◇ 文|本刊记者 胡 婷
In summer, you set out on a journey to explore the cool mountains.Everything is in a fairy tale: look above, you see the blue sky and white cloud; look down, the expanse of wetlands. It makes you feel like you are passing through a tunnel of time and space, where you get to enjoy the cool breezes from all directions in a hot summer.
武隆黄柏淌湿地 (武隆白马山度假区管委会供图)
When you travel through the winding paths of the forest, the green trees, the clear streams and the quiet valleys – all appear as splendid images of nature. When you climb up the peaks, you see the cloud and haze change endlessly among the mountains. And when you look farther, you would behold the white clouds stretching out over the wide grasslands. With some luck, you might even come across the tea-picking girls, humming folk songs at ease. Here, nature and humanity meet each other and become one unity.
武隆白马山 (武隆白马山度假区管委会供图)
开州满月马扎营龙洞 摄影/刘康
彭水摩围山 (彭水旅发委供图)
酉阳宜居乡茶山故事 摄影/黄德权
黔江沙坝乡二郎山 摄影/杨敏
神龙湖 (武隆白马山度假区管委会供图)
开州满月马扎营日出 摄影/刘康
开州龙头嘴金鸡菊灿烂开放 摄影/刘康
黔江海拔1700 多米的八面山 摄影/ 杨敏
武隆黄莺大峡谷 (武隆白马山度假区管委会供图)
开州雪宝山 摄影/刘康
湖泊密布,河面绿水清波,清澈自流。黄昏时候,天水相接 ,晚霞如水光粼粼。竹林浩瀚苍茫,林木高大,绿意环绕,恍入林海之中,犹如人间仙境。坝上草场,丝丝凉风伴着芳草之香,或静坐发呆,或打闹嬉戏,或在其间闲庭信步,享受自然带来的馈赠。
Clear lakes and rivers are flowing peacefully by its own schedule. At dusk, the sky and the river come together, with the sunset glowing like the glistening water.The green bamboos form a vast existence– a paradise on earth. When you are on the grass field, sitting silently in a daze, playing with others, or simply taking a walk, the cool breeze accompanied by the fragrant grass allow you to appreciate the amazing gift of nature..