1. Admiration is a feeling of respect and liking for someone or something.“羡慕”是对某人或某事的尊重和喜欢。
2. Envy is a feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as someone else,or the feeling of wanting something that someone else has. “嫉羡”是想要与他人处于同样境地,或希望得到他人拥有的某样东西。
3. Jealousy is an angry or unhappy feeling caused by the failure to get something that one wishes to have but someone else has; or an angry or unhappy feeling caused by the fact that someone you like or love is showing interest in someone else. “嫉妒”是未能得到自己想要的东西而他人却能得到时所产生的愤怒或不快;或者你喜欢或爱慕的人对他人感兴趣而使你产生的愤怒或不快。
4. Hate is a very strong feeling of dislike for someone or something due to jealousy. “嫉恨”是由于嫉妒而对某人或某事产生的极度厌恶。
“羡慕”,英语名词译为admiration,动词译为to admire、to have admiration for。例如:
5. 过去五年,中国人民在各个方面取得了令人羡慕的成就。In the past five years, the Chinese people have scored achievements which arouse admiration.
6. 周围人都羡慕他的好运气,因为他买彩票中了大奖。The people around him all admire at his good fortune, for he has got a prize by playing the lottery.
7. 她的聪明才智使她看上去比任何时候都美丽,她的朋友都非常羡慕她。As her intelligence and wisdom helped her look more beautiful than ever, all of her friends had a great admiration for her.
“嫉羡”,英语名词译为envy,动词译为to envy,形容词译为envious。例如:
8. 他无法掩饰对那个富家子弟的嫉羡,因为后者似乎想要什么就有什么。He couldn’t conceal his envy of the young man from a rich family, for the latter seemed to have everything he could possibly want.
9. 我嫉羡那些早早就知道自己将来怎样、要做什么的人。I envy those who from their early days know what they’ll be and what they’ll do.
10. 他的同事们都嫉羡他在工作中取得的成功。His colleagues are all envious of the success he has achieved in his work.
“嫉妒”,英语名词译为jealousy,动词译为be jealous,形容词译为jealous。例如:
11. 如果走上嫉妒这条路,我们肯定会失去自尊。If we follow this path of jealousy, we will definitely lose our sense of self-respect.
12. 他不仅嫉妒他有钱兄长的财富,而且嫉妒兄长本人。He was not only jealous of his rich brother’s wealth,but also jealous of his rich brother.
13. 他被嫉妒他的对手算计而被迫离职。He was hounded out of his job by his jealous rivals.
汉语和英语都可以用色彩词表示“嫉妒”。汉语用“红”,像“眼红”“得红眼病”。英语却用 green(绿),像 green-eyed monster、to be/become green-eyed with jealousy、to be green with jealousy。例如:
14. 他看见邻居富了,就眼红。He became green-eyed when he saw his neighbour get richer.
15. 他对朋友的成功感到眼红。He is green-eyed for his friend’s success.
16. 他看见别人生活比自己好就犯红眼病。He is green with jealousy at seeing others become better off than him.
17. 他爱吃醋,不许妻子跟任何陌生男人说话。He is so jealous that he doesn’t allow his wife to talk with any unfamiliar man.
“嫉恨”,英语名词译为hate,动词译为to hate。例如:
18. “嫉恨”是针对某人的一种强烈的负面情感,是由于嫉妒或某些其他因素而产生的。Hate is a strong negative emotion toward someone, which is due to jealousy or some other factors.
19. 她嫉恨室友抢走了她的男友。She hates one of her roommates who has stolen her boyfriend from her.
如何翻译“羡慕嫉妒恨”,是个值得探讨的问题。英语没有一个单独的对应词来表达这种复杂的情感。如果直译为“to admire, envy and even hate”,听上去有些啰嗦。不妨取其核心词“嫉羡”,简单译为 to envy。例如:
他羡慕嫉妒恨那些英语讲得比他好的人。1)He admires, envies and even hates those who speak English better than he does. 2)He envies those who speak English better than he does. □