I recently turned 30. For some very odd reason Ive not warmed to the idea of it just yet. However as I began to evaluate[評估] my 20s, I realised how many mistakes Ive made and things Ive learned in a decade of life.
I took some time to write myself some advice.
1. Travel
You have very little responsibility[责任] so go and travel. When you get to 30, youre going to want to travel slightly[稍微] differently, spend a little more, do slightly more expensive things, eat at slightly better restaurants. So work for a year and save enough money to experience the world on the cheap.
How do you know what you want to do if you dont know whats out there to do?
Dont just travel to the obvious places.
Travel to the tough places.
Travel to learn.
Travel to discover.
Travel to the places that will challenge who you think you want to be.
2. Build Things
Dont spend too much time working on other peoples visions[视力] or in other peoples meetings. Spend time figuring out[解决,想出] what your own world view is and where you want to take your own life (see point 1).
Meetings are where ideas go to die.
If you find yourself in a corporate[公司的] job that you wish you could leave then do it.
Leave. If you dont have a corporate job yet, see point 5.
3. Read
Read every day. Read everything you can. Dont just read about things you know about. Read about people. Read people.
4. Stop Watching Television
Right now. Stop it. Its not helping you get better at anything.
5. Career[职业]
Do not take that corporate job. Just dont do it (see point 2).
6. Trust
Even if it kills your relationships. Even if it destroys your ideas. Even if you lose your friends. Even if it means you end up getting hurt.
Trust people until they give you a reason not to.
But dont be naive[天真的]. Some people are out to[设法] hurt you.
7. People
People are the best and worst thing that will happen to you. Some will help you go further, faster. Others will pull you down to their level and help you lose. Most are OK. Many are average[平均的,普通的]. Some are excellent.
A few people will change your life forever. Find them.
You dont need a lot of friends or people around you. You need amazing people who do for you as you do for them.
Its simple really, a lot of average friends will leave you feeling alone when you need to feel surrounded by people who care.
8. Value Time
Dont waste time on people who you dont trust. Dont waste time with lovers who cheat on[对……不忠] you. Dont waste time with friends who dont treat you the way you treat them (see point 7).
Do not be late.
Value other peoples time. That means that if youre late, you dont care about them or their time, and that you think youre worth more and therefore can keep them waiting.
Some people will tell you that its OK to be late. Its not. Some people will tell you that its just the way they are. Then you need to reevaluate[重新评估] them(see point 7 above).
9. Fail
Fail a lot. Fail often. Fail at love. Fail at socializing[社交]. Fail at making friends. Fail at work. Fail at business. Fail with family.
Fail. But do it quickly and learn a lesson.
If you dont learn something every time you fail, then all youve done is failed. If you learn something, then youve grown. Every time you grow and learn and fail, you get better at figuring out how to succeed.
10. Success
There is no point at which you will have succeeded. Not in your twenties. Not ever.
Get over[使……被接受] that fact and start building things (see point 2).
11. Patience
Be patient. Nothing worth doing is worth doing quickly. Nothing worth building is worth building in a rush[急急忙忙地]. Nothing of value is formed in a minute.
Plan in decades. Think in years. Work in months. Live in days.
1. 多去旅行
2. 构建自己的世界
3. 多读书
4. 别再看电视了
5. 关于工作
6. 学会信任
7. 关于身边的人
8. 珍惜时间
9. 关于失败
10. 关于成功
11. 保持耐心