

今日重庆 2018年5期

◇| 文本刊记者 陈科龙 李婷婷 | 图受访者提供


Tian Jiemin


Tian Jiemin is a member of China Photographers Association, and a member of The Society of Worldwide Ethnic Chinese Photographers.He was the former council member of China Photographers Association,the former vice-chairman of Sichuan Photographers Association and the former vice-chairman of Chongqing Photographers Association.His photograph Host was awarded in the 13th National Photographic Art Exhibition.



On March 1983, Tian Jieminwent to the Daliang Mountains in Sichuan province when the place was still caught in the coldness of early spring. It was there at Zhaojue county where Tian took a photo that he still well remembers today.

Having consumed all his films for photographing,Tian spent only two yuan for 2 rolls of film at a shop he came across at Zhaojue county. Then he set out to the family of a herdsman with whom he had made an appointment. Never would he have realize that the film he bought casually would bring him a Golden Award in National Photographic Art Exhibition, which marked the first national award won by photographers in Southwest China. With such an achievement, he was known as the best photographer ever in Chongqing.

披着察尔瓦的金奖The Story behind the Golden Award







One afternoon in April, we met Tian Jiemin at Chunhuige, an artistic institute in Chongqing municipality. Gentle and elegant as he was, he didn’t look likean old man in his sixties. With a dim light, he told us the story behind that awardwinning photo.

Back in 1983, Tian worked as a photographer in a press in Sichuan. And that trip to the Daliang Mountains was intended to prepare for an exclusive interview. After two hours walking in the mountains, Tian and his colleagues finally arrived at the destination. Since the host happened to have left when they arrived, the hostess served them with cooked potatoes and eggs.

Tian and his colleagues did not eat much as they wanted to save food for the family. Yet the hostess mistakenly believed that they did not like what she had served. Her hospitality made herto serve them with fresh-killed pork and chicken.

This was for the first time that Tian Jiemin was deeply impressed by the cordialities and simplicity of the Yi people.

By 4 pm, the herdsman returned home from grazing, wearing a black hood and a Cha’erWa, the traditional dress of the Yi. By the end of the interview,Tian Jiemin, squatted beside the herdsman, managed to capture the moment of the host looking back, for which he named Host.

Tian took out his laptop to show us the blackand-white photograph shot that day, on which showed the angular face of the Yi man, with deep lines, sunken eyes and scorched lips. At the sight of this photograph,one would feel the blood rushing and the heart pumping under his skin. It seemed like the man was reminiscing about the past, or looking into the future.

从画形画像到画心画魂From Portraying the Looks to the Heart






35 years later, we were still shocked by the

After that, Tian turned off the lights and showed us a series of works he made in recent years. Along with the pathetic music, a set of photographs depicting the left-behind elderly in the countryside were shown in front of us.

“These pictures were all took in a town in Fuling District where I would visit every year.”he said. He did not talk too much about these photographs, for what he meant to express were all contained within. Through his black-and-white style photographs, we all had a chance to glance at the life of these elders and felt the lonely feelings deep in their heart.

It was a miniature of those elders who lived in China’s countryside in the 21st century. These were the factual stories presented by Tian Jiemin through his camera lens. These photographs were as plain as the conversation between peasants, without further modifications. Yet simple as they were, these photographs were full of artistic appeal.

With a taste for beauty and a creativity comparable to the painter, Tian Jiemin ingeniously integrated elements of men, houses, and surrounding into his works to create numerous vivid images of men. Yang Kuang, the chairman of Chongqing Photographers Association, praised that Tian was an artist adept at portrayingnot only the looks, but also the inside heart.

光与影中的追寻与追问Quest in the Light and Shadow




As for the reason of shooting this set of works,Tian has his own thoughts, “Left-behind elderly is especially in need of the social care. This issue has long been the hot topic. But it needs to be taken seriously.” Later Tian showed us a set of photos shot at Town Anju at Tongliang District, Amateur Performers of Sichuan Opera. The retired old men in the photographs went to the stage every day. They did the make-up themselves and performed the Sichuan opera for a number of theatre goers.

Yang Kuang once remarked:“What Tian has done was more like a query to his heart than a quest for the art. As with all other art works, photographs need to embody not only their artistic values but also their social significance. Photographers should fulfill their social responsibilities as photography is the closest art form to people’s life. From this perspective, Tian’s works are successful, being not only a quest for art but also a query to the society.”

In fact, Tian’s unique style of works could be traced back to Host. Zhang Shao, the theoretical critic of China Photographers Association, lauded his photograph, saying: The reason for the success of Host was that it depicted the tragedy of 'hosts' of elder generation in the countryside. It was as great in social significance as Father by Luo Zhongli,endowed with factuality and time significance, though not without a beauty of tragedy.

