The New Adventures of Aladdin②


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2018年5期



Ding Ala:Wow ... I traveled back. But,007,where are you?

Is that a scholar(书生)? Excuse me?

Scholar:Young boy,your clothes look so different. Where are

you from?

Ding Ala:My name is Ding Ala. Im from ... a faraway country.

I want to go to the village over there.

Scholar:My name is Zhang Pingzi. I am going there too. Shall we

go together?

Ding Ala:Sure! Mr. Zhang,why are you always looking at the sky?

Scholar:I think that the clouds are a little ... weird.

Ding Ala:Haha,I know. Its going to rain. Lets hurry up. But ...

why is the fog here a little yellow? (Sniffing) And the strange smell! Haha,I know. You also have the pollution problem here.

The scholar shook his head and did not say anything. They walked


Villager1:The old well is so strange,the waters bubbling up.

Villager2:Can it be,god of dragon,coming to our town?

Villagers:What should we do? What should we do?

White-beard leader:Wed better offer sacrifices(祭祀). Please God,I beg you. Show mercy(饶恕) to us.

Villager3:The leader is right. Lets go back home and get prepared.

Zhang Pingzi:You cannot go back home. I am afraid an earthquake is coming soon.

Ding Ala:Earthquake? I know,but ...

White-beard leader:Hey you. Dont talk nonsense.

Look at me,over seventy-eight,been through a lot of things. But Ive never heard about any earthquakes here. You poor scholar are full of nonsense and will offend the gods. Drive him away!

Ding Ala:Everyone,Look!

(Many bees are humming. Horses,chickens and ducks are running everywhere. Dogs are barking while sniffing.)

Ding Ala:Haha,I know! An earthquake is coming!

(All of a sudden,the earth is moving! Houses begin to crumble.)

Zhang Pingzi:Earthquake! Earthquake! Everyone finds open space and get down!

Ding Ala:I know!

(After a while,the earthquake is over.)

White-beard leader:Thank you for saving us all. I blamed you wrongly just now. I am so sorry!

Zhang Pingzi:It doesnt matter. What matters is that everyone is safe.

Ding Ala:You knew there would be an earthquake when you saw the clouds and the yellow fog,did you?

Zhang Pingzi:Yes.

Ding Ala:Mr. Zhang,you are great. Compared with you,I ...

Zhang Pingzi:Actually I have been studying earthquake for five years. I am making a seismograph(地震儀).

Ding Ala:Seismograph? Haha,I know! Are you ... Zhang Heng?

Zhang Pingzi:Yes,how do you know that? Both Zhang Heng and Zhang Pingzi are my names.

Ding Ala:Zhang Heng,Zhang Heng,the great scientist! How lucky I met you! I will never forget you!

Zhang Pingzi:I am far from“great”. Nice to meet you,too,Ding Ala.

Ding Ala:I have to leave now. Bye.

Zhang Pingzi:Bye. See you next time.

(Ding Ala rubs the magic lamp and the Genie 007 appears.)

Genie:Dear master,where are we going next?

Ding Ala:Take me back to my time. I have so much to learn. I will work more than ever. I will never be so proud,no more be so proud.

Genie:Wow,great. This is really my best time-travel experience ever!

Ding Ala:I feel wonderful,too.

Genie:Lets go!


Chapter 2 A walk to nowhere
《阿拉丁》 身份永远不能定义你自己
The Most Ferocious Wolf