China’s Audacious and Inventive New Generation of Entrepreneurs


英语世界 2018年5期

“New era, new revolution. I am a MAKER2maker本义为生产者、制造商,近年来“创客”成为流行语,专指具有创新理念、自主创业的人。, for the hearts of the dream.” So goes a rallying cry3rallying cry(团结众人的)战斗口号。carved in giant letters on the wall of a warehouse in Shekou, a seaside enclave4enclave本义为飞地,此处指工业区、开发区。near Hong Kong. Many of China’s most promising entrepreneurs flocked there recently for a conference organised by TechCrunch5科技类博客,主要报道新兴互联网公司、评论互联网新产品,是美国互联网产业的风向标。, a technology publisher from Silicon Valley. Yet Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent—established Chinese internet giants collectively known as the BAT—were overshadowed by upstarts such as Didi Chuxing, a ride-hailing firm that chased America’s Uber away from China, and Ofo, a bike-sharing startup that is going global.


[2] They are part of a new wave of inventive young firms emerging from China. A few years ago, Chinese innovation meant copycats and counterfeits. The driving force is now an audacious, talented and globally minded generation of entrepreneurs.Investors are placing big bets on them.Around $77bn of venture-capital (VC)investment poured into Chinese firms from 2014 to 2016, up from $12bn between 2011 and 2013.

[3] China’s 89 unicorns6unicorn神话动物,在投资界用来指那些估值达到10亿美元及以上的初创企业,因其如独角兽般稀有而高贵。(startups valued at $1bn or more) are worth over $350bn, by one recent estimate,approaching the combined valuation of America’s.

[4] Gone are the “C2C” (copy to China) and “JGE” (just good enough) strategies of their parochial7parochial地方性的;狭隘的。predecessors. China’s nimble new innovators are using world-class technologies from supercomputing to gene editing. Having established themselves in the cut-throat8cut-throat 割喉的,残酷竞争的,形容竞争之激烈。mainland market, many are heading abroad.

[5] There are two main reasons why China’s determined entrepreneurs can expand their businesses rapidly.First, the economy, the world’s second largest, is big enough to let fi rms attain huge scale just by succeeding at home.It helps that language and culture are more homogeneous9homogeneous由同类事物(或人)组成的。than in Europe and physical infrastructure (such as roads and wireless broadband) is new and excellent, unlike in America.





[6] Second, Chinese shoppers are voracious10voracious渴求新知的,求知欲强的,形容购买欲强。and venturesome, an advantage to innovators with clever products but unfamiliar brands. They are also unusually eager to embrace technology. China’s penetration rates11penetration rate渗透率,产品(服务)拥有(使用)者的比例,用来衡量普及程度。for mobile phones and broadband internet are high, making it easy for startups to reach a vast market cheaply. And China is rapidly becoming cashless. The volume of mobile payments shot up almost fourfold in 2016, to $8.6trn, compared with just $112bn in America. This is why China breeds financial-technology startups so quickly and is home to many of the world’s most valuable fintech fi rms. Ant Financial, spun out of Alibaba,may be worth more than $60bn.


Moving at China speed

[7] The government’s willingness to support new ventures hastens innovation in areas such as transport.David Frey of KPMG, a consultancy,believes that it has played a useful role as a “market-maker12market-maker〈商〉(股市上的)旺市制造者,做市商。”, one reason why China is far ahead of America in both electric-vehicle (EV) registrations and the number of charging facilities. A recent announcement of an eventual ban on petrol engines (probably after 2030) could help to secure a long-term lead in the global EV market. But the most useful change was a decision to allow venture-backed startups without previous carmaking experience to enter a field previously dominated by inept fi rms cranking out13crank out粗制滥造。subpar EVs.

[8] Consider Nio, a three-year-old automotive company. Its headquarters and research centre are tucked away14be tucked away坐落在,位于(僻静的地方)。in a huge complex of low-rise buildings in Shanghai’s Jiading district, a cluster15cluster(产业)集群。that aspires to become the Detroit of China. It is the brainchild of Li Bin,one of China’s most formidable serial entrepreneurs16seriall entrepreneur 连续创业者(指不断成立新公司的企业家)。. He made a fortune through BitAuto, a pioneering online platform for buying and selling cars. He also conceived and launched Mobike,Ofo’s main rival in the booming bike-sharing market, and is still its chairman. Nio, backed by the country’s

most astute early-stage investors17early-stage investor早期投资者。早期阶段投资是由风险资本机构在提供用于运营前研发的种子资本和新公司成立之初的创业融资时所进行的投资。,including China’s Hillhouse Capital and America’s Sequoia Capital, is valued at around $3bn. “From 2000 to 2017,”says Mr Li, “there was diminishing happiness from owning a car.” Traffic,pollution and accidents were to blame.




Driven by innovation

[9] His solution is to combine cloud computing, artificial intelligence and sensing technologies to advance autonomous driving. This will not end traf fi c jams, he reckons, but it can bestow on erstwhile18erstwhile 以前的;先前的。drivers the gift of free time in their cars.

[10] The firm employs people from 40 countries, some poached19poach〈美口〉物色高级人才。from established carmakers including Ford and Volkswagen. Nio has an affiliate in Silicon Valley headed by Padmasree Warrior, a former chief technology officer of Cisco, which plans to raise funds as an independent entity this year. “We consider ourselves a global startup because we want to solve global problems,” Mr Li re fl ects.





[12] That has been a boon to Didi.With a reported valuation of $50bn, it is the world’s most valuable startup after Uber. Didi’s investors include Japan’s SoftBank, all the BAT companies, as well as Apple. Didi is far more than a smartphone app for hailing cars,explains Connie Chan of Andreessen Horowitz, an American VC firm.The willingness of local consumers to experiment has helped shape its business model.

[13] Didi runs car pools, minibuses and buses in addition to taxis and luxury cars. It has services for the elderly and can send a driver to take you home in your own car. The fi rm provides about 20m rides a day in China, several times the number managed by Uber worldwide. Didi hopes to use AI to predict a customer’s transport needs,be that for cars, public transport or bicycles. Its platform offers 200,000 EVs, a figure set to rise to 1m within a few years, and it plans to promote autonomous cars heavily.




[14] “We’re de fi nitely going global,”declares Jean Liu, Didi’s president.Her firm owns stakes in ride-hailing services worldwide, from India’s Ola20印度最大的在线打车服务商。and South-East Asia’s Grab21格步,东南亚最大的移动出行平台。to Brazil’s 9922巴西本地移动出行服务商。and America’s Lyft23美国共享出行公司。. In July Didi and SoftBank ploughed $2bn into Grab.In August the Chinese upstart invested in two Uber clones, Estonia’s Taxify,which serves Europe and Africa, and Dubai’s Careem, which operates in the Middle East.

[15] Didi’s success shows how local companies can cause global disruptions with sharing-economy services roadtested in China. The country’s urbanites already use smartphones to rent umbrellas, mobile-phone chargers,basketballs and other necessities for a small fee. The firms behind such services are pioneering the use of micropayments and credit verification using analysis of social media.



Fast-mover advantage

[16] Some inefficient state-dominated industries are being upended. China’s logistics sector was roughly equal to 15% of GDP in 2016, costlier even than in Brazil or India. Many of the lorries owned by individuals miss out on jobs because they lack information about potential new loads. This is changing fast. Richard Zhang, the finance chief of logistics-technology unicorn Huochebang, estimates that the emptyload rate in China is 40%, well above the American level. Huochebang’s online marketplace matches drivers with loads at no charge (though he expects this service to become the main earner once the firm starts levying24levy征收。fees).It also offers lorry sales and leasing,insurance and fi nancial services.

[17] Older fi rms often stuck with the familiar home market, but the best new ones are born global and have the world in their sights. Many have founders educated abroad; others are backed by foreign venture capitalists. Edward Tse,an expert on Chinese innovation, argues that local startups have world-class people and technology at their disposal:“They know much more about what is going on in Silicon Valley or Israel than do Europeans.”

[18] The country’s vast and growing market, its urban hyper-density and its legions25legion大批。of tech-hungry and freespending26free-spending 挥霍无度的,消费无节制的,挥金如土的。young people provide a better proving ground for aspiring global entrepreneurs than do the stagnant markets of the developed world.





[19] China’s new entrepreneurs are clearly on the ascendancy but there are plenty of ways in which they could yet stumble. Outside factors such as a sharp recession or banking crisis could lead to a panicky venture-capital bust. Many new fi rms, such as those in online fi nance and the sharing economy,operate in grey areas that are vulnerable to regulatory whim. Even the popular bike-sharing firms could one day find their business models undermined by arbitrary new rules.

[20] The high-octane27high-octane充满活力的;强有力的。nature of innovation in China may also make for a bumpy ride. The spectacular rise of some firms could be mirrored by the precipitous28precipitous骤然的。fall of others. Even so, there are good reasons to think that the best of the bunch29the best of the bunch一批或一群中的最佳者。will overcome such obstacles and in time enhance competition and provide better goods and services everywhere. Because so many well-funded fi rms are chasing so many novel ideas so quickly, the battlehardened30battle-hardened久经沙场的;身经百战的。winners will become worldbeaters. ■


[20]中国富有活力的创新活动也可能走上崎岖不平的旅途。一些企业的华丽崛起或许映射着其他企业的陡然衰落。虽然如此,我们仍有充分的理由认为,其中的佼佼者将会克服这些障碍,适时增强竞争实力,在方方面面提供更好的产品和服务。因为有如此之多得到充足资金支持的企业,在如此迅捷地追逐如此之多的新创意,所以身经百战的胜利者必将天下无敌。 □

