Development of Artificial Intelligence and its Challenges


校园英语·中旬 2018年11期

【Abstract】This paper introduces the development of artificial intelligence. The history of development is discussed to illustrate the opportunities. The challenges that the artificial intelligence brought are also discussed. Based on the discussion, the artificial intelligence can bring the significant economic growth as well as improving peoples life.

【Key words】Artificial Intelligence; the challenges; the development


1. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence (AI) is a subject that simulates part of procedures in human minds and acts intelligently, such as study, deduction, thinking, planning, etc. The AI involves computer science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics and so on, which covers almost all the natural science and social subjects, making it an integrated subject.

The AI tries to understand the nature of intelligence and produce intelligent machines which are similar to human minds. The common thoughts believe that the only way to understand AI is to understand human minds itself. Meanwhile, our ability of self-intelligence improvement and understanding is also very limited. Therefore, the current research on AI mainly focuses on studying the human intelligence, the main method of studying and realizing the AI is to use computers.

2. Development of Artificial Intelligence

In 1956, the term ‘AI was formally raised by McCarthy. The low tide of AI begins from 1971 till the end of the 1980s. During the time, budget on AI was cut, some research facilities were closed and research around the world on AI was trapped into difficulties. The development of specialised system helped the research on AI, the specialised system led the AI from theoretical research into practice, making it the turning point of AI research. From the 1980s to the 21st century, the three main subjects started to integrated. Research on AI stepped into a deeper and more application level. The three subjects are studying from each other and improve together.

The keywords of AI are currently well known, such as robot, chip, face recognition, automatic driving. Some of them are already widely used in peoples life, such as face recognition in smartphones and online payments, AI speakers.

3. Opportunities and Challenges

The artificial intelligence is a powerful accelerator of innovation in the future, it can generate a new era of development of science and technology, forming a picture of developing technology via the technology. Therefore, the AI has a deep meaning in long-term. A successful specialised system can bring significant convenience as well as economic benefits. The development of AI reduces the demand for experienced specialists, which can reduce the labour and training cost. The AI can also improve the method of payment, as well as generating more innovative products and entertainments, which can stimulate the economical consumption and enrich peoples life.

Meanwhile, the challenges that the artificial intelligence brings shall also be considered. The AI can replace some of the peoples job, which are from physical work at the beginning to some of the brains work. As a result, some people have to change their jobs or even face the pressure of losing jobs.

The development of AI brings the significant impact to the society and peoples mind. The birth of first AI robot Citizen Sophia proved the point. The robot looks like a human lady, who has facial expressions, mood, can attend interviews, or even has its own targets and goals. The robots we built are more alike to a human on both appearance and minds. Maybe someday, when people walk on the street, they could no longer identify which one among them is an AI, as the AI could be close to us, or even be every one close to us. The AI might even have their own feelings and emotions, which means they could be as greedy and ambitious as human ourselves, they could even betray and harm for the purpose of self-benefit. Then how people shall control them would be a problem, what if they receive commands from bad people, what if they do anything necessary to achieve their commands, regardless of the cost. By thinking about the killing-robot image in Hollywood films, this would definitely raise a new crisis of trust.

However, if we choose to avoid the troubles, we are also giving up its potential values. The opportunity and challenge are not against each other, they exist together. Therefore, people shall keep discovering the intelligence of human being and solve the mystery of natural sciences. The existing of artificial intelligence is an opportunity for us to understand more about ourselves, as well as understanding the world. Perhaps it isnt necessary to choose since we are already on the way to the challenges.



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