China Is Building Its New Silk Road in Space, Too


英语世界 2018年12期


H alf a century ago, China launched its first satellite1中国发射的第一颗人造地球卫星为“东方红一号”卫星,由以钱学森为首任院长的中国空间技术研究院自行研制,于1970年4月24日21时35分发射。, the very first object to be sent into space by the country.Now, satellites have become a central part in China’s globe-spanning infrastructure push.

[2]The Belt-and-Road Initiative(BRI)2“一带一路”倡议是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称。aims to build trillions of dollars of infrastructure from Asia to Africa to Europe, and along sea routes too.Involving roughly 70 countries so far, it entails massive spending(and lending)by China on railroads, ports and energy projects, highways—and, increasingly,satellite launches.

[3]China has been exporting satellites for over a decade, but it’s become easier to think of them as“infrastructure”in recent years as capabilities increased without costs going up, according to Blaine Curcio, founder of Orbital Gateway Consulting, a Hong Kong-based satellite market research firm.Apart from providing critical time-keeping and weather forecasts, satellite internet service has become much more viable.

“A single satellite before might have been able to connect, for example, tens of thousands of broadband subscribers,it is now in the high hundreds of thousands or single-digit millions,”Curcio said.

This extra-terrestrial side of BRI advertises China’s growing high-tech prowess3prowess威力;本事。.

[4]Early this year, the state-owned satellite manufacturer China Great Wall Industry(CGWIC)struck a deal4strike a deal 达成交易。to allow Nigeria to procure5procure 采购,购买。two of its communication satellites, with financing provided by China in exchange for an equity stake6equity stake 股权。.Nigeria separately has at least$25 billion in new infrastructure projects funded by China underway since BRI was announced in 2013.CGWIC has also launched communication satellites for other BRI countries such as Laos and Pakistan, according to its website.

[5]In May, CGWIC helped launch a satellite for the Hong Kong-based operator APT Satellite to provide telecommunication and broadcast services for BRI countries, such as Mongolia and Myanmar.APT Satellite, which owns two made-in-China satellites, said it had found many“synergies”7synergy 协同作用,协同点。between its business and the infrastructure mission,according to its marketing director,Power Pan.APT’s satellites are helping a Chinese state-owned company building railways in Laos and Thailand to set up communications with its China headquarters, Pan said.

[6]In late 2016, China said it wants to use satellites built for communication, navigation, and remote-sensing to build a“Belt-and-Road spatial information corridor.”The state-directed plan aims to promote the Beidou satellite network8北斗卫星导航系统是中国着眼于国家安全和经济社会发展需要,自主建设、独立运行的卫星导航系统,为全球用户提供全天候、全天时、高精度的定位、导航和授时服务。, Beijing’s answer9answer足以媲美的人;堪称相当的事物。to the US Global Positioning System, and encourage exports of mobiles supporting the Beidou system.The Beidou system already covers 30 countries including Lao and Myanmar as of 2017.

[7]Private firms are also seeking opportunity through BRI.More than 60 Chinese private firms have entered China’s space business since 2015, when the government began encouraging private capital in the heavily state-controlled sector10state-controlled sector 政府控制的产业。, among them the Shenzhen-listed hardware maker Tatwah Smartech.■












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