摘 要: 建立求含多个未知矩阵方程组的对称、反对称、中心对称和中心反对称解的修正共轭梯度算法.该算法可以判断矩阵方程组的对称、反对称、中心对称和中心反对称解是否存在,在约束解存在时,不考虑舍入误差情况下,能求得矩阵方程组的一组异类约束解;选取特殊初始矩阵时,可求得该方程组的极小范数解;给定矩阵可以在约束解集合中,求出其最佳逼近矩阵.数值实验验证了该算法的可行性.
关键词: 异类约束矩阵;修正共轭梯度法;收敛性;最佳逼近
[中图分类号]0241.6 [文献标志码]A
An Iterative Algorithm MCG1-2-3-4 for Solving Matrix Equations over different Constrained Matrices
CHEN Shi-jun
(Fujian university of technology college of Applied Technology , Fuzhou 350001,China)
Abstract: A modified conjugate method MCG1-2-3-4 is presented for solving a linear matrix equations with several unknown matrices about symmetric matrix, antisymmetric matrix,central symmetric matrix and central antisymmetric matrix. By this method, we not only can judge whether the matrix equations is consistent over different constrained matrices, but also can obtain the solution in the absence of round off errors when the matrix equations is consistent, and the different constrained solution with least-norm can be got by choosing special initial matrices. In addition, the optimal approximation matrix of the given matrix can be obtained in the set of the different constrained solution. The numerical example show that the method is quite efficient.
Key words: different constrained matrices; modified conjugate gradient method; convergence; optimal approximation
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