朱德泉,李兰兰,文世昌,张 顺※,蒋 锐,武立权
朱德泉1,李兰兰1,文世昌1,张 顺1※,蒋 锐1,武立权2
(1. 安徽农业大学工学院,合肥 230036;2. 安徽农业大学农学院,合肥 230036)
针对现有水稻旱直播机排种器适应性差和排种精度低的问题,该文设计了一种滑片型孔轮式排种器。引用球度表示水稻种子三轴尺寸,利用EDEM软件对3种球度水稻种子在6种排种轮转速下的排种器排种过程进行仿真试验,得到不同球度水稻种子在不同排种轮转速下的排种性能变化规律,分析了排种轮转速和种子球度对排种性能的影响。仿真结果表明:当排种轮转速在15~40 r/min时,冈优898种子的排种性能优于国丰一号种子和冈优3551种子的排种性能;当排种轮转速在15~30 r/min时,3种球度水稻种子的排种合格率在84.01%~87.91%之间;当排种轮转速大于30 r/min时,随着排种轮转速增加,排种合格率显著下降。在此基础上,选用不同球度的5个水稻品种种子为试验材料,选取排种轮转速和种子球度为试验因素,以排种合格率、漏播率和重播率为评价指标,采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计,进行排种器台架试验。利用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件对试验结果数据进行分析,建立排种性能指标与排种轮转速和种子球度之间的回归方程,得到响应面图,并对仿真结果进行验证。根据回归方程进行优化,得到最佳工作参数:排种轮转速为27.12 r/min、种子球度为44.61%,此时,排种合格率为83.90%、漏播率为5.43%、重播率为10.67%,排种性能最佳;排种器台架试验结果与仿真结果基本相同,排种性能随排种轮转速和种子球度的变化规律一致。田间试验结果表明,排种器对各尺寸等级水稻种子的排种性能皆满足水稻精量穴直播的播种要求。研究结果可为滑片型孔轮式精量排种器的结构优化及排种性能提升提供参考。
0 引 言
随着计算机技术的快速发展,近年来许多学者应用离散元法(discrete element method,DEM)及其数值模拟仿真软件EDEM对排种器的工作性能进行研究分析。王金武等运用EDEM软件对指夹式精量排种器排种性能进行数值模拟与试验[15],廖庆喜等基于EDEM软件对离心式排种器排种性能进行数值模拟[16],鲍秀兰等采用离散元法对窝眼式排种器结构进行优化仿真[17],张涛等使用离散元法对排种器排种室内玉米种群运动规律进行研究[18]。这些应用研究对排种器的结构参数和工作参数优化以及工作性能提升均取得较为理想的研究结果。但上述研究主要针对充种性能较好的表面光滑团粒种子,而水稻种子是表面粗糙的细长粒种子,流动性和充种性较差,实现水稻精少量穴播,亟待提高排种器的排种性能。
1 排种器结构与工作原理
1. 限种板 2. 从动轴 3. 清种毛刷 4. 右法兰盘 5. 圆柱凸轮 6. 罩壳 7. 导种管 8. 护种滑片 9. 排种轮 10. 左法兰盘 11. 排种轴
2 充种过程动力学分析
为达到较好的充种性能,排种轮型孔直径应不小于种子长度与种子厚度之和[20]。结合水稻种子排种试验研究,确定较为适合的排种轮菱形型孔长对角线长度1和短对角线长度2分别为12 mm和10 mm,型孔深度为8 mm,如图2b、图2c所示。
3 排种性能仿真与分析
3.1 仿真模型构建
3.1.1 排种器模型建立
图3 排种器几何模型
通过EDEM软件前处理面板,在不影响仿真效果的前提下,简化排种器的运动过程,将运动过程简化为护种滑片随排种轮做圆周运动以及护种滑片在碰到凸轮时的横向进给运动。设置种子模型的泊松比为0.3,剪切模量为1.815×108Pa,密度为1 239 kg/m3。排种轮和护种滑片材料皆为不锈钢,泊松比为0.28,弹性模量为7.9× 107Pa,密度为7 850 kg/m3;清种毛刷材料为塑料,泊松比为0.4,弹性模量为1.0×108Pa,密度为1 150 kg/m3 [22-25]。
3.1.2 水稻种子离散模型建立
选取3个不同种子尺寸等级的水稻品种:国丰一号、冈优898和冈优3551,每个水稻品种随机挑选1 000粒种子,测量其三轴尺寸,取平均值。3个水稻品种种子三轴尺寸及球度如表1所示。
表1 3个水稻品种种子尺寸及球度
图4 水稻种子EDEM模型
3.1.3 仿真参数的设定
由于水稻种子表面无黏附作用,选择Hertz-Mindlin无滑动模型为仿真接触模型[27]。根据充种区的具体情况,设置EDEM颗粒工厂以4 000粒/s的速率,生成总量数为4 000粒,生成种子颗粒总时间1 s,以保证充种区内有足够数量的种子进行仿真,排种轮和护种滑片皆设置为1 s后开始运转,为保证仿真的连续性,设置固定时间步长为4.39×10–6s,为Rayleith时间步长的25%,总时间为15 s(前1 s为充种过程)[28]。
3.2 排种性能虚拟仿真
根据田间实际工作情况,将排种轮转速分别设置为15、20、25、30、35、40 r/min,对3个水稻品种种子分别进行6组仿真虚拟试验。如图5所示,将排种器以网格模型(Mesh=0.3)显示,图中颜色的变化表示其运动速度的变化,可清楚表示水稻种子的运动状态。通过仿真可知,充种区边缘处的水稻种子运动比较明显,排种轮的旋转运动带动靠近排种轮边缘层的种子颗粒运动,其速度逐渐增加,与实际工作情况相符合。仿真中充种和排种过程的水稻种子速度如图5a、图5b所示。
图5 EDEM排种过程种子运动仿真
图6 EDEM仿真水稻种子3种排种状态
3.3 仿真结果分析
以排种轮转速和种子球度为因素,运用EDEM软件进行18组虚拟仿真试验。根据GB/T 6973-2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》,选取合格率1、漏播率2和重播率3为试验指标[29-30],其计算公式如下
图7 排种性能EDEM仿真结果
由图7可知,当排种轮转速在15~40 r/min时,冈优898种子的排种性能较优,其合格率最低达80%,冈优3551和国丰一号种子的排种性能次之。排种轮转速在15~ 30 r/min时,随排种轮转速增加,3个水稻品种种子的合格率整体呈上升趋势;当排种轮转速高于30 r/min时,合格率随排种轮转速增加呈显著下降趋势。漏播率随排种轮转速增大呈逐渐增大趋势,重播率随排种轮转速增大整体呈下降趋势。当排种轮转速为 30 r/min 时,冈优 898种子的合格率达到最高为87.91%,漏播率为4.21%,重播率为7.88%;冈优3551种子的合格率为84.01%,漏播率为3.51%,重播率为12.48%;国丰一号种子的合格率为84.52%,漏播率为8.46%,重播率为7.02%;当排种轮转速大于30 r/min时,3个水稻品种种子合格率下降幅度以及漏播率整体增长趋势加快。当排种轮转速为40 r/min时,3个水稻品种种子的漏播率皆超过8%,已不符合水稻精量播种的农艺要求[31]。
结合表1和图7综合分析可知,3个水稻品种中,冈优3551种子长度较小,种子球度较大,其流动性较好,种子容易充入型孔,充种性能较好,漏播率较低;但排种轮转速过低,其重播率较高,当排种轮转速小于20 r/min时,其重播率大于15.53%。国丰一号种子长度大,其球度较小,流动性和充种性能较差,充入型孔的种子粒数较少,会导致漏播率较高,当排种轮转速为40 r/min时,其漏播率达15.20%。由于种子球度过大易导致重播率较高,种子球度过小会造成漏播率较高,从而合格率较低。在供试的3个水稻品种中,冈优898种子球度介于冈优3551和国丰一号种子球度之间,当排种轮转速在15~40 r/min时,其重播率和漏播率均较低,而合格率较高,最高合格率为87.91%。
4 排种性能试验
4.1 台架试验
4.1.1 试验装置
1. 种床带 2. 排种器 3. 传动链条 4. 控制电动机 5. 试验台架
4.1.2 试验设计
表2 5个水稻品种种子尺寸及球度
表3 试验因素编码及水平设置
Notes: Values in brackets are the test values of seed sphericity of different varieties rice.
表4 试验设计与结果
4.1.3 试验结果分析
运用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件对表4的试验数据进行回归分析,分别得到合格率1、漏播率2、重播率3与排种轮转速1和种子球度2之间的回归方程。
表5 回归方程方差分析
Note: **indicates the highly significance at 0.01 level; * indicates significance at 0.05 level.
式(10)回归模型的<0.000 1,影响极显著;失拟项=0.240 3(>0.05),影响不显著;模型的决定系数=0.91。
式(11)回归模型的<0.000 1,影响极显著;失拟项=0.313 3(>0.05),影响不显著;模型的决定系数²=0.89。
式(12)回归模型的<0.000 1,影响极显著;失拟项=0.081 0(>0.05),影响不显著;模型的决定系数=0.86。
为更加直观地分析各因素与排种性能之间的关系,利用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件得到种子球度和排种轮转速对排种合格率、漏播率以及重播率影响的响应曲面图,如图9所示。
图9 排种轮转速和种子球度对排种性能指标的影响
4.1.4 优化与验证
通过Design-Expert 8.0.6软件进行优化求解,得到排种轮转速为27.12r/min、种子球度为44.61%时,排种合格率为83.90%,漏播率为5.43%,重播率为10.67%,排种器排种性能最佳。
在排种轮转速为27.12 r/min时,对5个水稻品种种子分别进行排种器台架试验,每次试验测定种子数不低于1 000粒,分别测定其排种合格率、漏播率和重播率,重复3次,取其平均值,结果如表6所示。
表6 验证试验结果
由表6可知,在排种轮转速27.12 r/min工况条件下,滑片型孔轮式排种器对5个品种水稻种子的排种合格率皆高于80%,均符合水稻精量播种合格率不小于80%的农艺要求[31];其中接近种子球度优化参数的冈优898排种合格率最高,为83.56%,漏播率为5.13%,重播率为11.31%。
4.2 田间试验
为进一步检验滑片型孔轮式水稻精量排种器工作性能,于2017年6月5号在安徽农业大学郭河试验基地开展田间播种试验。试验前采用旋耕机对田块土壤进行耕整,使土壤疏松平整,平均耕深为85 mm,耕深稳定性系数为93.28%,田间土壤平均坚实度为386.6 kPa。水稻种植品种选取国丰一号、两优628、冈优898、冈丰188和冈优3551。将排种器安装于精量旱直播机,配套动力为东方红LX-854型拖拉机,试验参照NY/T 987-2006《铺膜穴播机作业质量》和GB/T 25418-2010《水稻覆土直播机》进行[34-35],试验时机组前进速度约为5.85 km/h,排种器的转动由直播机的地轮带动,排种轮平均转速约为27.12 r/min。每次试验连续统计机组匀速行驶30 m取样长度内各行每穴粒数和穴距,重复3次,取平均值,并由下式求得穴距变异系数CV。
试验数据均依据GB/T 6973-2005《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》进行统计处理[29],结果如表7所示。
表7 田间试验结果
由表7可知,在排种轮平均转速27.12 r/min、机组前进速度约5.85 km/h工况条件下,滑片型孔轮式水稻精量排种器对5种不同球度水稻品种种子播种合格率皆大于80%,漏播率均小于7.5%,重播率均小于13.5%,平均穴距满足水稻种植株距100~250 mm的范围要求[31],平均穴距在190~230 mm范围内,播种穴距变异系数均小于25%,且各项评价指标均能满足水稻大田精量旱穴直播的一般种植要求。田间播种试验结果与台架排种试验结果有所差距的主要原因可能为:机组田间无规律的振动和地轮打滑导致转速不稳定,对排种器充种和排种具有一定的影响,从而影响机具田间播种质量。
5 结 论
1)建立了滑片型孔轮式水稻精量排种器充种过程动力学模型,分析得到影响排种器排种性能的因素有排种轮转速和种子尺寸。利用EDEM软件对3种球度水稻品种种子进行排种器排种过程仿真模拟试验,结果表明,当排种轮转速在15~40 r/min时,整体上冈优898种子颗粒的排种性能较好,国丰一号和冈优3551种子的排种性能次之;当排种轮转速在15~30 r/min时,3个水稻品种种子的排种合格率整体呈上升趋势;当排种轮转速高于30 r/min时,排种合格率随转速增加而显著降低。
2)排种器台架试验结果表明,在排种轮转速为27.12 r/min、种子球度为44.61%时,排种合格率为83.90%,漏播率为5.43%,重播率为10.67%,排种器的排种性能最佳;排种器台架试验结果与仿真结果基本相同,排种性能随排种轮转速和种子球度的变化规律一致。台架验证试验表明,在排种轮转速为27.12 r/min工况条件下,5种球度水稻种子的合格率皆高于80%,均符合水稻精量播种要求;接近种子球度优化参数的冈优898排种合格率最高,为83.56%。
3)田间播种试验结果表明,在排种轮平均转速为27.12 r/min,机组前进速度约为5.85 km/h工况条件下,滑片型孔轮式水稻精量排种器对5种球度水稻种子排种合格率皆大于80%,漏播率均小于7.5%,重播率均小于13.5%,平均穴距在190~230 mm的范围内,播种穴距变异系数均小于25%,能够满足水稻大田精量旱穴直播的一般种植要求。
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Numerical simulation and experiment on seeding performance of slide hole-wheel precision seed-metering device for rice
Zhu Dequan1, Li Lanlan1, Wen Shichang1, Zhang Shun1※, Jiang Rui1, Wu Liquan2
(1.230036,; 2.230036,)
Precision planting is the advanced technology that sows seeds in the predetermined position of soil accurately and quantitatively by precision planter. Precision seed-metering device is the key component of precision planter and its seeding performance directly affects the quality of rice sowing, which divided into two types according to the working principle. The one is the mechanical metering device, and the other type is the pneumatic seed-metering device. The hole-wheel precision seed-metering device is a kind of mechanical seed-metering device and its seed-filling performance directly affects the seeding quality, which has been increasingly widespread due to its advantages of high planting quality when sowing rice seeds. But it has disadvantages of bad uniformity not to meet the seeding requirement of different size rice seeds. There are many dry direct seeding varieties rice and the sizes of their seeds are different. The adaptability of the seed-metering device to different sizes rice seeds is different. High speed work will also have a great influence on the seed-filling of the seed-metering device. For the problems of poor adaptability and low precision of the current rice drought direct seeding machine, a slide hole-wheel seed-metering device was designed to improve the direct seeding performance for rice. The sphericity was selected as the indicator of 3-dimension size of rice seeds. According to the simulation test by EDEM software for seeding process in 3 varieties of rice seeds with different sphericity (Gangyou 898, Guofeng No.1 and Gangyou 3551) under 6 seed-metering device rotational speeds, the changing laws of seeding performance of rice seeds with different sphericity under different rotational speeds were obtained and the influences of rotational speeds and seed sphericity on seeding performance were analyzed. The simulation results showed that the seeding performance of rice seeds of Gangyou 898 was better than other 2 varieties of rice seeds when the rotational speed of seeding wheel was between 15 to 40 r/min, when the rotational speed of seeding wheel was between 15 to 30 r/min, the seeding qualified rate of those 3 varieties rice seeds floated between 84.01% to 87.91%, and the seeding qualified rate had a increasing trend of overall presentation as the rotational speed of seeding wheel increases, when the rotational speed of seeding wheel was faster than 30 r/min, the seeding qualified rate declined significantly with the increasing of rotational speed. 5 varieties of rice seeds with different sphericity (Guofeng No.1, Liangyou 628, Gangyou 898, Gangfeng 188 and Gangyou 3551) were selected as experimental materials. The rotational speeds of seeding wheel and seed sphericity were selected as influence factors, and seeding qualified rate, missing rate and replay rate were taken as evaluation standards. The bench test was done with the quadratic regression orthogonal combination design method. The regression equation and response surface between the performance index and the rotational speed and seed sphericity were acquired to verify the simulation results after analyzing those data by Design-Expert 8.0.6 software. Finally, the optimal parameter combination was obtained through the regression equation: the rotational speed of seeding wheel was 27.12 r/min and seed sphericity was 44.61%. In this case, the qualified rate is 83.90%, the missing rate is 5.43% and the replay rate is 10.67%, which is the best seeding performance for the seed-metering devices. The results from bench test were in accordance with that from simulation. The changing trends of seeding performance in bench test with rotational speed and seed sphericity were also basically consistent with that in simulation experiments. The field test result showed that, when the average rotational speed was 27.12 r/min and the forward velocity was 5.85 km/h, the seeding performance of seed-metering device could meet the requirements of precision sowing for all size grades of rice seeds. The research results provide a reference for structure optimization and performance improvement of slide hole-wheel precision seed-metering device.
agricultural machinery; numerical simulation; crops; rice; seed-metering device; seeding performance; slide hole-wheel
S223. 91+1
张 顺,男,讲师,博士,主要从事现代农业装备设计及测控研究。Email:shunzhang@ahau.edu.cn
朱德泉,李兰兰,文世昌,张 顺,蒋 锐,武立权. 滑片型孔轮式水稻精量排种器排种性能数值模拟与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(21):17-26. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.003 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhu Dequan, Li Lanlan, Wen Shichang, Zhang Shun, Jiang Rui, Wu Liquan. Numerical simulation and experiment on seeding performance of slide hole-wheel precision seed-metering device for rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(21): 17-26. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.21.003 http://www.tcsae.org