

厦门航空 2018年9期



I’d rather say that it is your genes that decide your fate instead of your personalities.


Why elephants are more unlikely to suffer from cancer?

According to the American Journal Cell Reports, despite the fact the number of cancer cells in elephant body is as many as 100 times that in human body, around 17% die from cancer while only less than 5% elephant do. The researchers find that a “zombie gene” is found in elephant body, which might be the key to protect elephants from cancer.


"Designed Enfant" is not far away

According to foreign press, "designed enfant" may not be something far away from us—scientists are now able to control and edit gene in the phase of oosperm, which allows the babies to have desired appearance, physical power and intelligence of their parents. To put it simply, it is possible to "maximallyoptimize human species"with technological approaches. However, it is still disputable when it comes to the question that "if we should create a perfect enfant".


German to Add "The Third Gender"

According to BGH, the third gender will be introduced to German in the end of 2018. It means that when a new baby is registered, there is a "Third Gender" for option other than "Male" and Female in the gender column. If the newborn is of unknown gender when it is born,the parents can select the blank so that those who are born with mixed-sex features can select when they grow up.


Italy trails dogs with DNA

To put an end to the repeated emergence of animal wastes in streets in the cities, Malnate municipal government of Italy decided to apply DNA technology in the future. DNA samples will be collected from the dogs and the wastes in the streets in the cities will be tested so as to trace to the dog owner and fine them. And whoever does this job can be really called "Poocollecting Officer".


Big Toe—the last to evolve

According to PNAS, research show that compared to other bones, the big toe of human beings was the latest to evolve. And why it was the last? The scientists find that big toe is a key part to apply force to realize suspension. Its evolution might be a compromise when our ancestors evolved to bipedal walking from crawling; therefore it was the last to evolve.


Several countries cooperate on compiling the "dictionary of wheat"

Science released a research recently on its website—genome maps of hexaploid wheat. The maps are finished together by over 70 institutions from 20 countries. A "dictionary" of genomics of wheat is given birth. What can such a dictionary do?Everything related to wheat, if it is resistant to lodging and drought, if its seed big or if it is nutritious enough, is related to this "dictionary".


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