文章使用了When I was 11,...和I wished he had been there to...的排比段,表达了作者对往昔的点滴回忆,对无法留住亲情、以实际行动告慰父亲在天之灵的无比惆怅。文章的语言朴素而平实,感伤中饱含期待,失落中充满美好的向往。
Everything changed when I was 11. When I was 11, I had a whiny(令人不愉快的) southern accent that was much more annoying than the whiny southern accent that I am blessed with today.
When I was 11, I was short and round, without a waistline. I had untidy hair and thick bangs(刘海儿) that curled under in the exact shape of a large⁃barrel curling iron.
When I was 11, I was going through a terribly awkward and ugly period, and I watched the popular, pretty girls whisper and snicker(窃笑)as I walked past them in the middle school hall.
When I was 11, I was sure that I’d be loud,annoying, ugly and awkward for the rest of my life.
When I was 11, my awkward bangs and chubby(胖嘟嘟的) face were the last thing my father saw. My whiny, southern⁃twangy voice was the last thing my father heard.
Years after he passed away, I began to wish he were there to see the person I was becoming.
I wished he had been there to see the awkwardness fade and the weight fall off and my height increase by 12 to 14 inches by the time I was 13.
I wished he had been there to see that those stupid bangs grew and I changed the curling iron for a straightening iron.
I wished he had been there to know that I eventually killed the pretty, mean bullies(以大欺小者)with kindness and then might or might not have stolen their boyfriends.
I wished he had been there to know that I finally got the hang of the piano and that I stuck with the writing hobby that I loved so much as a child.
I wished he had been there to hear that my voice lost some of its pain and whiny twang.
I wished he had been there to see that I fell in love with a good kid who reminds me of him—tall and skinny with a love of playing tennis, singing Bob Seger, and water⁃skiing barefoot.
And now I wish he were here to see these beautiful children that I bore and named after him.
If my dad were alive today, I know we would do wonderful things together. He was humorous, creative, and talented. I’m pretty sure we’d do something epic(史诗般的)and probably be the most famous father⁃daughter duo since Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus.
1.eventually adv. 最终地
2.be blessed with 幸运地享有;有幸得到
3.in the shape of 以……的形状;呈……形状
4.remind... of 使……想起……