

英语世界 2018年7期


VI. 简练

简洁是英文的一个重要原则,正如一则英谚说的:Simplicity is the best of style.(简洁是最好的风格。)然而汉语讲究对仗和四平八稳,许多四字成语更是常出现叠床架屋式的重复,也许这是我国传统美学的一个标准。查一下汉英成语词典就可以发现许多例子。此外,从结构来看,汉语多用动词和动词短语,而英语多用名词和名词性短语,这也使英语显得简练。有的翻译在这方面做得不错,例如“诗中有画,画中有诗”的译文painting in poetry, poetry in painting就非常简练,没有用there be的结构,反而很有点诗意。而“道法自然”译为“Dao operates naturally.”,也是简洁的佳译。

1)原文:尽其心者,知其性也。译文:He who exerts his mind to the utmost knows his nature (xing).

点评:exerts his mind to the utmost是叠床架屋,因为exert本身包含了work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy(竭力)的意思(见《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第847页),没有必要再加上to the utmost,说do one’s utmost/best就够了。

2)原文:人有鸡犬放,则知求之……学问之道无他,求其放心而已矣。译文:He who loses his fowls or dogs knows to look for them and bring them back. ... The way of learning is nothing other than searching for one’s lost heart.

点评:将这一句的英译改变一下词序:However, one may not know to look for his heart when he loses it. 意思可以更明确,便于以英语为母语的人读上去舒服,也更好理解。此外,啰唆的nothing other than最好改为no other than。

简练固然很重要,但是不能损害原文的意思。王国维的“自编《人间词话》选”中有这样一句话:“境界,本也;气格、神韵,末也。境界具,而二者随之矣。”我见到的初稿译为:Once visionary world is there, personal character and charm will follow. 句首的visionary world就显得太简单,变成“虚构世界”了。改为:Once the literary works attains the level of visionary world it will naturally give manifestation of the author’s personal character and charm.这意思就清楚了,由于保留了原译的句子结构,文字仍不失简洁之风。


1)原文:形而后有气质之性,善反之,则天地之性存焉。译文:As physical matters take up their shape, it acquires the nature of the qi (vital force)substance; if we are skilled, then the nature endowed by Heaven and Earth will be preserved in it.

点评:第一,take up a shape的搭配不符合英语习惯,一个take就足够了,也可以用assume、form等动词。第二,代词it指代不清楚,前面的clause中有matters和shape两个名词,不可能指这两个中的任何一个,而应该是“天地之性”。实际上这句译文结构本身有问题,如果将it改为which,成为一个非限制性关系从句,意思就明确了。第三,分号后的分句用if... then结构不足以表达原文中“善反之”的意思,为什么不用on the contrary之类的连接呢?第四,最后in it中的it也让人不知指什么,还不如删去。

2)原文:子贡问曰:“有一言而可以终身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施于人。”译文:Zigong asked: “Is there a single one word that can act upon throughout life serving as a lasting principle for conduct?”Confucius replied, “Surely that is the word ‘forbearance’! Do not do to others what you would not wish others to do you for yourself.”

点评:此译中的a single one word意为“一个单一的词”,显然不是原意,应改为 any。that can act upon throughout life有两个问题:首先,word不能作为act的逻辑主语,而将in one’s whole life改为throughout one’s life可以表达出强调;其次,孔子回答中,surely一词完全可以删去,would not wish others to do you for yourself不但啰嗦,而且语气太重,简单一个want也许更能表达原意,也更符合英语的习惯用法。

3)原文:术者,因任而授官,循名而责实,操杀生之柄,课群臣之能者也。译文:The method (of governance) is to bestow office according to responsibilities,who was required to carry out / perform (make reality i.e. responsibility) duties correspond to as was required by the name (i.e. the office), exercise power over life and death and identify officials with outstanding capabilities.

点评:第一,将“术”译为method(方法)不确切,因为“术”的含义更泛,《现代汉语词典》对此词的定义还包括“技艺”“学术”“策略”等。第二,perform之后所加的说明似乎没有必要。第三,identify officials with outstanding capabilities意思不清楚。根据《辞海》,这里的“课”应该是“考核”的意思,“课群臣之能者”也许可译为exam and assess the ability of officials而不是“认同官员出色的能力”。此外,capabilities一词不如ability更确切。第四,exercise之前需加上动词不定式符号to,否则不符合句法。最后,correspond to as was required by the name中,介词to后应该是名词或名词短语,将as改为what更好一些。

4)原文:所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也。如恶恶臭,如好好色,此之谓自谦(qiè)。译文:Being sincere in one’s thought is to no self-deception, hating hateful smells or loving lovely colors as one hates undesirable smells or likes lovely colors. That is what is called satisfied with oneself.

点评:首先,译文第一个句子有语病。其中的being sincere...成了一个-ing分词短语构成的“悬垂结构”(dangling structure),其逻辑主语应该是句子本身的主语,可是根本找不到谓语动词(hates是as引导的从句的主语),因此不是一个完整的句子。其次,sincere in one’s thought有问题,thought是思想或想法,谈不上是否sincere,应该改用attitude、intention之类的词,而to no self-deception中的介词to不知道表示什么关系。再次,called satisfied with oneself语法也有问题,satisfied with oneself不但太啰嗦,不如改成self-satisfaction简洁明了。而且从语法上说,satisfied with oneself也不能做call的宾语。

5)原文:“义”为根本,“法”随“义”而变化,根据“义”的表达需要而选择灵活多样的写作技法,在叙事之中寓褒贬论断。译文:Yi is primary, and fa adjusts accordingly to express the content in a flexible and varied way, so that the argument and tone are clear.

点评:首先,so that用于表示结果,要表示“才能做到”的意思,可说so as to ensure (that…)。其次,原文中的“褒贬”意为“好坏”,不是泛指论证和语气。tone有“格调”之意,尽管“格调”有高低之分,但和“褒贬”尚有出入,建议可用 (so as to retain its) merits and demerits。

实际上,有些看起来很简单的语句或比喻也不见得那么容易翻译,例如习近平总书记在谈到从严治党和反腐时,反复强调的“打铁还需自身硬”就是一例。China Daily意译为 (to address these problems, ) we must first of all conduct ourselves honorably;英国媒体译为:The blacksmith needs a hammer that is tougher than the iron to be forged.笔者见到的译法还有:The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron. 此译似乎有点不通,打铁中加工的是软钢,打制后要蘸水才会变硬。最新的官方译法是:It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. 此译缺乏常识:blacksmith是铁匠,make steel是“炼钢”,炼钢一般要将铁融化成液态再熔炼,这是钢铁工人的活儿,称他们为“铁匠”是不对的。另外,十九大报告中将“还需”改为“必须”,这是很重要的改动,但最新的译法也没有表达出这一含义。


