

世界建筑导报 2018年5期



项目地点: 中国天津



基地面积:2 400平方米



Architect:HUA Jike

Location: Tianjin, China

Design Team: HUA Jike,Wu Chao, Tian Yuan, Song Yang

Completion: Jun. 2015

Site Area: 2,400 m2

Gross Area: 948 m2

Photographer: Yao Li




In the architectural design of Gediao Linquan, the architect attempts to combine the idea offiowing space coined by Ludwing Mies van der Rohe with thefiowing lines usually seen in traditional Chinese private dardens. In the miniature courtyard space, landscape of different levels is organized along the route of travel. The architect tries to create a traditional sense with contemporary materials.

Gediao Linquan utilizes the technique of garden within garden to attract people's attention and ti give the residents a cosy experience. Chiese traditional culture emphasizes showing big things through small things. Garden structure thatfits the scale of the residence is deployed in a small place, which is suitable for the urban ordinary middle class to see a peaceful place for the soul in the forest of steel and concrete.The modern material steel pipe used in the eaves of the entrance is used to simulate the effect of water dripping and tile roof. The wooden aluminum alloy grating under the eaves simulates the facade effect of the rafters of the traditional eaves. Steel pipe and square steel formed the double layer texture under the eaves to form the rich light and shadow effect under the eaves of traditional wooden structures.Here, the decoration of walden is transformed into the project name pattern of steel pipe section.The horizontal overhanging eaves on the secondfioor of the main L-shaped building of the hall are farreaching. The rich components under the horizontal eaves of thefirst and secondfioors strengthen the horizontal direction of the courtyard. As the horizontal sequence of traditional garden and painting space

总平面图 site plan

一层平面图 1stfioor plan

二层平面图 2ndfioor plan



unfolds gradually, it is intended to form a strong contrast with the high-density urban community, so as to avoid the sense of pressure on the high-rise residential buildings.In the east of the building and facing the north facade of the inner courtyard, a metal curtain of lasso type was designed.The outdoor corridor on the secondfioor forms a semi-outdoor translucent space. It means to set a layer of line of sightfiltering between the building and the urban space.

Space organization: The main function of the guild hall is to display and sell the office space of the temporary sales office for the project of style Lin quan. In the design of the whole community, consider the volume ratio of 2.0, the architects wanted to create a traditional Chinese garden courtyard of the combination of feeling and high-density community into consideration, the hall and community pedestrian mouth in the southeast corner of village land use scale is small, around the green garden road west side of the relatively low density, with a low level on the second floor scale introduction of stream of people, through the treatment hall courtyard space landscape, the speed and scale of urban down through the entrance to the courtyard.

In the narrow space, the architect tries to learn from the treatment methods of traditional garden, such as small medium and large, borrowing sceneries and space infiltration, so that the limited space can be processed into an infinite sense. From the entrance space, from the outside to the inside, from the inside to the outside,the use of translucent glass, hollowed-out view wall, vertical cable setting, increase the depth and fuzziness of the space.The green planting wall at the entrance is interspersed with the white wall under the eaves, which weakens the scale of the hall and increases the richness and complexity of the street under the small street scale of the west cuiyuan road. The green planting wall takes into account the effect of northern winter and USES hollow-out weave texture in different seasons.Materials suitable for the growth of green plants, breathable high strength breathing concrete block masonry, forming a continuous hollow effect.Stair is in the core position in the plane, put outdoors, more experience is the pleasure of space walk.The second part of the staircase kicks with different slopes, the first kick runs a relatively gentle 15 degrees, similar to the feeling of the slope walk. In the second paragraph, kick 30 degrees to form a spatial walking variation. In order to refiect the lightness of the stairs, the stair tread and the stair tread are made of perforated aluminum. In order to emphasize the hazy and implicit space.


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