Based on a preliminary study of data released by the Department of Land and Resource,Standardarchitecture has identified a significant shrinkage of arable land in China over the past 15 years: from 1996 to 2010 the area of arable land decreased from 1.95 billion mu to 1.8 billion mu, with the 150 million mu of lost land affecting the food production capacity for 100 million people
What kind of attitude should the architect take when faced with the paradox of land demand from both rapidly expanding cities and food-production to satiate an expanding population? Will the government's plan to develop rural areas accelerate the loss of arable land? Standardarchitecture takes an inquisitive attitude towards the excessive expansion of Chinese cities, questioning whether the urbanization of archetypical cities such as East Village can occur without sacrificing arable land,and looks into the possibility of vertical expansion to accommodate the growth of cities. The "Village Mountains" proposes a universal strategy for the co-existence of city and farmland, annulling the previous differentiation between the two. With the building extents allocated to each household by volume instead of land area, the residents are able to construct their homes inside the space of the nests, have poultry around the house, and descend the mountains to cultivate the farmlands. "Village Mountains" is a somewhat naive proposal, and we do not advocate it as a cure for all the issues of urbanization and land shortage. Instead, we want to revive in people a longing for a life closer to nature,and assert confidence in the future prospect of harmonious integration of the city and farmland.□
1-2 “立体村庄”于米兰设计周/"Village Mountains" shown at Milano Design Week
明城墙遗址公园,北京Ming Dynasty City Wall and Cultural Park, Beijing
“岸”宅,苏州,江苏House Ben An Houses, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 2007
“新院子”万科住宅,苏州,江苏"New Courtyard" Vanke Housing, Suzhou, Jiangsu
阳朔小街坊,桂林,广西Yangshuo Storefronts, Guilin, Guangxi, 2004
空中院宅Staking Courtyards
中法艺术中心,武汉,湖北Sino-French Art Centre, Wuhan, Hubei, 2005
青城山石头院,成都,四川Stone Courtyard Teahouse, Chengdu, Sichuan
“疯狂小三角”社区公园,上海Dancing Triangles Park, Shanghai, 2006
雅鲁藏布江小码头,林芝,西藏Yarlung Zangbo Boat Terminal, Nyingchi, Tibet
南迦巴瓦接待站,林芝,西藏Namchabarwa Lookout Point, Nyingchi, Tibet
大桑树冥想台,林芝,西藏Mulberry Tree Contemplation, Nyingchi,Tibet
格嘎温泉概念,林芝,西藏Gega Spa, Nyingchi, Tibet
尼洋河游客中心,林芝,西藏Niyang River Visitor Centre, Nyingchi, Tibet
索松住宅,林芝,西藏Suosong House, Nyingchi, Tibet, 2013
尼洋河观景台,林芝,西藏Niyang River Vista Point, Nyingchi, Tibet
Yarlung Zangbo River Hostel, Nyingchi,Tibet
娘欧码头,林芝,西藏Niangou Boat Terminal, Nyingchi, Tibet
派镇山顶酒店,林芝,西藏Pai Hotel, Nyingchi, Tibet
格嘎温泉,林芝,西藏Gega Spa, Nyingchi, Tibet
雅鲁藏布大峡谷艺术馆,林芝,西藏Grand Canyon Art Centre, Nyingchi, Tibet, 2011
观景台,林芝,西藏Vista Point, Nyingchi, Tibet
西九龙梯田摩天楼,香港Rice-field Skyscrapers, Hong Kong, 2007
非自然生长:未来城市概念装置Unnatural Growing: Installation as a Concept for Futrure City, 2009
微杂院,北京"Micro Yuan'er", Beijing, 2014
城市下的蛋Eggs of the City
“蜗居”蛋,戴海飞Egg House, DAI Haifei
立体村庄,米兰Village Mountains, Milan, 2012
勒·柯布西耶中心,上海Centre Le Corbusier, Shanghai, 2013
KTV蛋,深圳双年展KARAOKE House, Shen Zhen, 2009
诺华上海园区办公楼,上海Novartis Offce Building, Shanghai, 2016
“椅子”宅Eggchair-house, 2009
“树塔”社会住宅,深圳Tree Tower Social Housing, Shenzhen
肖峰艺术馆,杭州Xiao Feng Art Museum, Hangzhou
微胡同,北京Micro Hutong, Beijing, 2016
社会剧场宅,北京Social Theatre Housing, Beijing, 2013
共生院,北京Co-Living Courtyard, Beijing, 2016
上海汽车设计中心,上海Shanghai Auto City Design Studios,Shanghai
西藏地方手工艺工坊,林芝,西藏Tibet local crafts workshop, Nyingchi, Tibet
嘉定文化教育中心,上海Jiading Cultural & Education Centre,Shanghai
椅子的神气,东京设计周,东京Shinki of Chairs, Tokyo Designer's Week, 2012
西安维胜研发中心,西安,陕西Xi'an Wisdom Product R&D Centre, Xi'an,Shannxi
“TOPO”沙发,锐驰出品"TOPO" Sofa, 2012
长城观山台,北京Great Wall Watch House, Beijing
Alessi“明”托盘"Ming" Tray for Alessi, 2012