(河南科技大学农学院,河南洛阳 471023)
0 引言
1 材料与方法
1.1 谷子材料及种植方法
所用的160份谷子材料(60份夏谷,100份春谷)包括来自河南、河北、山东、山西、陕西、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、新疆、内蒙古、甘肃、青海、宁夏、西藏等国内各地区的品种资源144份和来自国外的品种资源16份(电子附表1)。2015年5月中旬将160份谷子材料种植于吉林市农业科学院试验田(北纬42°31′N,东经125°40′E),种植方式为每品种(系)种植1行,行长2 m,行距为60 cm,株距为3—5 cm,地两头设3行保护行,管理方式按当地常规方法。所测定的10个性状包括抽穗期、株高、叶片数、穗长、穗粗、穗码数、码粒数、穗重、穗粒重和千粒重,其中抽穗期以每个品种(系)从出苗至超过50%植株抽穗的天数表示,其他各性状均选择每个品种(系)行中部10株进行测量,取均值作为该性状的最终值。2015年11月中旬至2016年2月中旬于海南乐东县九所镇(北纬18°45′N,东经109°10′E)以相同种植方式种植160份谷子品种(系),性状调查方式与吉林市相同。2016年5月中旬于吉林省农业科学院试验田(公主岭市,北纬43°11′N,东经124°02′E)、2016年11月中旬至2017年2月中旬于海南乐东县九所镇进行第2年试验,种植方式与性状测定方法均与吉林市相同。吉林与海南谷子播种到成熟期温度、降雨情况见表1。
1.2 数据统计分析
1.2.1 方差分析 首先根据60份夏谷材料和100份春谷材料10个性状测量值对不同地区、不同年份间各性状的表现进行方差分析,以确定夏谷、春谷各性状是否在不同光温环境存在显著差异。
1.2.2 主成分分析 分别对60份夏谷材料和100份春谷材料的株高、叶片数、抽穗期、穗长、穗粗、穗码数、码粒数、穗重、穗粒重、千粒重10个性状在2种光温环境条件下的相对值进行主成分分析。
1.2.3 夏谷、春谷各性状与光温敏感度值的通径分析 参照梁文科[27]方法,首先利用公式(x)=(-min)/(max-min)计算每一品种各综合指标的的隶属函数值,其中x表示第个综合指标,min表示第个综合指标的最小值,max表示第个综合指标的最大值。根据综合指标贡献率大小用公式w=p/S获得综合指标权重,公式中w表示第个综合指标在所有综合指标中的重要程度;p为各品种第个综合指标的贡献率。各品种光温敏感性综合值用公式=ë(x)·wû计算。最后以10个性状的相对值为自变量,值为因变量进行回归分析,对进入回归方程的变量进行通径分析。
表1 海南省、吉林省的温度和降雨情况
1.2.4 夏谷、春谷各性状光温相对敏感度比较 采用长短日照条件下某一性状的相对差值RD(%)=[(L-S)/S×100]来评价夏谷、春谷10个性状的光温敏感度,用Excel 2003软件绘制柱型图,比较10个性状光温敏感性强弱。
2 结果
2.1 方差分析
表2 不同光温环境对谷子10个性状的影响
the different capital letters in the same line means a very significant difference (<0.01), the different lowercase letters in the same line means a significant difference (<0.05)
2.2 春谷、夏谷各性状的主成分分析
2.3 春谷、夏谷10个性状与光温敏感指数D值的通径分析
=0.1091+0.0592+0.0363+0.1254+0.1445+ 0.1396+0.0567+0.0758+0.0859+0.08010
=0.0781+0.0802+0.1673+0.1344+0.1375+ 0.1146+0.0277+0.1038-0.0589+0.05410
=0.1611+0.1852+0.1263+0.1644+0.0515+ 0.0266+0.0127+0.1328-0.0489+0.16010
=5.302×10-5+0.1361+0.2172+0.1003+0.1334+ 0.0235-0.0096+0.0627-0.0128-0.0979+0.22210
表3 2015年和2016年谷子农艺性状主成分特征值
2.4 春谷、夏谷各性状光温相对敏感度比较
表4 谷子10个性状与光温敏感指标D的通径分析
图1 2015和2016年谷子10个性状光温相对敏感度比较
3 讨论
3.1 谷子光温反应特点
3.2 谷子光温反应评价的性状指标
3.3 谷子光温反应的理论研究和育种应用
目前,谷子光温反应研究较多的集中在光温敏不育材料方面,如光温敏不育材料的选育、优势杂交组合的选配[32]。在分子水平,已经开展了光温敏雄性不育基因的定位、克隆[33-34]。光温敏不育材料的研究成果为谷子杂交育种工作的开展奠定了良好基础,如张家口农业科学院的赵治海成功培育出张杂谷系列杂交谷子新品种,在国内广泛栽培。有关谷子光温反应敏感性机制的研究较少,目前谷子光温敏感性QTL定位的研究已经有所报道,结果表明,在谷子第4染色体定位到短日照条件与光周期敏感性相关的QTL位点,在第3和第9染色体定位到长日照条件下与光周敏感相关的QTL位点;日照长度在8—12 h定位的开花时间QTL具有共线性,而日照长度为16 h长日照定位的开花时间QTL与8—12 h定位的QTL存在差异,说明长日照(16 h)控制开花时间的遗传机制与短日照(8—12 h)有所不同[12-14]。但是上述研究都是用开花期作为鉴定指标,目前谷子光温敏感性评价缺少系统指标体系,光温反应敏感性的遗传规律有待进一步的揭示。本研究发现谷子抽穗期、穗重、穗长3个性状光温反应敏感性强,可以作为谷子资源光温敏感性评价的可靠指标,这三个性状相对开花期都具有操作简单、易于鉴定的特点,特别是抽穗期,已经在水稻光周期开花研究中发挥了巨大作用,将在谷子光温反应鉴定、光温敏感性QTL定位研究中发挥重要作用。光温反应敏感性是谷子生态适应性狭窄、生产上缺少跨区大品种的重要原因,而对谷子光温敏感性准确、可靠的评价则是开展谷子广生态适应性育种的前提,本研究筛选出的抽穗期、穗重、穗长3个性状指标可以用于谷子资源光温敏感性鉴定、杂交后代光温钝感个体的筛选,为谷子广生态适应性育种提供了可靠评价指标,同时也可以用于谷子光温敏感性遗传规律研究、光温敏感性QTL定位研究,为揭示谷子光温敏感性分子机制、开展谷子广生态适应性分子育种提供了前提条件。
4 结论
附表1 本研究所用的160份谷子资源
Table S1 160 foxtail millet resources used in this study
序号Serial number品种编号Variety number国家统一编号National unified number品种名Variety name来源地Origin region 1100027956郑谷2Zhenggu2中国河南Henan, China 2300027954豫谷6Yugu6中国河南Henan, China 3400024231郑06-6Zheng06-6中国河南Henan, China 4600024221豫谷3Yugu3中国河南Henan, China 5700027933郑05-2Zheng05-2中国河南Henan, China 6800024226郑州12Zhengzhou12中国河南Henan, China 7900024231郑315Zheng315中国河南Henan, China 81000024262郑8041Zheng8041中国河南Henan, China 91100024195安5424An5424中国河南Henan, China 101300027946豫谷15Yugu15中国河南Henan, China 111400027948豫谷11Yugu11中国河南Henan, China 121600028386豫谷16Yugu16中国河南Henan, China 131700027937安4117An4117中国河南Henan, China 141800027952豫谷13号Yugu13中国河南Henan, China 151900028387豫谷18号Yugu18中国河南Henan, China 162000027937安04-5014An04-5014中国河南Henan, China 172100024170豫谷2号Yugu2中国河南Henan, China 182200010182十里香Shilixiang 中国河南Henan, China 192300007844毛毛亮Maomaoliang中国河南Henan, China 202400020503大黄糯谷Dahuangnuogu 中国河南Henan, China 212500027920冀谷27Jigu27 中国河北Hebei, China 222600027921冀谷28Jigu28 中国河北Hebei, China 232700027925冀谷17Jigu17中国河北Hebei, China 242800027919金谷1号Jingu1中国河北Hebei, China 2529冀特5号Jite5中国河北Hebei, China 263000027910冀谷24Jigu24中国河北Hebei, China 273100027909冀谷22Jigu22中国河北Hebei, China 283300027907冀谷18Jigu18 中国河北Hebei, China 293400027906冀谷31Jigu31中国河北Hebei, China 303500027905复12Fu12中国河北Hebei, China 313700027924冀谷15Jigu15中国河北Hebei, China 323800027912冀谷29Jigu29中国河北Hebei, China 333900027911冀谷26Jigu26中国河北Hebei, China 344000027922冀谷30Jigu30中国河北Hebei, China 354100027733谷丰1Gufeng1中国河北Hebei, China 3642532 374300007619张农8Zhangnong8中国河北Hebei, China 384400022106坝谷6Bagu6中国河北Hebei, China 394500022109坝谷81Bagu81中国河北Hebei, China 404600022123坝谷210Bagu210中国河北Hebei, China 414700022173坝91-0130Ba91-0130中国河北Hebei, China 424800022116坝谷139Bagu139中国河北Hebei, China 434900022162坝91-0053Ba91-0053中国河北Hebei, China 445000022166坝91-0079中国河北Hebei, China 455100007036毛毛谷Maomaogu 中国河北Hebei, China 465200007040沙粒滚Shaligun 中国河北Hebei, China 475300019241大九根齐Dajiugenqi 中国河北Hebei, China 485500022090矮41Ai41中国河北Hebei, China 4957000027926衡谷9号Henggu9中国河北Hebei, China 506000022052毛谷2号Maogu2中国河北Hebei, China 516200022608南育3号Nanyu3中国河北Hebei, China 526400027898承谷11Chenggu11中国河北Hebei, China 536600028046矮88Ai88中国河北Hebei, China 546800012329小青谷Xiaoqinggu中国河北Hebei, China 556900012587黄毛谷Huangmaogu 中国河北Hebei, China 567000022881齐头白Qitoubai 中国河北Hebei, China 577100022525老绳头Laoshengtou 中国河北Hebei, China 587200008960龙爪谷Longzhuagu 中国河北Hebei, China 597300008461小白苗Xiaobaimiao 中国河北Hebei, China 607400007568黑色腰Heiseyao 中国河北Hebei, China 617600024082济叶冲4Jiyechong4中国山东Shandong, China 627700019597鲁谷3号Lugu3中国山东Shandong, China 638000023553早白糯Zaobainuo 中国山东Shandong, China 648400012887钱串子Qianchuanzi 中国山东Shandong, China 658500014233拔谷Bagu 中国山东Shandong, China 668600012877红根子谷Honggenzigu 中国山东Shandong, China 678700011078早谷Zaogu 中国山东Shandong, China 688800006337晋汾13Jinfen13中国山西Shanxi, China 698900027993晋谷35号Jingu35中国山西Shanxi, China 709000027995汾选5号Fenxuan5中国山西Shanxi, China 719500018008皇龙谷Huanglonggu 中国山西Shanxi, China 729600017042红腿谷Hongtuigu 中国山西Shanxi, China 739700024502大同黄Datonghuang 中国山西Shanxi, China 749800020590龙谷26Longgu26中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 759900027854白谷9号Baigu9中国吉林Jilin, China 7610000027862公谷66号Gonggu66中国吉林Jilin, China 7710100027699公谷69号Gonggu69中国吉林Jilin, China 7810200027704公矮3号Gongai3中国吉林Jilin, China 7910400000785白杆白沙Baiganbaisha 中国吉林Jilin, China 8010500000077糟皮一把奇Zaopiyibaqi中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 8110600015441龙爪粘Longzhuanian 中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 8210800015445安丰Anfeng 中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 8310900000011老来变Laolaibian 中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 841110002790306-766中国北京Beijing, China 8511200012037小早谷Xiaozaogu 中国北京Beijing, China 8611300018398红杆谷Honggangu 中国陕西Shaanxi, China 8711400026203呼和浩特大毛谷Huhehaotedamaogu 中国陕西Shaanxi, China 8811500028011延谷11号Yangu11中国陕西Shaanxi, China 8911611郄107111qie1071 9011800014610米泉谷Miquangu 中国新疆Xinjiang, China 9111900014612沙湾谷子Shawanguzi 中国新疆Xinjiang, China 9212000018817谷子Guzi 中国新疆Xinjiang, China 9312100018811谷子Guzi 中国新疆Xinjiang, China 9412200021709谷上谷Gushanggu 中国甘肃Gansu, China 9512300028014陇谷11号Longgu11中国甘肃Gansu, China 9612400027972塞外香谷子Saiwaixiangguzi 中国宁夏Ningxia, China 9712500021671红燃谷Hongrangu 中国宁夏Ningxia, China 9812600018751小苗谷Xiaomiaogu 中国宁夏Ningxia, China 9912700003251大青苗鱼刺Daqingmiaoyuci 中国甘肃Gansu, China 10012800018675尕红谷Gahonggu 中国甘肃Gansu, China 10112900002910黄玉3Huangyu3中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 10213100003005籼紫灰谷Xianzihuigu 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 10313200003008二白谷Er’baigu中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 10413300022053蒜皮白Suanpibai 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 10513600015547金香玉Jinxiangyu 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 10613700014740朝鲜谷子Chaoxianguzi 朝鲜Korea 10713800015037SET3/80SET3/80德国Germany 10813900015049ISE-430ISE-430美国America 10914000014718大王国Dawangguo 日本Japan 11014300014938ISE-245ISE-245印度迈索尔邦Mysore,india 11114400015012法谷28-81Fagu28-81法国France 11214500014729骨绿早1Gulvzao1朝鲜Korea 11314600022367ISE770ISE770国际半干旱研究所ICRISAT 11414700022370ISE775ISE775国际半干旱研究所ICRISAT 11514800014697岛原Daoyuan 日本Japan 11614900014706六十日Liushiri 日本Japan 11715100015402金德Jinde 美国America 11815200022430Red mannaRed manna南非South Africa 11915300026837K-3606K-3606俄罗斯Russia 12015400014949Ise-455Ise-455美国America 12115500015029Set64/82Set64/82德国Germany 122156000279318322-14 12315700027915白米1号Baimi1 中国辽宁Liaoning, China 124159000279272013 1251610027917谷丰2号Gufeng2中国河北Hebei, China 12616200015128芝麻粟Zhimasu 12716300014623大头糯Datounuo 中国湖南Hunan, China 12816400022285乐山白糯Leshanbainuo 中国四川Sichuan, China 12916500022313黄谷Huanggu 中国西藏Xizang, China 13016600026488黄粟Huangsu 中国广西Guangxi, China 13116800025646黄谷子Huangguzi 中国青海Qinghai, China 13216900025962喇叭黄Labahuang 中国青海Qinghai, China 13317215HN-20615HN-206中国河北Hebei, China 13417315HN-13815HN-138中国河北Hebei, China 13517415HN-7915HN-79中国河北Hebei, China 136176六十天还家Liushitianhuanjia 中国吉林Jilin, China 137177谷子Guzi 中国青海Qinghai, China 138178红糯谷Hongnuogu 中国宁夏Ningxia, China 139179小明谷子Xiaomingguzi 中国甘肃Gansu, China 140180粘子糯Nianzinuo 141181毛粟Maosu 14218200018651茄谷Qiegu 中国甘肃Gansu, China 143183然谷Rangu 中国陕西Shaanxi, China 144184铁谷4号Tiegu4 中国辽宁Liaoning, China 145185红苗2Hongmiao2中国吉林Jilin, China 146186叩根Kougen 中国吉林Jilin, China 14718800021176铁7924Tie7924 中国辽宁Liaoning, China 14818900020837小金苗Xiaojinmiao 中国吉林Jilin, China 14919000015437嫩选十号Nenxuan10 中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 15019100028013陇谷10号Longgu10中国甘肃Gansu, China 15119200027871辽谷1号Liaogu1中国辽宁Liaoning, China 15219300027852嫩选十六Nenxuan16中国黑龙江Heilongjiang, China 15319400027882蒙早谷9号Mengzaogu9 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 154195红钙谷Honggaigu 中国天津Tianjin, China 15519600007028黑谷子Heiguzi 中国河北Hebei, China 15619800021303赤谷6号Chigu6 中国内蒙古Inner Mongolia, China 157200二不黄Er’buhuang中国山西Shanxi, China 158201白罗砂Bailuosha 中国河北Hebei, China 159202竹叶青Zhuyeqing 中国河北Hebei, China 160203压塌车Yatache 中国河北Hebei, China
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(责任编辑 李莉)
Comprehensive Evaluation of Main Agronomic Traits of Millet Resources under Different Light and Temperature Conditions
JIA XiaoPing, YUAN XiLei, LI JianFeng, ZHANG Bo, ZHANG XiaoMei, GUO XiuPu, CHEN ChunYan
(College of Agriculture, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, Henan)
【Objective】To uncover the characteristics of photo-thermo reaction of spring millet and summer millet, screen out the suitable traits for foxtail millet photo-thermo sensitivity evaluation, ten main agronomic traits including heading date, plant height, number of leaves, panicle length, panicle diameter, branch number per panicle, grain number per branch, panicle weight, grain weight per panicle and 1000-grain weight of 100 spring millet materials, 60 summer millet materials were investigated in two locations of Hainan and Jilin with different photo-thermo conditions.【Method】Based on the survey data of ten traits from 100 spring millet materials, 60 summer millet materials in two locations for two consecutive years, three methods including variance analysis, regression analysis and path analysis between ten traits and comprehensive evaluation indexvalue of photo-thermo sensitivity, photo-thermo relative sensitivity comparison analysis of ten traits were performed to evaluate the photo-thermo sensitivity of ten traits of spring millets and summer millets.【Result】Variance analysis showed that ten traits of both spring millets and summer millets were significant difference between two different photo-thermo conditions (<0.01), indicating the omnibearing effect of photo-thermo condition on spring millets and summer millets. The investigation values of heading date, plant height, number of leaves, panicle length, panicle diameter, branch number per panicle, grain number per branch, panicle weight, grain weight per panicle of both spring millets and summer millets in Jilin location were higher than that in Hainan location. On the contrary, the investigation value of 1000-grain weight under Jilin photo-thermo condition was lower than that under Hainan photo-thermo condition. Comprehensive evaluation indexvalue of photo-thermo sensitivity was constructed by principal component analysis, based on which regression analysis and path analysis were performed between ten traits andvalue. The results showed that panicle weight, panicle length, grain weight per panicle and grain number per branch of spring millets had relatively high direct effect onvalue in two investigation years, indicating a higher sensitivity of these traits to photo-thermo reaction. For summer millets, there was profound difference between two years, only panicle weight and panicle length had significant effect onvalue, were sensitive to photo-thermo reaction in two years. By comparing the relative photo-thermo sensitivity of ten traits, it was found that panicle weight, grain weight per panicle, heading date, panicle length and branch number per panicle of spring millets were more sensitive to photo-thermo reaction than other traits in two years. Meanwhile, panicle weight, panicle length, heading date, branch number per panicle and number of leaves of summer millets were more sensitive to photo-thermo reaction than other traits in two years. Combining the results byvalue regression analysis, path analysis, photo-thermo relative sensitivity analysis for two years, and the research results of rice, we could conclude that for spring millets, panicle weight, grain weight per panicle, panicle length, branch number per panicle heading date showed strong photo-thermo sensitivity, following them were number of leaves and plant height, panicle diameter and 1000-grain weight showed weak photo-thermo sensitivity. The photo-thermo sensitivity of grain number per branch was uncertain. For summer millets, panicle weight, panicle length, heading date, number of leaves and branch number per panicle showed strong photo-thermo sensitivity, panicle diameter, grain number per branch and 1000-grain weight showed weak photo-thermo sensitivity. The photo-thermo sensitivity of grain weight per panicle and plant height were uncertain. Panicle weight, panicle length and heading date were the mutual traits of spring millets and summer millets that showed strong sensitivity to photo-thermo reaction.【Conclusion】Spring millets and summer millets were both significantly affected by photo-thermo conditions. Panicle weight, panicle length and heading date of spring millets and summer millets were more sensitive to photo-thermo reaction, which were suitable index traits for photo-thermo sensitivity evaluation of foxtail millet. Number of leaves was suitable for photo-thermo sensitivity evaluation of summer millets. Plant height was not suitable for photo-thermo sensitivity evaluation of foxtail millet.
; photo-thermo sensitivity; comprehensive evaluation; panicle length; heading date