

电机与控制学报 2018年3期

鲁家栋 刘景林

摘 要:針对内置式永磁同步电机低速无位置传感器控制相关问题,在分析内置式永磁同步电机动态数学模型的基础上,提出了一种基于高频信号注入法的转子位置估计方法。通过向电机的控制电压中叠加一个三相对称高频电压信号,对三相电流响应信号进行带通滤波,得到高频电流分量,利用最小二乘算法提取三相高频电流响应的幅值大小,并经过特定算法提取出转子位置。该算法运算量小,估计误差低,易于实现,对电机参数变化不敏感,鲁棒性强,对一台内置式永磁同步电机无位置运行的实验结果表明转子位置提取算法的有效性,根据工作状态的不同,检测误差会有所不同,但误差限都控制在6°(电角度)以内,平均检测误差都小于3°(电角度)。



中图分类号:TM 351 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2018)00-0000-00(编辑填写)

Abstract: On the basis of analyzing the mathematic model of the interior permanent magnet synchronous machine, a novel rotor position estimation scheme based on high-frequency injection (HFI) is suggested, which will meet the need of low-speed sensorless control of IPMSM. In the proposed method, a three-phase symmetrical high-frequency voltage signal is superimposed in the control voltage first, then the high-frequency current component is obtained by band-pass filtering of the three-phase current signal, and the amplitude of the three-phase high-frequency current response is extracted by least square algorithm, finally the rotor position is obtained. The mathematical processing algorithm operation is small and the algorithm is easy to implement, the estimation error is small, robustness is strong. The experimental results show that the proposed estimation method for rotor position is correct. The error limits are controlled within 6° (in electrical degree), the average detection error is less than 3° (in electrical degree), which will bring a practical value in engineering.

Keywords: interior permanent magnet synchronous motor; sensorless; high-frequency signal injection; saliency tracking; amplitude extraction