——以人教版BOOK3 Unit1《A Sad Love Story》一课教学为例
浙江省余姚市第八中学 黄文雅
近几年,核心素养、批判性思维、高阶思维等热点词汇频现,被广泛的使用,但是如何有效的应用到日常教学或者课堂中去,是我们要思考的问题。核心素养中的思维品质是指人的思维个性特征,反映其在思维中的逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现出来的水平和特点。而根据心理学家的理论,人的认知思维从低级到高级分成低阶思维(low order thinking)和高阶思维(high order thinking)两类。低阶思维是指较低层次的认知水平,主要用于学习事实性知识或完成简单任务的能力;高阶思维则超越简单的记忆和信息检索,是一种高层次认知水平为主的综合性能力,指向发散和推断思维能力的发展,关注聚合、归纳和质疑思维能力的培养,强调探究和创新思维能力的发展等。在高中英语教学中,需注重培养学生的高阶思维能力。本文以人教版高中英语教材模块3 unit1《A sad love story》教学为例,从激活思维、训练思维、扩展思维三个维度,谈谈培养学生高阶思维能力的策略。
T:D o you know any famous sad love story?Ifyou do,please share one w ith us
S1:Romeo and Juliet
S2:梁山伯与祝英台 (the Butterfly lovers)
S3:little mermaid
S4:巴黎圣母院 (N otre D ame de Paris)
T:China has four famous sad love stories.Can you name some in English?
E:The Butterfly lovers
F:N iulang and Zhinv;白蛇传(The Legend of W hite Snake)
T:A nd the Story of M eng Jiangnv(Bringing D ow n the G reat W allw ith Tears)
T:N ow w e w ill learn another sad love story.W hat do you w ant to know?
A:W hose story?W hat happened?
B:W hy is it sad?
T:A ll of your questions w ill be answ ered in this class.Let’s take a look.
与此同时,预留疑问“W hat w ill happen to them?”自然引出post-reading中的写作教学任务——读后续写。Li-Fang&H u Jing
T:W hat do you think of Li Fang?
S1:H e has no self-confidence.
S2:Y es I agree.H e is a bit stupid.W hy didn’t he give a chance to the loved girl?
S3:H e is nota good boyfriend.M aybe he didn’t love H u Jin at all.
T:Really? A ny boy w anna say something for Li Fang?Y ou know,W hat actual is rational.Everything has explanation.
S4:Y es I have sth.to say.I think it’s reasonable for Li Fang to behave like this
T:W hy?H ow do you know that?
S4:Because w hen he w as w atching the program aboutN iulang and Zhinv,H e thought“Just like me and Ju Jin”.That means he and H u Jin’s relationship is notagreed by H u’s parents like the G oddess of H eaven.H e is not sure w hether his girlfriend really loves this poor boy.So no w onder he thought H u Jin w ould laugh at him in the beginning.
对Li Fang这个人物性格分析时,如果深入思考,通过文本中获取信息处理信息时,学生就会在教师创设的情境中产生矛盾,从而形成对相关内容的质疑,并进一步讨论分析再处理信息。
T:W hich sad story do you think the title refers to:Li Fang&H u Jin's or N iulang&Zhinv's?
S:Li Fang&H u Jin's
T.D o you think Li Fang&H u Jin's story w ill be a sad one?H ow do you know?
S1:Y es,because the title tells us.T:Butany clue suggests a different w ay?
S2:In my view,Itmusthavea happy ending.A lthough It w as so late,H u Jin still w aited for him.A nd she even prepared a giftfor him.So H u Jin did love him.W hen the misunderstanding is clear,they w ill forgive each other.
T:So If you w anna continue this story,w hat do you think of the title?Is it a good one?If not,w hat do you suggest?
S3:A love story
S4:A happy love story
S5:A love story of a poor boy and a rich girl
G roup w ork--D iscussion
W hat might be the possible ending to the story?
Individualw ork:--W rite a different ending to the story,beginning w ith:A s he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his w ay…