课堂用语是老师教学思想和理念的具体反映,好的课堂用语可以体现出老师对学生的理解、尊重、认同,还可以将学生的认识顺势提高一个高度。“很好”,“你真棒”这样的话语滥用,就显得空洞、单调,不能起到激励学生的作用。前不久,听到一位老师执教2013人教版新目标英语九年级第五单元Section A 3a The Difficult Search for American Products in the US,他在課堂上使用的语言给我留下深刻印象:
T:Good titles can express the writers feelings and opinions.Whats the title of the passage?
Ss:The Difficult Search for American Products in the US.
T:How did Kang Jian feel when he searched for American products in the US?
Ss:He felt it was difficult.
T:Yes,he thought it was difficult to search for American products in the US.
Why did he think so?Can you try to explain it according to the text?You will have two minutes to do it.(认同学生的观点,并通过下一个问题引起学生深入地思考.)
S1:Because he wanted to buy a toy car for his cousin,but he found even though most of the toys were American brands,they were made in China.
T:So many toys are made in China,it is really difficult to buy a toy car made in the US.What other things made he think so?(不是简单地说“你真棒”,而是在认同的基础上引起学生对细节地关注.)
S2:I know,I know! He wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,but he had to visit five or six stores before finding a pair made in America.
T:Youre right.He didnt find a pair made in America until he visited five or six stores.No wonder he thinks...(此处的停顿,恰恰给学生留出空间,让学生点出中心句,使师生间、生生间形成默契,产生共鸣,令人莞尔.)
Ss:It was difficult to search for American products in the US.
T:Yeah,great! Why didnt the writer use “find”, but “search for”?
S3:Difficult.More difficult.
T:“Search for” is more difficult than “find”.What other things did he find were made in China?(对认真学习的学生来说,“You got the key word.”一定是令人鼓舞的,获得了关键词不就是获得了理解文章的钥匙吗?说出了学生做得好的地方,具体,明了。)
Ss:Footballs,handbags,pet food,mobile phones.Even American flags are made in China.
T:Even?Why is “even” here?(不是停留在对语言点的理解上,而是通过文中的点睛之笔更深地理解作者想要表达的思想内涵,这是很多英语老师在进行阅读教学时容易忽略的地方.)
S4:We think flags are the symbol of their countries.But American flags are made in China.
T:When you know this,what do you think of it?(让学生表达个人想法,让文本回归生活,回归到“人”这个中心。)
S5:I am so surprised.
S6:I am happy.
T:Then how about Kang Jian?How did he feel when he found that so many products in the local shops were made in China?
Ss:He thought it was interesting.
T:What kind of things are footballs,handbags?Everyday things or high-technology products?
Ss:Everyday things.
T:China is so good at making these everyday things.What does he think of it?
Ss:He thinks its great.
T:What else?Is he satisfied with it?
S7:No.He hopes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world.(与文中的主人公共情,既是一种认同,又是对民族责任心的一种认知。)
T:So do I.Do you hope so?
Ss(Loudly):I hope so!
T:What should we do in order to make high-technology products?(發起讨论,引领问题的不同解决方案的生成。)
S8:We should study hard.
S9:We should study science well.
S1:We should be creative.
S2:The most important,we should practice more.
T:You are reasonable,we need to study hard now.When we come up with a good idea,we should try to make it,do it and practice it.And what can we learn from Kang Jian?
S2:He loves China.
S10:He cares about China.
T:And he often thinks about things around him.Do you agree?