The Comprehensive Review of Learning strategy
【Abstract】The study of learning strategy strategy has become a hot topic in the field of pedagogy and lexicology. This paper aims to make a comprehensive analysis of Learning strategy which from different perspectives. It will provide a reference for the further development of learning strategy research.
【Key words】Comprehensive Review; Learning strategy
1. Introduction
When human beings study, work, learn or even play, they always being intellectually. Oxford & Cohen (2016) during the last 30 or 40 years, it has developed and become a controversy, since strategies were introduced into the field of humanities. Previously, an effective learning strategy could help people to achieve it. The development of mature period which including the audio-visual method, audiovisual-oral method, cognitive method and communicative method, many researchers have changed focus from how teachers teach to how students learn. They have researched a lot on learners themselves, exploring whether it is a general rule in a language learning process and how individual learner characteristics will affect their learning process.
2.Definition from individual perspectives
Discuss the essence of the learning strategy, Many researchers and theorists argue individual perspective. Duffy & Roehler (1982) suggests the definition of learning strategy is regarded the learning strategies as an implicit learning rule system. Díaz & Hernández (2002) consider based on the consciously circumstance, learners construct control an agile tool to achieve their goals on purpose. Thus, the learning process is not immobile but a developed procedure, students learning from steps, cooperation and internal competence. From this perspective, positive and conscious attitude is related to learners strategies, the meaningful activity result in building a knowledge and reasonable construction among learners mind. When learner devote themselves to learning method, control procedures, and develop their skills, the positive learning strategies help them to produce a comfortable atmosphere. By contrast, he cant produce an active learning strategy when students are under stressed, anxious and tense atmosphere.Nisbet & Shucksmith (1986) interpret the fixation and invariability are not the definition of strategy, which cannot be measured and judged. The learning strategy is a natural and valuable part of the language learning process.
Ellis (1994) covered a range of aspects in his book The study of second language acquisition, he argued that obvious differences between the different definition of strategy. Strategy refers to the visual behavior or psychological activity which cannot be observed or both. Strategy refers to the general characteristics or the skill to accomplish specific tasks. Strategies whether are in the range of subconscious minds of learners. When or not the strategies have direct effects on the development of learning. Carlo noticed the restricted condition around the concept hindered the definition of learning strategy in many research articles and literature, its definition is vague and ambiguous.
Oxford (1993) argued the definition of learning strategy is learners take steps and procedures even action to effectively enhance and improve the language acquisition. Thus, not only defines learning strategy as the learners aspiration to learn, but also learners are conscious of what kind of strategy they use.
Catalan (2003) refer to the definition of a vocabulary learning strategy stems from that for a language learning strategy, its an aspect of strategy of language learning.
Although the early language learning researchers attempts to categorize the learning strategies, but so far, its still difficult to reach an agreement for classifying the definition. Foreign language learning strategy are deepening unceasingly in depth and breadth, to develop intensive study on the factors affecting such as learning style, learning concept, learning strategies, and personal factors. No matter how to categorize, the purpose of linguists to research language learning strategy is to promote the efficiency of learners language learning.
[1]Catalan,R.M.J.Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics,2003,13(1): 54-77.
[2]Duffy,G.G.& Roehler, L.F.Direct instruction of comprehension: What does it really mean. Reading Horizons,1982,23(1):35-40.