

英语世界 2018年7期

文/毕淑敏 译/朱虹







During one of my counseling sessions, a young fellow named An Lan confided to me that for him, anything that he enjoys would turn into an obsession. I asked for an example.He told me that when at school, he had been addicted to going online—he would spend five hours every day at the computer, his online friends were spread throughout the world.

[2] I could not help exclaiming:“Throughout the world! That’s really something.”

“So it is,” An Lan went on, “People say that going online affects your school work, but in my case, my English shot up. I had to chat with friends throughout the world, and if your English is not snappy, the kids ignore you.”

[3] “Five hours online! You were a student at the time. How did you find so much spare time?”





“Easy,” said An Lan. “Cut sleep to five hours. I had a bedroom to myself,and my computer was next to my bed.I went to bed right after finishing my homework. I woke up promptly after four hours’ sleep and went online,and nobody the wiser. By daybreak, I stopped for another hour or so to sleep.When my mom or dad came knocking to wake me up for school, I would still be in deep sleep. I would go through the day pale and out of sorts. My parents assumed that I was overworked at school.Actually my problem was lack of sleep.For me, sleeping became a pretense, a cloak to hide the time I spent online.”

[4] I muttered that he was still in growing pains and that this lack of sleep would cause serious problems.

“It was just as you said,” exclaimed An Lan. “Soon, I was diagnosed with nephritis and could not remain sitting up for long. I had to cut the time spent online. Then I had to quit school. When the first acute attack was over, the doctor advised me to spend time outdoors to recover my strength. I would take walks in the park or the outskirts of town.

“No matter how fresh the air, or how beautiful the scenery, I soon became bored of being alone all the time. So my dad bought me a little digital camera.Taking random snapshots as I walked about got me out of boredom. A doggie peeing, a cat showing its teeth at a rival—they all served as subjects for photography. Back home at night,I would play back the shots and get some entertainment out of them. But soon I was dissatisfied with that simple contraption. I got a good camera with different lenses and took shots of views in and out of town, and back home I would enlarge them for fun. I would go further and further out of town in search of better views, and this actually turned into tourism.



“My father muttered that mine was really an expensive hobby, as the costs of my photography and ‘tourism’ had far exceeded the medical expenses. Despite the complaints about expenses, I did have a good recovery. But by then I had missed the National Test for Higher Education, so I attended a vocational school where I studied marketing. On graduation, I got a job at a toy store.I was paid according to percentage of sales and enjoyed a good income. Under the circumstances, photography and tourism as pastimes were out of the question, so I became addicted to throwing dinner parties.”

[5] I was aware that as his counselor,I should hear him out, but I could not help exclaiming: “Addicted to throwing dinner parties!” To be honest, it was the first time I had ever heard of such an addiction.





An Lan said, “Yes, I like the feeling of sending out invitations and seeing the delight and surprise on people’s faces. I like the experience of choosing a restaurant and going through the menu page by page, deliberating over the choices,like a general picking his team. I especially like the grand finale of throwing down the cash in a magnanimous gesture, as if saying who else if not I?”

[6] I demurred, saying: “I suppose you must have paid a hefty price for this kind of ‘feeling good’?”

An Lan looked downcast. “Exactly.On the eve of New Year, I received a bonus of seventy thousand yuan, but it all went down the drain and Spring Festival was barely a month away. I could say that I have really made a contribution to the success of the catering business in Beijing. And now, our bonus for the second season is about to be handed out. I am really afraid that the money will disappear in a flash. The fact is,once the convivial gathering is scattered and I am left with an empty pocket, I feel very dejected. But I can’t help myself. The minute there is money in my pocket, the cycle is on again, beyond my control…

“My parents have advised me to seek counsel, saying that this merry-goround of dinners must be checked. Suppose I start dating, they warned, I will be meeting one girl today and a new girl tomorrow, and I will be taken for a womanizer. I myself am unhappy about the situation. I will never be up to much if this trend goes on. Do you have any advice?”










[7] I said, “An Lan, I realize you are worried. Let’s put our heads together and think of something. Tell me, what were your feelings when you first plunged yourself into going online, and photography, and tourism, and entertainment?”

“I was happy, of course!”

“Now supposing that at the time, a doctor showed up and wanted to take your blood for testing, how would you feel?”

Caught unawares, An Lan stuck out his tongue. “I suppose it will hurt.I won’t be able to predict the result,though.”

[8] I told him that getting one’s blood taken will hurt a little but that the pain will be gone very quickly. I had been a doctor and know something about blood testing. When people are happy, there are secretions from their endocrinal glands, called endorphin.

An Lan seemed very interested, and wanted me to show it to him in writing,so I wrote down on a piece of paper the three Chinese ideograms for endorphin.

An Lan scrutinized them and said:“The phin here sounds like fei, the last ideogram for the word coffee.”





I said yes, and coffee has the effect of stimulation.

[9] An Lan asked: “Are you saying that every time I get wrapped up in those activities which could be addictive, it means that my body is secreting that stimulant?”

I replied: “An Lan, you are smart,quick to get to the point. Endorphin has the short-term effect of stimulating us and making us forget fatigue and unhappiness. In the long term, you get hooked. All such addictions are debilitating, causing loss of appetite, weight loss, and general decline of health. People throw everything to the winds when they are hooked. They stop thinking rationally and that may give rise to serious consequences. That is what happens to you after your dinner parties, you feel emptied out. In some cases, people become workaholics; others become kleptomaniacs and end up criminals.Then there are others who become part of the maniac drivers crowd. Still others become maniacs for power, and end up dictators…”

[10] An Lan said: “This means that endorphin is a very bad thing?”

I said: “We shouldn’t make these generalizations. Whatever the human body secretes, it has its uses. For instance, while running the Marathon,your body will be secreting endorphin after you have passed that critical turning point, and then you will stop feeling so tired. Actually you may even feel lighter on your feet. It is the same with scientists. As they bury themselves in research on subjects which benefit mankind, it is also thanks to the effect of endorphin that they could persist in their work under difficult circumstances.”




[11] An Lan murmured that he was getting a bit confused.

I said: “There is a limit to everything.Fire is good for winter, right? But I bet you don’t want to be held over the fire,unless you want to be baked. Again,water is a good thing in the desert, but you don’t want to be caught in a deluge.It is the same with the hormones in our bodies—we must learn to control. It sounds difficult to achieve; actually we are constantly being trained unawares.Say you are hungry and you pass by a stall with tantalizingly crispy baked buns on display. No matter how hungry,you will not snatch one unless you have paid for it. When you see a beautiful girl, your hormones might start working, but you will not go up and give her a hug. Controlling your endorphin is part of growing up.”

[12] As I finished speaking, An Lan picked up the piece of paper, looked closely at the writing and said: “The phin in the term endorphin is the same ideogram as the phine in morphine.”



I said, “An Lan, you are a sharp observer and you got it right. Talking of addictions, the worst one is drugs. The structure of morphine and that of endorphin have something in common. People who are addicted to drugs are actually in hell. That is something that we must beware of. Of course, addiction to going online is something different from reliance on drugs. But still, in order to maintain bodily and mental health, we should keep a distance from anything that is addictive. We must practice self-control—everything in moderation.”

As he left, An Lan murmured to himself: “Keep this in mind: addiction means disaster.”


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