张春花 谭建康
由于英汉两种语言分属于两个不同的语系,它们在语言的表达方式上各有各的特点。虽然在词类划分上大致相同,但词类的使用频率却在两种语言中有所差异,如英语中的名词和汉语中的动词使用频率相对高些。因此,在英译汉中经常要用到词类转换,即根据上下文和译文的表达习惯,在不改变原文词义的前提下,将原文中某些词的词性在译文中作出相应的改变,以便使译文通顺、流畅, 地道可读。本文主要谈谈英译汉中转译为汉语动词、名词、形容词、副词的现象。
(1)由动词派生的英语名词转译成汉语动词。英语有词形变化,许多动词词尾加上后缀,如-ment, -tion, -sion, -ance, -ence, -al 等,即可变成名词,这类英语名词汉译时,常常转译为汉语动词。例如:
1)The law prevented the employment of children under 10 in the cotton mills. 法律禁止棉纺厂雇佣十岁以下的童工。
2)The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. 我的生活转折点是我决定:不再做生财有望的商人而是专攻音乐。
1)There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes. 他眼睛里闪烁着胜利的光辉。
2)The post involves a considerable amount of foreign travel. 这一职务要求经常出差去国外。
(3)有些后缀是-er,-or, -ee, -ist 等的英语名词, 当该名词不是表示一个人的身份或职业, 而是含有较强的动作意味时,往往可以把它转译成汉语动词。例如:
1)She is a frequent visitor to the US. 她经常去美国。
2)Im quite a fast typist.我打字相当快。
1)We dont have any idea where he is going. 我们不知道他要去哪儿?
2)Dont pay any attention to what they say. 别在意他们所说的话。
(1)英语中有一些作表语的形容词,表示知觉、情感、欲望和想法等心理状态,如anxious, envious, content, grateful, confused 等词,通常可转译成汉语中表示心理活动的动词。例如:
1)Parents are naturally anxious for their children. 父母自然为儿女担心。
2)People are often confused about the magical effects of these exercise machines.人们常常被这些运动器械的神奇效果所迷惑。
1)Employers by and large are resistant to mediation. 从总体上说,雇主抵制调解。
2)She had been fiercely protective towards him as a teenager. 她过去曾极力呵护他这个十几岁的孩子。
3)Successful enterprises are quickly adaptable to economic change. 成功的企业能迅速适应经济转变。
(3)英语中有一些形容词,在句中做表语或定语时,也常常译为汉语动词。这类形容词有:be familiar with, be responsible for, be superior to, be different from等。例如:
1)Even if parents no longer live together, they each continue to be responsible for their children. 即使父母不再共同生活,他们也要分别对子女负责。
2)Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives pictures. 电视不同于无线电在于能发送并接受图像。
3.英语副词转译成汉语动词。英语中某些在形式上与介词相同,而且常常用作表语的副词或复合宾语中的副词, 汉译时可转译成汉语的动词。例如:
(1)When he went back, the television was still on, for he had forgotten to turn it off when he left. 他回来时,电视仍然开着,因为他离开时忘记关了。
(2)The storm being over, we drove on. 风暴停了,我们继续驱车向前。
(1)The boy helped the old lady across the road.这个男孩帮助这位老太太过马路。
(2)John was strongly against the plan. 约翰强烈反对这个计划。
1.英语中有些由名词派生的动词以及由名词转用的动词,如behave, characterize, witness, satirize等词,在汉语中很难翻译成相应的动词,因此常常转译为汉语的名词。例如:
(1)He behaved like a true gentleman. 他的行为像一个真正的绅士。
(2)It is chiefly characterized by its easy operation. 它的主要特点是操作简单。
(1)The old feel the cold more than the young. 老年人比年轻人怕冷。
(2)It is a fact that glass is much more subtle than quarters. 事实上,玻璃的可溶性比石英大得多。
(1)The baby is very mentally alert. 这孩子脑子很机灵。
(2)His wife was blonde and fashionably thin. 他的妻子一头金发,苗条时尚。
(1)I am a stranger to the operation of the new equipment. 我对这种新设备的操作是陌生的。
(2)It was a great convenience to have the school so near. 学校这么近真是太方便了。
(1)The plan was generally welcomed. 这个计划受到普遍的欢迎。
(2)The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man. 太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。
(1)It s my great honor to stand here to share my story with all of you. 我很荣幸地站在这里和大家分享我的故事。
(2)She works heart and soul for the people and is loved by the people. 她全心全意地為人民工作,深受人民爱戴。
(3)These instruments must be handled with great care. 必须小心地操作这些机器。
(1)We have known a similar past of humiliation and exploitation. 在过去,我们都同样遭受到凌辱和剥削。
(2)There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country. 目前我国各地对各种消费品的需要量已大大增加。
(3)The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology. 当今世界科学技术正在迅速发展。