

世界建筑导报 2018年5期

By Omri Oz Amar

Domus Magazine 2011


在贝尔谢巴西边,能看到交叉路口上的战斗机;在贝尔谢巴南边,能看到一辆远离战场的装甲车。贝尔谢巴就位于战斗机和装甲车中间。在两年前的“铸铅行动”中,这里曾遭遇多番“格拉德”型导弹袭击。内格夫旅十字路口位于城市东北方向的入口处,这里伫立着一个远近可见的地标——内格夫战争纪念碑(Dani Karavan雕塑)。






Shachaf Zait是一名现场建筑师,他指出“岩石”和“河谷”象征着建筑物周围的沙漠景象。代表着柔软与坚韧、沙漠与泉水的结合,同时也呼应着阳光的衍射。设计者充分发挥了混凝土作为建筑材料的作用。从一开始的液态混凝土,到最终的固态建筑结构,混凝土使用起来非常方便。建筑在视觉上,呈现出一种整体感,并与贝尔谢巴当地的建筑遗产相呼应。






GrayBe'er Sheva: parched and dusty even on a bleak winter day. A slow-moving city, sending its neighborhoods into wadis which stretch toward the desert. Its canonical buildings blend the yellow tint of dust with the grayness of bare concrete.The University, City Hall, Soroka Hospital, and "Negev Center, are all located on the main road of the city, all constructed of bare concrete.

Someone arriving in Be'er Sheva from the west encounters traffic circles decorated withfighter planes; from the south, an armored car from a distant war. In-between lies the city, which only two years ago, during Operation Cast Lead, suffered rounds of Grad missile attacks. The Negev Brigade intersection, located at the northeast entrance of the city, is also reminiscent of war-named for the Negev monument by sculptor Dani Karavan, a Landmark visible far and wide.

The monument, a memorial as well as a huge environmental sculpture which implores one to enter its spaces and experience it from within, embodies the two images: both the gray concrete and the terror of war. It is built of bare concrete, full of pathos and tenderness just as the desert itself. Like the desert it holds dust wherever the cement has eroded and, as the desert, the monument too overlooks the city.

ConcreteOn the Southwest corner of the Negev Brigade intersection, on a plot opening up to the infinite desert, of the kind that can be seen only in the Negev,”Beit Halochem”(lveterans' home) has recently been built. Far from any other structure,surrounded by yellow loess, staring across the desert and the monument.

The building, meant to serve the public of disabled IDF veterans and their families from the area, is constructed entirely of concrete, cast in sharp lines, clear and clean. The design of the structure is simple: two stories integrally connected at several points, withfive “rock like units” of concrete, enabling vertical circulation and elevators.

The simplicity of the plan is evident. Since the entire structure is adapted for veterans of different disabilities - blind, deaf and those confined to wheelchairs,visual clarity of movement is mandatory. The points connecting the two interlocking levels, those “rocky" concrete monoliths, with rough surfaces of poured concrete,also express a constructive and visual truth.

Each rock-like unit contains spaces for some of the various functions of "privacy"that the compound provides: from babysitting children of patients to clinics for body and soul. In expanses between the “rocks”, Like a deep river gorge, which becomes narrower and sometimes expands, are scattered spaces for public functions:exercise room, indoor swimming pool and gathering areas.

Architect Shachaf Zait, who was architect-on-site, notes that “rocks” and “gorges”symbolize the desert image surrounding the building. They represent a meeting of tenderness and hardness, of dryness and spring water, accompanied by a diversion of diffracting sunlight. The designers transformed concrete into an ideal material for design. Liquid in the beginning and rock-hard at the end, convenient for processing.visually uniform, and associated with the architectural heritage of Be'er Sheva.

RefugeConcrete is a material with an organic character. It can be shaped and molded according to requirements of the designer and it responds to erosion processes. It embodies softness and vulnerability, a kind of human dimension,and a capacity to be a refuge. The Negev monument refiects those qualities in an astounding manner.

Not everyone is aware of the vulnerability of concrete and the defenselessness of home buyers. Most see its strength, and interpret its rigidity as controlling and dominating. We were inspired by the notion that a cover of concrete and cement that dominates every tract of land, leads to an ideology of control over empty spaces.We were taught that bare concrete, direct and crude is as insolent and insensitive as a sabra (native Israeli). Even structures built of concrete did not always express its softness. There they are, cast in rigid patterns and oversized dimensions, while at the same time taking away from concrete its sincerity and construction potential they purport to show.

In contrast, throughout Israel’s history in spite of these attempts, we encounter concrete in simple daily use inside our homes -as safe rooms and as shelters that are routinely used for art classes in schools, for store rooms of old furniture and,in times of war, as playrooms for children in apartment buildings. These represent protecting and compassionate spaces we are building for use in our local and violent reality.

In this sense, use of concrete in Beit Halochem reflects closure with respect to the Negev Brigade monument, located at a distance of onlyfive hundred meters.Walking from the sculpture to the concrete structure and back again to the sculpture one is impressed by the informed and constructive honesty, by the tenderness and stiffness, especially compassion and protection, evident both in Beit Halochem as well as in the monument.

The ubiquitous use of concrete in the entire country and Be'er Sheva in particular, points to concrete as a perfect fusion of content, construction and shape. All these features coalesce to produce a physical and psychological refuge for disabled war veterans.


纪念碑·庆祝中华人民共和国成立70 周年·