The Success Story of Sheng Maobai


Special Focus 2018年8期

By Liu Yishan

Sheng Maobai, the owner of the Shengning Store,is an old friend of mine.He has experienced vicissitudes of all kinds throughout his life;he spent five years in prison and after being rehabilitated, he returned to his former workplace.In the early 1990s, Sheng Maobai retired early from his previous employment in Daye County,Huangshi, a city in Central China’s Hubei Province, and then came to Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, where he opened up the Shengning Store, a small painting and calligraphy shop.His business was engaged in collecting and selling paintings,which required the unique ability of collecting the right items and selling them at the right price. I was a frequent visitor to his shop.Once, after a full meal, I had the pleasure of hearing some of his stories about collecting paintings.I have included a few of my favorites below.

A Wooden Scroll Painting

赵合俦画作 Painting by Zhao Hechou(1902-1982, traditional Chinese painter)

One morning when he was walking to the flea market near Yintong, someone behind him called out, “Excuse me!” He withdrew to the roadside to give way, and a junkman with a ragged load on his shoulders passed by.As he brushed past, Sheng Maobai was poked by a hard object.When he looked closer, he found a wooden scroll painting lying in the man’s ragged basket.

He hastily stopped the junkman, saying he wanted to have a look at the scroll.

The junkman set down his load on the roadside and said, “This is to be delivered to the waste collection station. Have a quick look and see what you want.”

Sheng Maobai opened the scroll and recognized Zhao Hechou’s painting of wisteria and starlings on a full six-chi(about 6.6 foot) paper scroll. The picture was vivid and vibrant with bursting old vines, thousands of flowers in subtly different shades of purple, and more than ten striking starlings on it.

Zhao Hechou was born in Huanggang, Hubei Province, next to Huangshi. In his early years he had learned from Xu Beihong in Beiping Art College. After a little bargaining, Sheng Maobai bought the scroll for 30 yuan. Since he only had a 50-yuan bill with him,he gave it all to the junkman, who was overjoyed since he’d only spent 5 yuan on buying the scroll and had now sold it for ten times that. Sheng Maobai also gave him a business card, telling the man to come to him when he got more paintings in future.







郭沫若及其书法作品 Guo Moruo (1892-1978, Chinese author, poet, historian, and archaeologist) and his calligraphy













It was the first “treasure” Sheng Maobai obtained after he came to Wuhan and engaged in the field of painting and calligraphy collection.

One evening, Sheng Maobai and his family were having dinner when he got a call from this junkman, who told him that he had received more than ten old paintings in the old town. Some people were eager to buy those paintings, but he refused to sell,since he promised Sheng Maobai to check them out first.

Sheng Maobai immediately put down his bowl and rushed to the place where the junkman was.After inspecting the dozens of paintings and calligraphy, he told the junkman excitedly, “Thank you for your trust and kindness,these were all authentic works,including a calligraphy piece by Guo Moruo, a painting of Lyu Fengzi, four paintings of four less famous artists, and five couplets from a Jinshi.”1

Having heard the truth from Sheng Maobai, the junkman muttered to himself, “No wonder that man was willing to pay 50,000 yuan for them.”

Sheng Maobai said, “I would like to buy all of them, give me a price please.”

To which the junkman replied,“I didn’t want to sell them to that man for 50,000 yuan, but you can have them for this price.”

吕凤子及其画作 Lyu Fengzi (1886-1959, contemporary Chinese painter and calligraphy master) and his painting

Sheng Maobai gave him 60,000 yuan, and the deal was done.

A Red Rosewood Box

On a summer evening after dinner, Sheng Maobai left for the old furniture market in Wutaizha,which was not far from his rented place in Wuchang. He wanted to find a wooden box in which to put his paintings and calligraphy.

He went in and out of several stores to no avail.

Just when he was ready to go home, he found a large wooden box in a store at the end of the west corner, which had copper plaques on all four corners and a vintage old lock on its holder.After careful inspection, he was sure that this wooden box was made of red rosewood, a wellpreserved piece of furniture from the late Qing Dynasty (1636-1912).

The owner noticed his interest in the wooden box, came over and said with enthusiasm that the material of this box was mahogany, and its price was 10,000 yuan.

Sheng Maobai did not reply.Instead he asked the owner to open the box for him to check inside for possible fake wood material at its bottom. The owner opened the lock and uncovered the lid. Inside the box scattered dozens of broken and moldy scrolls. Worrying this unpleasant scene might ruin his business, the owner hastily tried to explain why the box was not cleaned up.



任伯年画作 Painting by Ren Bonian (1840-1896, painter born in Zhejiang Province,noted for his bold brushstrokes and use of color)















1. Jinshi: a title for the successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations in ancient time.

Sheng Maobai randomly picked up a scroll and unfolded it. As soon as he saw the title, he knew it to be an authentic work by Ren Bonian. He refrained himself from opening more reels and put Ren Bonian’s scroll back into the box. Trying his best to appear calm, he had a hard haggling with the owner who was reluctant to budge on the price.

Just when Sheng Maobai was about to accept his price, a woman called from the back, “Forget it.Make it 8,800 yuan.”

As it turned out this was the wife of the owner. Sheng Maobai eventually got this wooden box for eight thousand yuan.

Back home Sheng Maobai cleared out more than 20 calligraphy works and paintings from the wooden box, which were all as authentic as the first one he had seen. He made a big fortune out of them, which bought him a three-bedroom commercial apartment and lifted his family out of their position as tenants.

A Win-Win Deal

One morning Sheng Maobai left home and walked into an alley,only to find himself blocked by a pile of debris. A young woman was standing there apologizing to the pedestrians. “Sorry, I will have these cleaned away very soon,”she said.

Sheng Maobai was trying to squeeze his way through when he saw an old wardrobe from the sundry. The glass on the small cabinet door was broken,and a Chinese painting was showing from inside. The familiar brushstroke and the unique style of color application made it all too obvious to him that this was a work crafted by the hands of Mr.Zhang Zhaoming.

Sheng Maobai was stunned and immediately proposed to buy the painting. The owner of the painting praised his artistic insight, but did not mean to sell it.She’d like to give it to him for free.Sheng Maobai insisted on giving something back in exchange, for he didn’t want to take something so valuable for nothing. Since the owner was born in Tiger Year according to the lunar calendar,after knowing that Sheng Maobai was a painter, she asked him to draw five tigers for her.

One week later, Sheng Maobai painted an eight-foot long piece of ink and washing painting of five tigers to the address left by the owner. Impressed by the tigers,the owner commended happily,“Five tigers mean five blessings,this is great. I got a brand new painting for a faded old picture!I’m so lucky.”

To which Sheng Maobai replied: “I’m lucky too.”

(FromThe Yellow River Literature, March 2018.Translation: Lu Qiongyao)

张肇铭画作 Painting by Zhang Zhaoming (1897-1976, artist from Hubei Province)

