Thesilversurfers'riding highonInstagramfame
By Kesha Sebert
Move over Kim Kardashian,there is a new social media online star in town—or two,to be precise.Their names rhyme,their clothes match!Japanese couple Bon and Pon are wearing a smile on the social media world with their fashionable outfits (套装)and silver hair going with each other so perfectly.
In an Instagram account of Lifegoals,the couple,60 and 61,post demure(娴静的;端庄的)photos of their everyday life in amazing matching outfits.
Bon and Pon,who have been married for 37 years,created their account just three months ago,but they are already Instagram celebrities—@bonpon511 has an enviable (令人羡慕的;令人嫉妒的) 89,000 followers.Surprisingly enough,the number of their flowers is still on the sharp increase.
Not many couples could get away with matching tartan(方格花纹),but Bon and Pon can.What makes them so appealing and a hit to the public is not only their devotion to co-ordination but also their perfect taste—wearing minimalist (简约主义的)colours,tailored cuts and smart shoes.They post with white hair,silver hair and over 60 to remind us all that fashion has no age limit.
But why do they co-ordinate their look? “It's fun to wear matching clothes,” says Bon.
Bon told the BBC they particularly liked to match outfits on holiday.
Even their children are joining in it.Here they are in a gift from their daughter—matching scarves.
Sometimes they wear the same outfit twice—so there is hope for the rest of us.