

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2018年8期

After a summer of sleeping in or doing things on your own time, the alarm bell announcing that first day of school can be a rude awakening. Whether youre an anxious new freshman or a confident[自信的] senior, heading back to school signals[預示] a time of transition[转变]: new classes, new teachers, new schedules[时间表], and a new social scene.

Dread[惧怕] it or love it, you gotta go to school. Here are some ways to make the transition from summer to school a little easier.

Theres no escaping the fact that the first day of school can be crazy. New kids wander[迷失方向] around in circles. You forgot your gym shorts. Freshmen are running in all directions, looking for their homerooms.

How can you combat[抗击] first-day chaos[混乱]? If youre headed to a new school, try to arrange a visit before classes begin. Explore any areas that are of particular interest, such as the gymnasium, library, or science labs.

Your first day is also the time to bring in school supplies (such as notebooks, pens, pencils, and a calculator) and paperwork. It may help to pack your backpack the night before school starts, so youre not scrambling[仓促行动] around at the last minute looking for what you need.

Each school has a different opening-day drill[规定的步骤]. Some start with homeroom or an assembly[集合], but others may jump right into the first-period class. Youll meet your new teachers, and theyll probably give you an overview[纵览] of the course syllabus[课程提纲], class rules, what the semester will be like, what supplies youll need, and expectations for your performance and behavior. Some teachers will jump right into their first lesson, while others may have non-coursework activities planned. It all depends on the class and the teacher.

Heres a simple equation[等式]: new place=new emotions. Lots of people feel anxious, scared, or excited about school. Although students who are coming back as seniors may be happy theyre in their final year, and cant wait to visit with friends, most freshmen or new kids are likely to be tense or worried.

Its perfectly normal to feel nervous on the first day of school. Getting back into the school routine[常规] and adjusting to[适应,调节] new workloads takes some getting used to after a long summer break. If youre having a mental[精神的] meltdown[崩溃], think back to some previous“first days.” Everything probably settled down pretty quickly once you got into the routine.

Meeting new people or getting reacquainted[重新熟悉] with classmates can feel overwhelming[压倒性的], especially if youre the shy or reserved[话不多的] type. Start small: If large groups make you nervous, try saying hello to one or two new people a day—the kid at the desk next to yours in homeroom is a good place to start. Or ask new people to sit with you in the cafeteria[自助食堂].

School seemed simple when you were younger. Everyone told you where to go, what classes to take, and how to finish your homework. Now things are different; there are so many choices and priorities[优先] competing for your time. Spread yourself too thin[同时做太多的事] and you may find yourself feeling stressed out.

Here are some things you can do to help regain control:

School is a time to make friends and try new things, but its also a place to learn skills like organization and decision making, which will come in handy for the rest of your life.














重获新生 庇佑