张光宇 刘琳婧 徐芮 王欣 李闯 吕胤霖 陈玉娟 朱大福 杨昕瑞
摘 要:针对全固态平面超级电容器性能偏低的问题,采用一种由在硅片上直接生长的方法制备出石墨烯薄膜作为电极,利用双电层超级电容器工作原理,采用PVA/H2SO4凝胶电解质,制备得到石墨烯基全固态平面超级电容器。循环伏安测试结果表明:该超级电容器具有双电层电容特性。循环伏安曲线没有氧化还原峰,说明双电层电容完全提供电极的容量。当扫描速率为50mV/s时,该超级电容器的循环伏安特性较好,面积比电容为290.24μFcm-2,能量密度为22.68μWhcm-2。为平面微型超级电容器的研究提供了重要参考。
中图分类号: O646
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2018)03-0139-04
Electrochemical Properties of Graphene-based All-solid-state Planar Supercapacitors
ZHANG Guang-yu, LIU Lin-jing, XU Rui, WANG Xin, LI Chuang,
L Yin-lin, CHEN Yu-juan, ZHU Da-fu, YANG Xin-rui
(School of Applied Sciences, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080, China)
Abstract:For a problem of low performance of planar supercapacitors, graphene films were prepared by a method of direct growth on silicon wafers as electrodes, and PVA/H2SO4 is used as gel electrolyte. Graphene-based all-solid-state planar supercapacitor was prepared with working principle of electric double layer capacitor. The results of cyclic voltammetry showed that the supercapacitor had characteristics of double layer capacitance, and there was no redox peak in the cyclic voltammetry curves, indicating that the electric double layer provided capacity of electrodes. When the scanning rate was 50mV/s, the supercapacitor had better performance of cyclic voltammetry. The area capacitance was 290.24μFcm-2 and the energy density was 22.68μWhcm-2. This paper provides an important reference for further research on planar micro-supercapacitors.
Keywords:planar supercapacitors; gel electrolyte; electric double layer; cyclic voltammetry
0 引 言
石墨烯作为一种由sp2杂化碳原子紧密排列成蜂窝状晶格结构的二维碳材料。由于其独特的二维结构及优异的性能(如高导电性、高比表面积和高比电容等),使其成为一种理想的双电层超级电容器的电极材料[14-17]。2011年,文[18]制备了两种石墨烯超薄平面超级电容器, 分别是基于化学气相沉积法制备的单层石墨烯和还原氧化石墨法制备的多层石墨烯薄膜,面电容分别为80μFcm-2和394μFcm-2。2013年,文[19]制备了高功率密度和能量密度的石墨烯基平面微型超级电容器,功率密度为495Wcm-3,能量密度为2.5mWhcm-3。2014年,文[20]制备了不同插指数的高性能全固态石墨烯基平面微型超级电容器,功率密度为1270Wcm-3,能量密度为3.6mWhcm-3。
1 全固态平面超级电容器制备
2 全固态平面超级电容器的循环伏安测试
3 结 论
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