Cultural Tea Traditions Around the World


英语世界 2018年8期

文/埃琳娜·张 玛尔塔·洛佩斯·加西亚 译/亢德喜

The history of tea has ancient roots, steeped in1be steeped in深受……的影响。generations of Asian culture and traditions beginning as early as 2000 BC. Indigenous2indigenous(动植物分布等)土生土长的。to the mountainous region of Yunnan in southwestern China, tea is now cultivated and enjoyed in all corners of the world.There are over a thousand subvarieties of the Camellia sinensis tea bush, each producing a different fl avor and personality.Lauded3laud称赞。for its health bene fi ts and calming properties, tea has proved its longevity in each of the countries below.



[2] According to Chinese legend, it was Emperor Shen Nong44神农氏,中国传说中农业和医药的发明者和守护神。who first discovered tea some 5000 years ago. As the emperor was boiling water, some dried leaves from a tree fell into his pot, and the emperor developed a liking for the beverage’s vitality and flavor. However,tea was likely utilized long before then as a medicinal remedy, mixed with various herbs to produce a pharmacological5pharmacological药物学的。concoction66 concoction调配品(尤指饮料或药物)。. The in fl uence of religion and the uni fi cation of China managed to popularize tea around the country, fi rst among the upper class and then among the masses,with the advent of77 the advent of (重要事件、物品)出现,发生tea houses during the Ming Dynasty. With each changing dynasty, the preparation and use of tea evolved, from solid cakes of compressed tea to loose leaf. Today, tea in China is an integral part of everyday life; the most popular type of tea is green, followed by oolong and pu-erh (fermented88 ferment酝酿;发酵。tea). Black tea was never very popular among the Chinese, having been reserved only for foreign export in the past. The practice of serving tea is ritualized in thegong futea service, a tradition that has continued to thrive in modern times.




[3] Tea was introduced to Japan during the 12th century by Chinese monks and Zen Buddhists99另说是日本遣使和学问僧将茶引入日本。, teaching Japanese priests the philosophical appreciation of the simple beverage. At fi rst, tea was reserved for the emperor’s court and high officials. It wasn’t until the 16th century, when Sen Rikyū100 千利休(1522—1591),日本著名茶道宗师,人称“茶圣”。codified Japanese tea principles, that tea became a ubiquitous part of the culture. The Japanese regarded drinking tea as high art, emphasizing the beauty in simplicity and the appreciation of the moment,incorporating the many ideals of Zen Buddhism into the practice. There’s no better place to practice this art than in the Japanese tea ceremony called Chanoyu (‘way of tea’), in which matcha powder (ground green tea leaves) is used to brew a frothy11frothy有泡沫的。, ethereal122 ethereal轻飘的,稀薄的。tea.




[4] The Dutch East India Company133 荷兰1602年建立的具有国家职能、向东方进行殖民掠夺和垄断东方贸易的商业gave Europe its fi rst taste of tea during the 1600s, and England developed a craze14craze狂热;风行一时的东西。for it. After trade relations with China turned sour during the Opium Wars, England turned to India as its main tea supplier. Soon, England created its own style of preparing tea by adding milk and sugar, after hearing the untrue rumors that this was how the Chinese drank their tea (only the Manchus ever added milk to their tea). The famous ‘afternoon tea’ trend arrived in the 19th century, when it was common for only two meals to be served per day. The English grew hungry waiting for dinner, and became fond of having an assortment155 assortment花色品种。of sweets with tea and lemon in the after-noon. England is now one of the largest consumers of tea outside of China today,consuming mostly black teas like Earl Grey and English Breakfast16均为英国知名红茶。.




[5] India is the largest producer of tea in the world today, and it’s mostly due to the influence of Britain during the1818 fennel茴香。00s. Initially, Britain attempted to cultivate Chinese tea bushes in India, which proved largely unsuccessful due to differences in climate (except for the region of Darjeeling in the Himalayas). It was soon discovered that India already had its own indigenous tea bush that grew in Assam Valley in northeastern India. Although India never developed the highly elaborate tea rituals like those of China or Japan, tea was still very much a part of everyday life. Black tea is often prepared with milk, sugar, and spices such as cardamom1717 cardamom豆蔻干籽(用作调味料)。, fennel1818 fennel茴香。, and cloves19clove丁香。(known as ‘chai’ tea in the west).


[5]印度是当今世界最大的茶叶生产国,这在很大程度上是19世纪受英国影响的结果。起初,英国尝试在印度种植中国茶树,但由于气候差异,这些尝试基本没有取得成功,只有喜马拉雅山脉的大吉岭地区例外。不久后,人们发现印度也有原产茶树,生长于印度东北地区阿萨姆谷地。尽管印度从未像中国和日本那样发展出精深的茶艺,但茶仍是印度人日常生活的重要组成部分。印度红茶通常辅以牛奶、糖以及豆蔻、茴香、丁香等调味料饮用,在西方被称为 chai。


[6] Tea trade routes along the silk road brought Chinese tea to Russia during the 17th century. These trade journeys, composed of camels and caravans200 caravan(尤指穿越沙漠的)旅行队,车队。, would often take over a year to complete, making tea highly expensive and reserved only for high society. The completion of the Siberian Railroad in 1880 changed all that, making tea widely available to the working class. Russian tea has become synonymous with the samovar21〈俄语〉萨莫瓦(音),茶炉,代指俄式茶炊。, a tall urn used to boil water. On top of the samovar sits a teapot, which contains highly concentrated black tea called zavarka2222〈俄语〉扎瓦卡(音),浓茶汤。. When it is time to serve tea, a small amount of zavarka is poured into a tea cup, diluted23dilute(加水等使液体或颜色)变稀,变淡。by hot water poured from a spigot244 spigot龙头。in the samovar.


[6] 17世纪,中国茶叶经由丝绸之路的茶叶贸易传入俄罗斯。这些商贸之旅由骆驼和商队组成,往往一趟就要一年多。茶叶因此价格高昂,专供上流社会享用。1880年,西伯利亚铁路建成,这一切才随之改变,茶叶从此普及至工人阶级。茶炊——一种用于煮水的高壶,已成为俄罗斯茶文化的代名词。茶炊顶部是一个茶壶,内盛被称作“扎瓦卡”的高浓缩红茶。沏茶的时候,茶杯中倒入少量“扎瓦卡”,再从茶炊壶嘴处接入热水加以稀释。

United States of America

[7] The American relationship with tea had a tumultuous beginning. As Britain’s colony during the early 1700s, America was forced to pay exorbitant255 exorbitant(价格、费用等)过高taxes on British exports such as tea in order to make up for the high costs of shipping.The colonists revolted, culminating in the Boston Tea Party of 1773, where over 300 chests of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor. Shortly after winning the Revolution, the US began to trade directly with China, and tea became the most widely consumed beverage up until World War II. Iced tea became a most popular way to prepare the drink, originating during the hot summer of the 1904 World’s Fair.




[8] The trading routes that brought tea to Russia also introduced the drink to Arab countries like Morocco. In Morocco, green tea is consumed with mint leaves and sugar, a refreshing beverage to consume in the hot and dry climate.Welcoming guests with a hot cup of mint tea is an important way to show hospitality. Tea is often served in colorful frosted26frosted毛面的;磨砂的。glasses, accompanied by an assortment of spiced nut and fruit pastries2727 pastry油酥糕点。.




[9] Who hasn’t tried a Thai tea? This is also one of the most popular teas in the world. It is made from strongly-brewed red tea that usually contains anise, red and yellow food colouring and sometimes other spices too. Thai tea is especially consumed in Southeast Asia and in lots of American and European restaurants that serve Vietnamese and Thai food.




[10] People often say that if you want to know Argentine well you need to try its meat, its wine and itsmate.Yerba mateis the national drink of Agentina and it’s more than just a drink. It’s also a way of life. Even though it’s not really tea (it grows on a bush) whoever travels to this country will fi nd out that people drink it at any time of the day. ■


[10]常言说,想深入了解阿根廷,就要尝尝阿根廷的肉食、红酒和马黛茶。耶巴马黛茶是阿根廷的国民饮品。它不只是一种饮品,还是一种生活方式。耶巴马黛茶并非真正的乔木茶(它生长在灌木上),但到过阿根廷的人会发现,这里的人们随时都在饮耶巴马黛茶。 □

