

英语世界 2018年7期



An urgent need that has to be addressed before China’s commercial banks are fully ready to go global is to build an effective talent management strategy to recruit and retain top-notch managers and professionals2原文里提到“相应的管理人才和专业人才”,于是,翻译时大家可能会在“相应的”上面做文章,塞进诸如corresponding那样的词,但如此使用很不恰当。, especially experts who are adept at navigating a global financial and legal environment.

[2] Effective global talent management could be pursued through four channels, namely outside recruitment,internal talent development, talent building through mergers and acquisitions, and use of outside expertise3.Each of these measures has its own pros and cons. In their push to go global,China’s commercial banks would have to tailor their global talent strategies to their specific goals for global expansion, their needs for managerial competence, and the availability of resources.



[2] Effective global talent management could be pursued through four channels, namely outside recruitment,internal talent development, talent building through mergers and acquisitions, and use of outside expertise3许多人一看到“引进”,就用introduction,一看到“培养”,便是cultivation,一看到“借用”,便是borrowing或leasing,但这些死抠字面、字字对应的译法不仅语言不通,而且完全不达意。introduction用在这里并没有反映“引进”的意思。实际上所谓“从外部引进”,就是从外部招聘。由于前文已经提及“全球化人才”,此处不必也不应重复。内部培养人才也可以说train its own personnel;借用外部智囊也可以说hire outside consultants。.Each of these measures has its own pros and cons. In their push to go global,China’s commercial banks would have to tailor their global talent strategies to their specific goals for global expansion, their needs for managerial competence, and the availability of resources.

[3] As a result of the financial crisis,an opportunity seems to have presented itself to China’s commercial banks in their bid to attract global talent.4这里的金融危机是指2008年危机,由于危机,不少金融机构裁员,这为招聘人才提供了机会。同样,这里的“引进”也不宜按字面译成introduce。But outside hires5对于“外部人才”,不少人喜欢用outside talents。首先,前面说过,这里的人才是个集体性的概念,talent不应该用复数形式;其次,既然是outside talent,就与本公司无关,谈不上是否适应本公司文化的问题,故此处用了outside hires,指从外部招聘来的人,这样意思就明确了。could face challenges in identifying with existing corporate values and cultures. Generally speaking,measures to develop talent internally6内部培养人才也可以说 cultivate(或 develop)in-house talent。are indispensable. Any firm that fails to grow its own talent while relying solely on outside recruitment would find itself overwhelmed in an increasingly competitive world.

[4]另一方面,兼并也是在短期内迅速获得较多人才的一个较好方式。有效地利用被并购企业的人才有利于采取正确的策略并保证客户的稳定性,同时迅速开拓市场。在跨国收购时,中国商业银行需要评估合并企业所需的技能以及被收购者所拥有的本地技能和业务能力,然后针对有价值的管理人员和员工启动保留机制。 □

[4] Another feasible approach to acquiring a sizable number of talented personnel in a short span of time is through an acquisition. Effective use of personnel from an acquired firm would help the acquirer adjust its overall strategy, stabilize its client base, and expand its market share rapidly7对于“迅速开拓市场”,有人译成accelerate market development,译文含义很不明确。原文所说的“开拓市场”无非就是说要争取扩大自己所占市场份额,所以可译成 expand its market share或 expand its presence in a given market。. When it comes to overseas acquisitions, China’s commercial banks would have to evaluate what skills would be needed for merged entities and what local expertise and capabilities are available in acquired firms before implementing measures to retain qualified managers and employees.


新型职业农民培训 培养人才振兴乡村
强化监管 开拓市场 推动福建盐业健康发展