human life. Part of the space of the museum is dedicated to modern fashions.

In September, , an exhibition started at the museum. The exhibition will be closed in January 2020. The exhibition honors Christian Dior (1905-1957), a French couturier noted for his innovative fashions. The exhibition focuses on the 11 years from 1947 when Dior as a fashion house came into being to 1957 when the couturier passed away. Also on display are works by backstage heroes such as craftspeople and textile workers who contributed to the glory of Dior.

Another big event at the museum was  from March 15 to May 5, 2019.

The exhibition was all about the gloss and glory of womens silk fashion of a family living in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) of China restored by Chinese and Korean antiquarians who worked in partnership. Most of the exhibits were selected from the archaeological findings from the tomb of the Xu-surnamed concubine of Li Xiang, a man from an influential clan living in present-day Wangdian Town in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. The findings from the tomb of one of Lis concubines were shipped to Hangzhou, where textile conservators of the China National Silk Museum and the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage of South Korea started a restoration project in partnership. The restoration of two of the unearthed silk pieces took six years to complete. The result is two immaculate pieces elaborately adorned with embroidered patterns. Visitors found it hard to imagine how the dust-laden silk fragments from about 500 years ago could be put together again. Behind the virtuosity is a wide range of preservation techniques and expertise for all types of media and material.

Southern Song Imperial Kiln Museum

The museum in Hangzhou testifies to some historical facts: the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) was housed in present-day in Hangzhou and the imperial kilns produced finest porcelain pieces for the royal house.

On September 27, the museum unveiled a retrospection on the archaeological discoveries in the past seven decades. The exhibition is going on until March 29, 2020.

As modern Hangzhou has been experiencing massive urbanization on the strength of booming economic and social growth in the past 40 years, an incredibly large quantity of precious cultural relics have been unearthed. More than 500 exhibits testify to the past glory of the city. The city not only served as the capital of the Southern Song but also the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom (907-978). If we go further back, the city of the ancient Liangzhu Culture of 5,000 years ago has been found in a suburb of Hangzhou. The archaeological investigation is still going on. Further back in time, a canoe was unearthed in 2002 at the 8,000-year-old Kuahuqiao site. It is the most ancient canoe ever found in the world. One day in 2010, some workers at a construction site in Hangzhou stumbled into a huge underground hoard of ancient coins. Eventually archaeologists unearthed more than 370,000 coins. The coins are registered into 110 different categories and indicate a period of 1,500 years from the Western Han (206BC-8AD) to the Ming (1368-1644). It is the biggest hoard ever found in the province.


钢·美术馆二层展厅 钢·美术馆一层展厅
吴冠中 山一程,水一程