两相导通BLDCM DTC电压空间矢量分析


电机与控制学报 2018年3期

杨建飞 胡育文 刘建 邱鑫 郭勇 窦一平

摘 要:兩相导通无刷直流电机直接转矩控制(BLDCM DTC)系统中电压空间矢量的正确定义和选择直接影响电机的控制性能。提出了适用于两相导通无刷直流电机中的电压空间矢量(包括正矢量、反矢量、零矢量)定义方法,并指出由于电感电流的连续性以及续流二极管的存在,开关管全关条件下作用在电机上的电压空间矢量并非零矢量,而是前一时刻所选择的正矢量对应的反矢量。在一套无刷直流电机DTC实验平台上进行了对比实验分析,得到了正矢量、反矢量、零矢量对电磁转矩变化的影响规律,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性,并由此提出了一种两相导通BLDCM DTC系统的实用设计方法。



中图分类号:TM 761 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2018)00-0000-00(编辑填写)

Abstract: The correct definition and selection of voltage spacial vectors affect the performance in two-phase conduction brushless DC motor (BLDCM) direct torque control (DTC) system directly. The definition method of voltage spacial vectors (including positive vector, negative vector and zero vector) suitable for two-phase conduction brushless DC motor is proposed. For the continuity of the inductor current and freewheeling diode ,all-off voltage spacial vector is not a zero voltage spacial vector but the negative voltage spacial vector. Experimental results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis, and a two-phase conduction BLDCM DTC system design method is presented.

Keywords: brushless DC motor; direct torque control; voltage spacial vector;torque