

决策与信息 2018年11期

[摘 要] “真相衰落”的现象是由国际知名智库美国兰德公司总裁、首席执行官邁克尔·里奇提出的,该现象指政治生活中越来越不尊重事实和证据的倾向。兰德公司研究了真相衰落的现象,定义并描述了该现象的四种特征:对事实及其数据的分析解读越来越无法达成共识;观点与事实的界限模糊;个人观点和经历数量太多,超过了事实应有的影响;对过去信赖的事实来源产生怀疑。这些现象在美国历史上尽管有先例,但当下,更具有新的成因和表现方式。兰德希望通过他们的研究,激发公众对事实的尊重与重视。

[关键词] 兰德智库;真相衰落;迈克尔·里奇;詹妮弗·卡瓦纳;信任缺失;社交媒体;虚假信息

[中图分类号] C932.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1002-8129(2018)11-0046-10

Rand President and CEO Michael Rich has been talking about what he sees as an erosion of respect for facts and evidence in political life—a phenomenon he calls “Truth Decay.” He asked RAND political scientist Jennifer Kavanagh to help analyze the issue and lay out a research agenda to better understand Truth Decay's causes and consequences. RAND's editorial team interviewed Rich and Kavanagh to learn more about their work. In this edited interview, they talk about the evolution of their thinking on Truth Decay, how they define it, and the ongoing research RAND is conducting to help counter it.


What do you mean by Truth Decay, and when did you start thinking about the subject?


Michael Rich:My thinking on Truth Decay grew out of my work on the dangers of polarization, something I've been speaking on since 2005. More recently, I have been astounded by the erosion of truth in our politics. I'm using the term Truth Decay because I think it captures a phenomenon that goes well beyond the current outbreak of “fake news.”


Truth Decay describes a syndrome of distrust and disagreemen-

t. I see it as a process, not an end state. It has multiple causes and manifestations, some new and some that reach far back in history.


Jennifer Kavanagh:One of the elements we use to define Truth Decay is increased disagreement on basic sets of facts where consensus used to be more widespread, like the science showing the benefits of vaccines.


Another part of our definition is the erosion of what used to be a clear line between fact and opinion. You can see this in news outlets where news stories and commentary often are difficult to distinguish from each other.


There's also a growing volume of opinions relative to facts in the information space, which can drown out the facts. Look at your Twitter feed or any social media platform—quite the imbalance of opinion versus facts.


Michael's comment on trust is another aspect. In the past 20 years, the portion of Americans saying they trust newspapers and TV news “a great deal” or “quite a lot” has fallen from 35 percent to 20 percent, while trust in Congress fell from 22 percent to 9 percent. Even trust in books has declined, according to Gallup-from 41 percent in 1997 to 27 percent in 2016. How can we establish a core set of objective facts when people fundamentally don't trust key sources of information?


How widespread is this lack of trust?


Kavanagh:Plenty. A recent Edelman study found record mist-

rust worldwide, including in non-Western countries such as Malaysia. Europe is seeing the same degradation of trust in political institutions—the European Parliament as well as national parliaments—that we're seeing in the United States.


Could it be healthy that institutions are trusted less?


Rich:It may be a good thing to the extent that people demand transparency and accountability from institutions and insist on verifiable facts, accuracy, and objectivity. It's not healthy if people begin reflexively distrusting all the experts and institutions they used to rely upon for complex technical or scientific information. And it's dangerous if people decide that it doesn't matter if something is factual or not, as long as it advances their interests or conforms to their beliefs.

里 奇:如果人们要求政治机构具有透明度和责任感,坚持提供能够验证的事实,保证事实的准确及客观性,从这一角度说,这可能是一件好事。但是,如果人们开始本能地怀疑那些过去一直依赖的专家和机构,也就是供给他们复杂的技术信息和科学信息的来源,那就不合适了。如果人们认定某件事是否属实并不重要,只要能促进他们的利益或符合他们的信仰就行,那就太危险了。

That's why I believe that Truth Decay and the polarization that drives it are grave threats to America—to our politics, our values, and ultimately our democracy. It's rotting away our public discourse, undermining our civic literacy, and we've even seen it inspire violence.


What's the ultimate harm?


Rich:Well, it's hard to maintain democracy if you can't govern. Truth Decay certainly seems to be making it more difficult for government to function. Congress has been having chronic trouble passing laws, confirming nominees, and approving a budget. While there are a number of potential causes including differing values and reluctance to comprom-

ise, it seems it's in part because of disagreement about basic policy facts.

里 奇:如果控制不当,我们就很难保持民主。真相衰落使政府更加难以发挥其职能作用。长期以来,国会在审议法律条文、确认提名人、批准预算方面困难重重。虽然有一些潜在的原因,比如价值观不同、都不愿妥协等等,但部分原因似乎是对基本政策事实无法达成共识。

Another harm can arise if external adversaries use disinformat-

ion to delegitimize systems of governance. Think of the surge in cross-border propaganda, such as the effort by Russia that RAND studied in Christopher Paul's “Firehose of Falsehood” report.


Unfortunately, information overload might be making us more vulnerable to disinformation. Garry Kasparov, the chess master and Russian dissident, said: “The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking … to annihilate truth.”


A decline in trust in institutions also can be life-threatening. Attacks on science have caused people to doubt the safety of vaccination, for instance. But study after study—including by RAND—shows that vaccines do not cause autism or other major harm. Some parents still refuse to vaccinate their children, which has real consequences. We are seeing a return of viruses like measles that had been mostly eradicated in America.


Where do you see signs of Truth Decay?


Rich:Russian disinformation and hacking are good places to start. There's strong evidence of it in the United States, the former Soviet Union, and in Western Europe. We don't know how far it went in terms of influencing the last U.S. election, but we know Russia is using falsehood to sow confusion and delegitimize Weste-

rn democracies.

里 奇:俄羅斯的假情报和黑客行为就是例子。在美国、原苏联和西欧都能找到强大证据。我们不知道这对最近的美国大选究竟有多大影响,但我们知道俄罗斯正在利用谎言散播混乱,削弱西方民主国家。


詹妮弗·劳伦斯 我对他充满激情